Catheirne Huntley Weight Loss


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Thanks for replying I was genuinely interested!

Kicking-boxing classes are full of women - I would even say majority female.
Not sure what you mean exactly, but I for one took some classes to protect myself after an attack, and I’ve always been described as feminine (whatever is meant by that!)

Think women should be able to partake in any sport they so choose, and thankfully most, at least in the UK/West, have increasingly got access - whether or not I would want to!
I think we all know what is meant by being feminine it is a lovely thing to be. I have no problems with women taking up these classes for protection. I did not say she kick bixed, she put boxing gloves on and boxed, I think if she said she was into kick bixing as a sport and hobby might be different, but that's not what she said. She said it was her hobby, however. It does not help that I just don't like how she comes across, indeed, I would love to know the interview process at QVC
It is Thai Boxing she does
Yes I had a quick peep at her Instagram and quickly ascertained it was Muay Thai that she does - just couldn’t face coming back on it at the time!

Only assumed kick-boxing bc it’s the only form I could think of where she could have attained a black belt.

Muay Thai is called a martial art by some but think it’s really an amalgamation of westernised Thai boxing and kick-boxing.

Anyway, good for her! 🥊
there is no sport a woman cannot do.
Which means that no sport is specifically "masculine" or "feminine". So women shouldn't be attacked for doing sports that were considered open to men only decades ago.

Otherwise, what next? Women get attacked for doing traditionally "male only" jobs? Or for getting jobs in the first place? For going out to vote? Or for daring to have opinions at all.

Perhaps women should just stay home, look pretty, and be tied to the oven and drop sprogs on a regular basis. With shopping telly on in the background, obviously.
I wondered about that too. Someone gets Ozempic to lose weight off the internet (surely doctors won't just prescribe it for vanity?), loses stones and then what? If they stop taking it does the weight just go straight back on and if you keep taking it (forever?) does it damage organs or have other side effects? I'm assuming if you take it for diabetes then it's doing a job to lower blood sugar, however, if your blood sugar was normal to start with will the drug make it dangerously low? Could that eventually kill you? All genuine questions.

These are good questions. There have been a few studies, and the fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of people regain most of the weight they've lost once the treatment stops. One study (a 2021 trial called 'Step 1) found that, on average, after patients lost about 15% of their body weight whilst on semaglutide, the vast majority of them regained two-thirds of their lost weight. They also regained the weight much more quickly than they lost it - most of the regain was in the first three to six months. Another study found that in 800 people who lost 11% of their weight over four months gained 7% back again once the injections stop.

It's a relatively new treatment for obesity, but the theory is that these drugs work on specific regions in the brain to suppress appetite. However, the 'wrong' appetite (i.e. the propensity to overeat) is still 'wired' in the brain, and the drugs are simply masking it - temporarily disabling it. Once the drugs stop, the suppression stops and the appetite returns with a vengeance. Worse, there is a theory that it actually increases appetite compared to pre drug treatment levels.

Regain is the main problem with weight loss. Every treatment (with the exception of bariatric surgery, which is still the 'gold standard' treatment for obesity) results in the overwhelming majority of patents regaining all of their weight loss within five years. Only about 5% of people manage to keep the weight off longterm. If semaglutide and the other GLP-1 agonists in the pipeline could be taken permanently (in the same way that drugs for high blood pressure are), then they might be able to be considered a cure - but they are only licensed to be taken for 2 years at the moment for weight loss. All drugs have side effects, and there needs to be more work to understand what the consequences might be in taking these drugs for life. Meanwhile, I think there are going to be a lot of disappointed people once their two years are up. Unless there have been fundamental changes in their relationship with food, including learning portion control, what and how to eat and dealing with any emotional issues around food (which most obese people have), then the fundamental reason for the obesity remains unchanged - and the patient is inevitably going to regain all their lost weight.
Really good post Craftalot. I'm a tiny eater, i just cannot eat massive portions of food so never really had a big weight problem. I was really ill and lost a lot of weight then when I was recovering all the weight came back plus more and as I was nowhere near as active as before I had to lower my food intake. I didn't find it hard and I don't eat much if any sweet stuff day to day. I do sympathise with people desperate to lose weight quickly but there does need to be more put out there on how these drugs can affect you long term.

Thanks for replying I was genuinely interested!

Kicking-boxing classes are full of women - I would even say majority female.
Not sure what you mean exactly, but I for one took some classes to protect myself after an attack, and I’ve always been described as feminine (whatever is meant by that!)

Think women should be able to partake in any sport they so choose, and thankfully most, at least in the UK/West, have increasingly got access - whether or not I would want to!

You are absolutely correct. Women should be able to play in any sport they choose. And with the England women's football and cricket teams gaining so much support more women and girls are taking up sport.

But along came certain men and boys and, once again, have spoiled it for them. If they're not 'identifying' into the changing rooms or smashing women's records (Lia Thomas and Emily Bridges are just two mediocre males in their sport that have taken titles from women in the female category), there are women and girls being seriously hurt by men like Francesca Needham (broke a woman's knee, stepped down after it hit the news then wanted to sue the club for discrimination! The lovely Fallon Fox who broke his opponent's skull then in true ladylike style bragged about it online).

The ick factor of men like Lia Thomas sharing the women's changing room, staring creepily and parading around naked rather than simply getting dressed, was only brought up after Riley Gaines spoke out. Women and girls are afraid to complain about males like this but I will never understand why fathers, granddads, brothers, husbands just sit back and allow it.
What happened to the good old Tape Worm? It was used for years by celebs to lose weight, they swallow the eggs in a glass of water. They hatched, grew in your stomach, ate your food.

Someone I worked with also had a cleaning job in a pub and found a giant tape worm floating in the ladies toilets. She kept saying it was the size of an anaconda.

I found a massive load of segments in my pony's manure when I was a kid. I never missed a worming schedule since! Lice season would roll around every spring so as soon as the rub patches appeared in her winter coat, I'd be armed with a puffer tub of Malathion dust where an hour later and looking like I'd fallen in a flour hopper, I'd be met at the back door, stripped naked by my mum and sent to the bath she'd run ready for me (complete with Matey bubbles). My clothes would be picked up by an old pair of laundry tongs and boiled to death.

I bet mum wishes she could have done that with me as she had a dread of lice and fleas not to mention 'black pads' (no idea what they are but mum was terrified of them as they'd scuttle out of the fireplace when she'd black lead the grate). I've been parasite phobic ever since. I also used to wonder why I was the only one in our family with asthma. Now I'd take a fair guess at it being all the Malathion dust I breathed in!
You are absolutely correct. Women should be able to play in any sport they choose. And with the England women's football and cricket teams gaining so much support more women and girls are taking up sport.

But along came certain men and boys and, once again, have spoiled it for them. If they're not 'identifying' into the changing rooms or smashing women's records (Lia Thomas and Emily Bridges are just two mediocre males in their sport that have taken titles from women in the female category), there are women and girls being seriously hurt by men like Francesca Needham (broke a woman's knee, stepped down after it hit the news then wanted to sue the club for discrimination! The lovely Fallon Fox who broke his opponent's skull then in true ladylike style bragged about it online).

The ick factor of men like Lia Thomas sharing the women's changing room, staring creepily and parading around naked rather than simply getting dressed, was only brought up after Riley Gaines spoke out. Women and girls are afraid to complain about males like this but I will never understand why fathers, granddads, brothers, husbands just sit back and allow it.
On a different note, there's a 'gentleman's' club in London that has been around for more than a hundred years that, up until a few weeks ago, would not allow women to join. Now, after a vote, women are allowed to be members. They were permitted entrance previously, but only as guests. What woman would want to be put up for membership in this joint, I wonder??

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