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user 22184

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Aug 28, 2020
Hello everyone. Thanks for your warm welcome. I'm Madcatman, a cat-obsessed man, and I have been watching QVC for the last five years. I discovered this forum recently and it's a hoot! I'm really enjoying reading your posts and I'm glad I'm not the only one with quite strong likes and dislikes. Although I think most of the presenters and demonstrators on QVC do a great job, unfortunatley some of them have begun to grind my gears and I sometimes find myself swearing out loud at the telly as they gabble or trot out yet another made-up story about their experience of whatever product they're flogging that hour.

Here are some of my likes/dislikes.

Tommy the hunky gardener - [Censored] ... and twice on Sunday! ;)
Tova - Classy.
Julia Roberts - I find her likeable, and she loves cats too.
Craig - Likeable and that Bristolian accent... I could listen all day.
Miceal - Seems a little shy and I find that attractive.
Lorna the demonstrator - Comes across as warm and believeable.
Catherine Huntley - Relaxing to watch, although I can see she's not popular on this forum.

Charlie Brooke - Smarmy.
Cozee Home brand ambassador - possibly my dislike is irrational.
The strident Lakeland demonstrator - her voice goes through me.
Ann Dawson - I generally like Scottish accents, but hers puts me on edge.
Simon Biagi - I don't believe a word he says.
Kelly Hoppen - Very scary and her balls are probably bigger than mine.
The sonic toothbrush demonstrator this evening who looks like she's never used one!
The presenter with the fangs.
Alison Keenan - I get stressed when I keep missing what she's said because she said it so quickly. She never takes a breath!
Debbie Flint - The hard sell is a turnoff for me.

Wow! That's a lot of dislikes there.

Thanks for listening.
Hi and welcome. Here`s a photo of the newest family member. He`s called Moth and lives with my grand daughters. This was taken about 3 weeks ago so he`s grown a bit since then.
Welcome to the forum! I agree with a fair few of your choices. Don’t mind Julia and Catherine. Kelly Hoppen - nail hit firmly on the head there- she might well be a very nice person, but she comes across as a “hard boiled bitch”! “Fangs” presenter? I’m guessing you mean Katy P - she’s got a “quirky smile “ but she’s very pretty I think and doesn’t get on my nerves like some of them. Most of my pet hates on the Q are the “designers”/ brand ambassadors and this is ‘cause they’re bringing us crap ... and they know it! Melissa (MW), Ruth Langsford and the worst offender of them all - Michele Hope - (Barbie’s nan) She’ll happily sit perched on her high stool beside a rail full of those garish nylon coats that the hairdresser used to pop over you back in the 70s/80’s and describe them as beautiful items of fashion and charge £50 for them - in your dreams Chelle! She says she’s Q’s most long running designer 26 years- It looks like she’s been locked up in a cupboard for that long, and so do the clothes for that matter. They get wheeled out every now and then. I guess when it all runs out they “ll lock the cupboard for good and send her back to the 70’s!
Hello everyone. Thanks for your warm welcome. I'm Madcatman, a cat-obsessed man, and I have been watching QVC for the last five years. I discovered this forum recently and it's a hoot! I'm really enjoying reading your posts and I'm glad I'm not the only one with quite strong likes and dislikes. Although I think most of the presenters and demonstrators on QVC do a great job, unfortunatley some of them have begun to grind my gears and I sometimes find myself swearing out loud at the telly as they gabble or trot out yet another made-up story about their experience of whatever product they're flogging that hour.

Here are some of my likes/dislikes.

Tommy the hunky gardener - [Censored] ... and twice on Sunday! ;)
Tova - Classy.
Julia Roberts - I find her likeable, and she loves cats too.
Craig - Likeable and that Bristolian accent... I could listen all day.
Miceal - Seems a little shy and I find that attractive.
Lorna the demonstrator - Comes across as warm and believeable.
Catherine Huntley - Relaxing to watch, although I can see she's not popular on this forum.

Charlie Brooke - Smarmy.
Cozee Home brand ambassador - possibly my dislike is irrational.
The strident Lakeland demonstrator - her voice goes through me.
Ann Dawson - I generally like Scottish accents, but hers puts me on edge.
Simon Biagi - I don't believe a word he says.
Kelly Hoppen - Very scary and her balls are probably bigger than mine.
The sonic toothbrush demonstrator this evening who looks like she's never used one!
The presenter with the fangs.
Alison Keenan - I get stressed when I keep missing what she's said because she said it so quickly. She never takes a breath!
Debbie Flint - The hard sell is a turnoff for me.

Wow! That's a lot of dislikes there.

Thanks for listening.

Welcome WCM you’ll love it here. I agree with all your dislikes, but well, your likes we’ll have to agree to disagree. 🤔😃
Hi Madcatman and welcome from another (nearly) newbie. They're a great bunch here, you'll find support, strong opinions, laughs, tears, grumbles, rows - much like any family, in fact.

From one cat person to another - there can never be too much kittie cuteness. 🐱 I adore cats but sadly I'm allergic to their fur so I can't have one of my own. Are we either cat people or dog people?
I think loads can be both but possibly if push came to shove they would come down on one side or the other.

We didn’t have pets as children and both working full time we never thought it fair to leave a dog alone all day but have had cats over the years. Just love the wee blighters but find big dogs make me nervous as I’m not used to them (or maybe something in my childhood?).

MCM your list is interesting especially coming from a different perspective - as a long time viewer the rose tinted specs have long gone and I detest most of them and barely tolerate the rest, but then I’m a grumpy old git!
Hi and welcome. Here`s a photo of the newest family member. He`s called Moth and lives with my grand daughters. This was taken about 3 weeks ago so he`s grown a bit since then.
View attachment 19471
Awww what a little darling .. just like my Katie we had many years ago and now our son has one called Peggy .. love his name 🤩
Hi and welcome mcm. You already know the forum is great. It’s informative, entertaining and supportive. I love that it’s funny and critical but always just the right side of too offensive. I also love the way a thread often leads on to interesting debates and personal stories. Enjoy!
Hello everyone. Thanks for your warm welcome. I'm Madcatman, a cat-obsessed man, and I have been watching QVC for the last five years. I discovered this forum recently and it's a hoot! I'm really enjoying reading your posts and I'm glad I'm not the only one with quite strong likes and dislikes. Although I think most of the presenters and demonstrators on QVC do a great job, unfortunatley some of them have begun to grind my gears and I sometimes find myself swearing out loud at the telly as they gabble or trot out yet another made-up story about their experience of whatever product they're flogging that hour.

Here are some of my likes/dislikes.

Tommy the hunky gardener - [Censored] ... and twice on Sunday! ;)
Tova - Classy.
Julia Roberts - I find her likeable, and she loves cats too.
Craig - Likeable and that Bristolian accent... I could listen all day.
Miceal - Seems a little shy and I find that attractive.
Lorna the demonstrator - Comes across as warm and believeable.
Catherine Huntley - Relaxing to watch, although I can see she's not popular on this forum.

Charlie Brooke - Smarmy.
Cozee Home brand ambassador - possibly my dislike is irrational.
The strident Lakeland demonstrator - her voice goes through me.
Ann Dawson - I generally like Scottish accents, but hers puts me on edge.
Simon Biagi - I don't believe a word he says.
Kelly Hoppen - Very scary and her balls are probably bigger than mine.
The sonic toothbrush demonstrator this evening who looks like she's never used one!
The presenter with the fangs.
Alison Keenan - I get stressed when I keep missing what she's said because she said it so quickly. She never takes a breath!
Debbie Flint - The hard sell is a turnoff for me.

Wow! That's a lot of dislikes there.

Thanks for listening.
Hi *waves*!
Yeah,the sonic toothbrush wench is far too shrill...volume🔇 top tip on here: stand your ground some folk think they know everything,apart from that it is a hoot😉
Hi and welcome. Here`s a photo of the newest family member. He`s called Moth and lives with my grand daughters. This was taken about 3 weeks ago so he`s grown a bit since then.
View attachment 19471
Absolutely gorgeous ❤

Hi Madcatman and welcome from another (nearly) newbie. They're a great bunch here, you'll find support, strong opinions, laughs, tears, grumbles, rows - much like any family, in fact.

From one cat person to another - there can never be too much kittie cuteness. 🐱 I adore cats but sadly I'm allergic to their fur so I can't have one of my own. Are we either cat people or dog people?
I'm both but I'm married to a runner & dogs make him twitchy because he's been chased a fair few times over the years. I know that I shouldn't find this amusing but I do :ROFLMAO: If a time comes when I'm on my own I'm going to replace my Mr T with a retired greyhound called Dorothy, even if it's a male!
I don’t think anyone thinks they know everything just have a different opinion and god it would be a bloody awful forum if we were Stepford wives! Possibly not for the thin skinned but everyone is made welcome.

If you need to know anything about anything the members will move heaven and earth to help as many will attest to.

It has gone so beyond Q as in the main most of us watch less than an hour per week but at one time watched for a good part of everyday.
Hi Madcatman , We are cat people in our house as well. We have 5 and 2 strays that visit twice a day. Try to get them in the house when the weather is bad, but they just won't have it.

Everyone here has different opinions on different things on Q and that's what great. Sometimes I just have to laugh at things that are said, it's brilliant. The people on here are just lovely. 😸

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