Fashion...beep beep!


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Jun 24, 2008
Since my "fashion overhaul"...still loving it, I've been doing a lot of "people watching", and I've come to the conclusion I must live in a pretty chic town, of course you see the odd fashion disaster, but I've mostly seen some really stylish people, but there's some looks I really can't stand. I'd be interested to know what fashions you hate too. So far this is my list of no nos, apologies to those who love these things...each to their own of course

"Cold shoulder" tops and Bardot necklines...You can even get a combination of the two horrendous!

Pointless embellishment on clothing...Eg, a strip of fabric across the back of a summer dress..only serves to give a weird stripey tan, even saw someone wearing a dress with a strip of fabric across the neckline at the front, looked very odd indeed!, fake rhinestones and plastic cabochons stuck onto clothes, big chunky tie at the side of what would be a lovely summer top, making it unbalanced and hanging down and making the bottom half of the outfit look a mess!

Then there's the things that are made to look a bit more interesting but I think just look weird and unattractive......Tops with one strap that's attatched to the middle of the garment...just looks odd, Two splits up the middle of maxi skirts leaving a panel of fabric flapping in the middle, all you see is acres of flesh coming towards you, same with those button front maxi skirts that only have about 4 buttons and the rest is left flapping.....Of course all the young, skinny, tanned teenagers will look ok with this, they'd look good in a bin bag! Trouble is most of the people you see don't fit that category!

Saw a few older ladies wearing amazing outfits, one in particular was wearing a linen checked yellow and white summer dress with white sandals and was carrying a straw shopper she looked absolutely fantastic, totally simple and totally chic! She'd have been well into her sixties.

C'mon guys and girls what fashion makes you cringe?!
Handkerchief hems...No, they don't make you look like an ethereal fairy, it looks like you've just had to tear the bottom of your skirt out of a moving escalator or lawnmower!

Chain straps, not even on evening wear - They don't make an outfit look classy - Far from it!

Shoe boots...just horrible!
Less than slender women squeezing themselves into leggings that leave nothing to the imagination.

The cold shoulder look on tops and dresses.
I've always thought that those sandals with straps or ties half way up the leg always look a bit trashy! Saggy old cleavage on show doesn't look great either (swimwear excepted) and that goes for the fellas too lol! (and definitely not in speedos) I know it's a personal thing but I've never sought to show any cleavage, I really don't think its that attractive on anybody. I know some girls are blessed in that department and can't avoid it, but those fake ones that look like they've been stuck on, and they're spilling out of a very tight top...ewww!

I love butterflies don't get me wrong, but is it me? but I think butterflies on clothing look a bit naff, but birds look cute and quirky!
I'm another voter against cold shoulder tops.
I also don't like batwing sleeves (how do you put a jacket on top??).
I dislike overly fussy looking clothes, and particularly large amounts of lace or net trim on things - looks tawdry.
I'm not a fan of layered skirts - they were big in the 1980's... how we often rebel against what was the rage in our youth!

Sandals with socks (men tend to be more prone to this than women).
Shoes with socks on grown women has become a thing. Not my taste.

Cheap, thin leggings worn with tops which do not cover the posterior... thank you, I don't want to see the style or colour of your underwear (though I'll be thankful if you are wearing some)!

Going out and about in sleepwear. Keep it at home, thanks.

Mohair jumpers. Just annoying. And scratchy. I don't feel anyone looks good in them (just wait for them to become the must-buy of the season).

I'm also (sorry) not a fan of dungarees once you are out of infant school.
I'm another voter against cold shoulder tops.
I also don't like batwing sleeves (how do you put a jacket on top??).
I dislike overly fussy looking clothes, and particularly large amounts of lace or net trim on things - looks tawdry.
I'm not a fan of layered skirts - they were big in the 1980's... how we often rebel against what was the rage in our youth!

Sandals with socks (men tend to be more prone to this than women).
Shoes with socks on grown women has become a thing. Not my taste.

Cheap, thin leggings worn with tops which do not cover the posterior... thank you, I don't want to see the style or colour of your underwear (though I'll be thankful if you are wearing some)!

Going out and about in sleepwear. Keep it at home, thanks.

Mohair jumpers. Just annoying. And scratchy. I don't feel anyone looks good in them (just wait for them to become the must-buy of the season).

I'm also (sorry) not a fan of dungarees once you are out of infant school.

I'm so with you on the lace and net, and isn't tawdry just a wonderful word? Also layered skirts so very Michele Hope - Horrendous! Last horrendous shopping trip I went on with a couple of friends, one was looking for a new dress (as per lol) and so many looked really nice until she noticed all I can describe as a bed valance had been tacked on to the bottom - completely spoiling the line and the look of the dress - why?! Obviously this is the fashion right now. As are those plisse (micro pleated) culottes - look ok from the front, but I've yet to see a pair that doesn't get eaten by the wearer's backside, and I tell you, it's not even a good look on someone who's young and fit!
Waterfall cardigans - ugh They fit like a torniquet round the arms, then there's acres of flappy material flapping everywhere.
Had to laugh though as a friend has recently posted a pic of herself wearing a cold shoulder/bardot dress and a chain strapped handbag - oh dear!
Dungarees, generally with you on that one, though can look quite quirky on some people, but only some I must add!
Knackered leggings, shapeless skirts with feet poking out of the bottom like paddles - don't think you can class as fashion - This is for people (like myself up to fairly recently) for whom clothes are simply there to cover themselves up so they don't get arrested when they go out...though it could be argued that they should dressed like that!

I'm so with you on the lace and net, and isn't tawdry just a wonderful word? Also layered skirts so very Michele Hope - Horrendous! Last horrendous shopping trip I went on with a couple of friends, one was looking for a new dress (as per lol) and so many looked really nice until she noticed all I can describe as a bed valance had been tacked on to the bottom - completely spoiling the line and the look of the dress - why?! Obviously this is the fashion right now. As are those plisse (micro pleated) culottes - look ok from the front, but I've yet to see a pair that doesn't get eaten by the wearer's backside, and I tell you, it's not even a good look on someone who's young and fit!
Waterfall cardigans - ugh They fit like a torniquet round the arms, then there's acres of flappy material flapping everywhere.
Had to laugh though as a friend has recently posted a pic of herself wearing a cold shoulder/bardot dress and a chain strapped handbag - oh dear!
Dungarees, generally with you on that one, though can look quite quirky on some people, but only some I must add!
Knackered leggings, shapeless skirts with feet poking out of the bottom like paddles - don't think you can class as fashion - This is for people (like myself up to fairly recently) for whom clothes are simply there to cover themselves up so they don't get arrested when they go out...though it could be argued that they should dressed like that!

You have a brilliant turn of phrase, but I'm not sure I can forgive you for the one about the plisse culottes! :puke::mysmilie_507::puke:

Can I just also add white loafers on men, please?
Any white shoes on men don't look quite right...yuk! Classic clothes are called classic for a reason - They never go out of style! Can't believe all the hype over that spotty dress from Zara! "Zara has come up with this season's must have dress, and it's only £40"...Don't think £40 is particularly cheap, and the dress looks like a bloody tent, can't post a pic as my computer's on the blink. I see someone wearing it at least once a day - The charity shops are going to be full of them next year when people have decided that too much fabric is not a good look.
Agree with Pyjama Princess on the rips and tears....Not only do they look really scruffy...I'd never pay good money for something that looks like it belongs in a rubbish skip!
I'm not to keen on anything that's described as "statement" - It usually means "ugly"!
I have only worn a cold shoulder top once, on stage at school, when I was representing an American tourist in the gaudiest dress i could find as a costume!!!
I don't like them and never have, pointless!
I live in an area where fashion seems timeless, too. I went to my friend's daughter's 18th party 12 years ago and her 30th last month.

All the girls under 30 were VERY overweight and dressed in the now familiar too-small-therefore-see-through black (or sometimes white - even worse!) leggings or skinny jeans - again so tight the rips that were meant to be in them were squeezing lumps of flesh out of them. Honestly awful. Their thighs and bottoms made them look like chickens. Vapes replacing cigs for some, but all held while dancing. Seems like they're glued to their hands.

On top it appears they haven't moved on from a basque style. Laced up in the back with extra laces as the gap was almost completely across their backs. ****s jiggling out of the top, nipples on show after some had bent over. Some were boned and had flipped up at the bottom after they'd been sitting down.

I was embarrassed for them the first time, shocked this time as they're all that much older (and a bit fatter - aren't we all?).

Yes, I'm showing my age but once over the shock I felt really sad for them. They all seemed blissfully unaware of how bad they looked. Apart from how awful they looked all I could think of was how unhealthy they looked, too.
I think the summer's probably the worst season for the dodgy fashion to make it's appearance....I mean yes some of the "party girls" for the want of a better word will be walking around in next to nowt sporting blue arms and legs. Saw a lass on the train last night wearing a skintight bright orange dress with nothing left to the imagination...legs on show, midriff, ****s and I dare say back...Yep she had a lovely figure..but fgs wear a coat love!!!
Don't see this so much nowadays...but the fake uggs all trodden down so the girls are literally walking on their ankles!
Men’s more than half mast drainpipe trousers, no socks, loafers. What is all that about? It looks immature to me.
Cold shoulder tops I hate with a passion. See through leggings showing the pattern of the knickers or dreaded thong. I don’t understand going out in massive hair rollers either without a scarf. Peep toe boots, a contradiction! I better stop now :shutup:
is it that people don't have a critical eye and are convinced their look is totally trendy. Also, thinking about see through leggings, we don't have 360 mirrors in our homes so is it that they don't realise how visible their underpinnings are, but you surely can't miss a camel toe effect, shudder!?
is it that people don't have a critical eye and are convinced their look is totally trendy. Also, thinking about see through leggings, we don't have 360 mirrors in our homes so is it that they don't realise how visible their underpinnings are, but you surely can't miss a camel toe effect, shudder!?

Looking in a hand held mirror back to big mirror would be a start, or a real friend!
For some, they see the look in a fashion mag on a size zero model, or in a gossip mag on a favourite zleb.... And they want the look, without thinking about what would suit their own bodyshape. Fashion victims I would call them.

I'm not fussed about trends. I just want to be comfortable in what I'm wearing these days!
I've got the age now where I couldn't care less whether something is "on trend" or not, if I like it and I think it suits me I'll wear it. When I was a teenager, I had to have all the latest fashions, and usually the cheapest version I could get my hands on. I was fortunate in those days to be very those skintight Olivia Newton John trousers and **** tube looked great at the disco (or so I thought lol). However, growing up, the fashions I had to deal with were mainly not of the tight fitting, flesh revealing ilk. It was gypsy skirts worn with jelly shoes, checked hacking jackets - eeek! darkest blue straight cut jeans and corduroys, t shirts, jumpers or sweatshirts (hoodies weren't invented then!) We wore clogs with towelling ankle socks, a line midi skirts and "Simon" shirts. My early twenties saw the dreaded "Sam suit".....velour two piece which had to be worn with a number of gold necklaces, and you could almost guarantee that the larger lasses would choose a pale pink or white so they'd look like badly stuffed sausages.
That's one thing about being can dress to please yourself!
Still people watching....and I've come to the conclusion that most women you pass in the street aren't wearing anything you'd actually say to them "wow, you look nice", but they look ok in their non descript casuals. On the occasion you'll see someone who looks really stylish. I'll ignore the youngsters - they usually look good in anything, then your goths etc, they look good in their own special way. Today I saw a lady walking in front of me...she was about my age, perhaps a little older and she looked so stylish ...but omg, your choice of footwear can really make or break an outfit. She was wearing a pale pink brushed wool jumper with a v neck back, a pair of mid calf cut off jeans, they were flared but fit well around the backside and was carrying a nice canvas bag in complimentary tones...but on her feet a pair of( a la Julia Roberts) dirty running style trainers and ankle socks..and it totally ruined the look. My apologies if she's got bad feet..but I wanted to scream at her....ffs at least wear trainer socks! but better still wear clean fashionable trainers or better still a pair of birkies or pretty flip flops. The wrong shoes and a whole outfit will go to pot!

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