Catherine Huntley

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Deleted member 3549

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Catherine is looking great on TV at mo. Lovely outfit and great hair/extensions.

Have I missed something...there is a sparkler on her wedding ring finger. Maybes its just a diamonique special she wearing or has she reunited with Mr Wales??

She looks well anyway
... silence is golden...

Sorry, can't be silent. Don't care what she looks like, it's her presentation "skills" I can't stand. Have jut watched as much as I can stand of her presenting the breezies bras, and she's so fake, slightly sleazy, and basically just so sickly over the top that it's seriously uncomfortable to watch. I actually saw a bit of the same stuff yesterday presented by Anne Dawson and she was so comfortable in herself and professional in her presentation. Nuff said.
Sorry, but I thought her hair looked awful. I don't like it when hair extensions look obvious, and today it was clear where her hair ended and the extensions began.
I take it back, unless she has snared a multi millionaire the ring on her finger has to be diamonique!! Its too big to be real!
Sorry, but I thought her hair looked awful. I don't like it when hair extensions look obvious, and today it was clear where her hair ended and the extensions began.

Maybe Chuntley's New Best Friend (La Bibby) has been putting her crafting skills to good use and has taken to gluing her old extensions into Chuntley's hair? :devil:
I've always thought she's a lovely looking gal and thought the extensions were quite well done. Couldnt see the join. Very pretty.:sun:
It doesn't take long for a complimentary thread to turn into an insulting one, does it?
It doesn't take long for a complimentary thread to turn into an insulting one, does it?

The thread's called "Catherine Huntley". I would take that to mean it's for people to post their opinions regarding the fragrant Ms Huntley, whatever they may be.

If it was called the "We Love Catherine Huntley" thread, then I'd agree with you :cheeky:
The thread's called "Catherine Huntley". I would take that to mean it's for people to post their opinions regarding the fragrant Ms Huntley, whatever they may be.

If it was called the "We Love Catherine Huntley" thread, then I'd agree with you :cheeky:

People are, I'm sure, free to post whatever they like. I assumed that since the first post was complimentary then those that followed might take that as their lead. I was wrong. I didn't start the thread, I'm not making a judgement on its purpose. I was just pointing out that it doesn't take very long for a complimentary thread to become an uncomplimentary one. Which it doesn't. I'm sorry if this all seems a bit goodey-two-shoes, and maybe it caught me on a 'bad' day, but sometimes I find it a bit depressing that the more negative and critical forum members (not just on this one) are more prolific posters than the positive ones.
Just caught sight of CH & think she looks very good.I am not a real fan as I find her too sickly sweet but noticed the hair extensions & am not such an expert to see the joins! She also looks very slim? If our beloved JR is a 10/12 where does that leave CH? Hope she has got a man Welsh or otherwise that appreciates her--- she should be 'playing the field'.
I wonder whether AY will give em a tug (the 'stensions I mean) as she does with Mally?

Jude xx
I prefer her with her sleek bob, the extensions were far too long and straggly and are a bit more teenage girl like than a woman in her late 30's/

She looks amazing facially and her clothes were lovely but during the breezies show, she made me itch all over. I hate that sickly sweetness, the perma smile and the sleezy talk about the bra's. They were just normal bra's for under normal clothing, we don't need them to be sexualised up because its valentines day on monday, if it was a la perla show then yes but regular bra's, well we don't really need them to be sexed up.
Thought she looked lovely. Her extensions suit her. She does come across as a bit gushy sometimes but she probably can't think of anything to say.
People are, I'm sure, free to post whatever they like. I assumed that since the first post was complimentary then those that followed might take that as their lead. I was wrong. I didn't start the thread, I'm not making a judgement on its purpose. I was just pointing out that it doesn't take very long for a complimentary thread to become an uncomplimentary one. Which it doesn't. I'm sorry if this all seems a bit goodey-two-shoes, and maybe it caught me on a 'bad' day, but sometimes I find it a bit depressing that the more negative and critical forum members (not just on this one) are more prolific posters than the positive ones.

That's not necessarily the case: this is a fairly new thread and not everyone may know it's here.

There's always the case that not everyone may feel the need to post: there have been a number of complimentary threads in the past (I even started one about Jill Franks, and I'm not her biggest fan by any means!), so maybe people feel "talked out".

Where it becomes negative is where people start trying to browbeat others into not posting their opinions. Everyone is different, so their experiences of QVC are going to be different. If it all became a massive love-in or a hate site then it would be boring.

I think most people who post want QVC to work, and just get frustrated at repetitive faults that could so easily be fixed.
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People are, I'm sure, free to post whatever they like. I assumed that since the first post was complimentary then those that followed might take that as their lead. I was wrong. I didn't start the thread, I'm not making a judgement on its purpose. I was just pointing out that it doesn't take very long for a complimentary thread to become an uncomplimentary one. Which it doesn't. I'm sorry if this all seems a bit goodey-two-shoes, and maybe it caught me on a 'bad' day, but sometimes I find it a bit depressing that the more negative and critical forum members (not just on this one) are more prolific posters than the positive ones.

And actually, the opposite is often true. A very recent thread about the Frank Usher guest started fairly negatively ( and the thread starter (Bensmum) had the absolute right to her opinion), only for it to end up as an appreciation thread, as the majority of us seemed to really like the guest concerned. All opinions were welcome, all shared pleasantly, without criticising each other for taking up a contrary stance.
Not Catherine's best look IMO as I prefer her more sophisticated styles, but good on her for trying something different and not getting stuck in a rut! She's a good looking woman and still young enough to have a bit of fun with her hair.
And actually, the opposite is often true. A very recent thread about the Frank Usher guest started fairly negatively ( and the thread starter (Bensmum) had the absolute right to her opinion), only for it to end up as an appreciation thread, as the majority of us seemed to really like the guest concerned. All opinions were welcome, all shared pleasantly, without criticising each other for taking up a contrary stance.

Like I said, everyone here has an equal right to their opinions. Perhaps it is true that negative threads do get countered with positive posts. I've been away for a few days so haven't followed the Frank Usher thread. Recently, however, my experience of this, and other, forums has been that ultimately most threads become an outlet for negative comments about individuals. If this was just about their work, I probably wouldn't comment, but so often it comes down to quite insulting and personal comments. I'm now not just speaking specifically about this thread, but about threads in general. I'm not criticising anyone for not 'loving' Catherine, or any one else for that matter, but I sometimes find the way in which some posters criticize presenters and guests quite rude, particularly when it comes down to remarks about their personality or physical appearance. It's just my opinion. Maybe, I'm over-sensitive. That's just me.
I was on leave this pm and caught some of that show. I think she is an attractive woman, however I simply cannot warm to her presenting style. I find her far too silly and don't trust what she says. I make up my own mind when she is on air or ask others.

What I would like to add to this debate is it's an open forum so all takers welcome. I have had threads that have been totally ignored and others warmly embraced. Do I take my ignored threads as a slight? Absolutely not, if it ain't of interest then so be it and vice versa! :happy:
She isn't one of my favourites either, but I thought she did look quite nice today. It is most definitely her presenting style that has me rushing for the off button and not her looks.
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