Butler and Wilson 11pm show


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I started this thread some time ago to comment on the Butler and Wilson hour now it has turned into something else. Can we not get back to the original intent?

Whilst I appreciate that you started this thread some time ago to comment on the B&W hour, you must also acknowledge that it was taken as the perfect opportunity to make an extremely nasty and hurtful post obviously aimed directly at me!
just caught up with this thread and i have to say that i am appalled that someone would be so small minded and nasty to use the forum in such a malicious way.

And Busylizzie... from your articulate,funny and generous and caring posts I certainly think you are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S daaahling!! xxxx
I am just reading this thread for the first time, and very suprised to see such a bitchy remark towards our luvvvely BL....
If anyone gives me anything, I will always appreciate the gift, as it comes from the heart.
Maybe this is why the poster has been silent over the last weeks?
I am just reading this thread for the first time, and very suprised to see such a bitchy remark towards our luvvvely BL....
If anyone gives me anything, I will always appreciate the gift, as it comes from the heart.
Maybe this is why the poster has been silent over the last weeks?

you've hit the nail on the head there Tia x
Well I apologise if m post has given offence, it wasn't meant too, I was only trying to be helpful.
And Busylizzie... from your articulate,funny and generous and caring posts I certainly think you are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S daaahling!! xxxx

I'll second that- BusyLizzie is all that and more. :flower::flower::flower: IMO, the nasty remarks were a deliberate attempt to hurt this lovely lady, who is a fab friend to so many of us here on ST.com.
Maybe this is why the poster has been silent over the last weeks?

Exactly hoowoo

Well I apologise if m post has given offence, it wasn't meant too, I was only trying to be helpful.

Your post wasn't offensive Yazrose, clearly you were trying to help but you were not aware of the full facts.

I'll second that- BusyLizzie is all that and more. :flower::flower::flower: IMO, the nasty remarks were a deliberate attempt to hurt this lovely lady, who is a fab friend to so many of us here on ST.com.

Absolutely. She is a diamond and did not deserve it.
Maybe its time for the 2 parties involved to actually try to resolve matters themselves, rather than the constant sniping that is happening.. Its actually like being in a playground.. BL was deeply upset by comments made, but maybe it would be best to either get to the bottom of things directly with the person involved, rather than whats happening now? If nothing can be sorted out, then maybe a line should be drawn under it.. Im sure BL doesn't want to be constantly reminded every couple of weeks..I for one don't like to see someone alienated from the forum.. Has that person been given a chance to explain things properly to BL?

What has happened has happened.. Its up to 2 people to sort it out.. If it can't be, then they would have tried.. Its not up to everyone else to then make that other person feel so uncomfortable on the forum, that they have no option but to leave..
In my book thats a form of subtle bullying, all pack together & hound the person out!
I have lots of sympathy for you BL, but just not for the outcome of this situation :thinking2:
Thank you for Posting your comments Daisy2911, it is something I have wanted to do but knew the reaction would be one of Bullying instead of Listening and finding out what the ACTUAL TRUTH about the issue and the situation.

This is something that should not be played out on the Forum or indeed on a Thread that a Member started to discuss because it was of intetest to her.

THERE ARE 2 SIDES TO ANY STORY OR ISSUE and BL should now take some responsibility for what has happened with the other Member involved because I have seen the EVIDENCE in 'WRITING' that was sent to Dazzler and it is BANG OUT OF ORDER. If it had been sent to me I would have taken the matter further, and I don't mean with the Moderators.

You cannot always hide just because you cannot be seen.

Also, what I have just mentioned was happening LONG BEFORE any of this was known to any other Member or before this Thread was ever started.

You only have to read the Posts on this Thread to know that Dazzler had NO CHANCE of trying to defend her Poisition. I can see that certain people thought she could not comment or be BELIEVED..............

I very much enjoyed the Forum, we have Laughed, Cried, Sympathised, Moaned, Praised and said exactly what we thought about a Subject and that is exactly how it should be.

IMO I think this Thread should be closed and a Line Drawn and I Respectfully ask the Moderators to do so.
With respect, I do not feel that you can call for this thread to be closed when it ends on what sounds like a serious allegation.

BL deserves the right and chance to respond. Dazzler has had plenty of chance to do so and has for reasons best known to herself, chosen not to. That is fine.

BUT when you suggest that something has happened which you would have involved the "authorities" over, then you cannot call for a thread to be closed in order to leave that as the final post.
Maybe its time for the 2 parties involved to actually try to resolve matters themselves, rather than the constant sniping that is happening.. Its actually like being in a playground.. BL was deeply upset by comments made, but maybe it would be best to either get to the bottom of things directly with the person involved, rather than whats happening now? If nothing can be sorted out, then maybe a line should be drawn under it.. Im sure BL doesn't want to be constantly reminded every couple of weeks..I for one don't like to see someone alienated from the forum.. Has that person been given a chance to explain things properly to BL?

What has happened has happened.. Its up to 2 people to sort it out.. If it can't be, then they would have tried.. Its not up to everyone else to then make that other person feel so uncomfortable on the forum, that they have no option but to leave..
In my book thats a form of subtle bullying, all pack together & hound the person out!
I have lots of sympathy for you BL, but just not for the outcome of this situation :thinking2:

The two members did sort the orginal issue out between themselves but unfortunately Dazzler saw fit to make an extremely hurtful comment on this thread.

Thank you for Posting your comments Daisy2911, it is something I have wanted to do but knew the reaction would be one of Bullying instead of Listening and finding out what the ACTUAL TRUTH about the issue and the situation.

This is something that should not be played out on the Forum or indeed on a Thread that a Member started to discuss because it was of intetest to her.

THERE ARE 2 SIDES TO ANY STORY OR ISSUE and BL should now take some responsibility for what has happened with the other Member involved because I have seen the EVIDENCE in 'WRITING' that was sent to Dazzler and it is BANG OUT OF ORDER. If it had been sent to me I would have taken the matter further, and I don't mean with the Moderators.

You cannot always hide just because you cannot be seen.

Also, what I have just mentioned was happening LONG BEFORE any of this was known to any other Member or before this Thread was ever started.

You only have to read the Posts on this Thread to know that Dazzler had NO CHANCE of trying to defend her Poisition. I can see that certain people thought she could not comment or be BELIEVED..............

I very much enjoyed the Forum, we have Laughed, Cried, Sympathised, Moaned, Praised and said exactly what we thought about a Subject and that is exactly how it should be.

IMO I think this Thread should be closed and a Line Drawn and I Respectfully ask the Moderators to do so.

Yes there are two sides to every story but it is not just BL who needs to take responsibility, Dazzler was the one who made the hurtful comment on here and where is she now?

As Hampton has said to be saying you would have taken the issue further and not to moderators then that is one hell of an statement, one which I also believe BL is entitled to respond to so therefore I won't be closing this thread at the moment.
just caught up with this thread and i have to say that i am appalled that someone would be so small minded and nasty to use the forum in such a malicious way.

And Busylizzie... from your articulate,funny and generous and caring posts I certainly think you are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S daaahling!! xxxx

I second third and fourth that. I would be very upset if BL were forced off the forum by catty comments and patronising asides.
I don't know any of you really well.I havn't met anyone on here I've disliked. I have no idea what this is about. I can see that a hurtful remark was made a month ago and that there is some sort of history behind it. If the thread hadn't been bumped, many of us would have been unaware of it...
I would just like to say that there is no dignity in this for anyone.
If the thread is left open, what is to happen? Are people going to carry on nailing their colours to one mast or another and sniping at each other. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the situation, this is no way to behave and doesn't reflect well on anyone.
The problem is though Artemis the thread was bumped with the intention of causing BL hurt again, it's not a question of nailing any colours to masts but instead trying to stop a lovely forum member being picked on. I know where you are coming from but surely as a valuable forum member BL has the right to stand up for herself, at least she is doing it publicly whereas the other person seems to be doing it all via pm's if I am reading this correctly.
I don't think mrsm meant to bring this thread up to cause BL harm.
Thank you for Posting your comments Daisy2911, it is something I have wanted to do but knew the reaction would be one of Bullying instead of Listening and finding out what the ACTUAL TRUTH about the issue and the situation.

This is something that should not be played out on the Forum or indeed on a Thread that a Member started to discuss because it was of intetest to her.

THERE ARE 2 SIDES TO ANY STORY OR ISSUE and BL should now take some responsibility for what has happened with the other Member involved because I have seen the EVIDENCE in 'WRITING' that was sent to Dazzler and it is BANG OUT OF ORDER. If it had been sent to me I would have taken the matter further, and I don't mean with the Moderators.

You cannot always hide just because you cannot be seen.

Also, what I have just mentioned was happening LONG BEFORE any of this was known to any other Member or before this Thread was ever started.

You only have to read the Posts on this Thread to know that Dazzler had NO CHANCE of trying to defend her Poisition. I can see that certain people thought she could not comment or be BELIEVED..............

I very much enjoyed the Forum, we have Laughed, Cried, Sympathised, Moaned, Praised and said exactly what we thought about a Subject and that is exactly how it should be.

IMO I think this Thread should be closed and a Line Drawn and I Respectfully ask the Moderators to do so.

Why am I not surprised you have EVIDENCE in 'WRITING' but how dare you state that the content of my messages or emails is BANG OUT OF ORDER and the matter should have been taken further - now who's trying bullying tactics? Anyone would think I'd used threatening behaviour or something similar but I can assure you that I most definitely DID NOT and if your 'copies' show otherwise then they have obviously been doctored!
I don't know any of you really well.I havn't met anyone on here I've disliked. I have no idea what this is about. I can see that a hurtful remark was made a month ago and that there is some sort of history behind it. If the thread hadn't been bumped, many of us would have been unaware of it...
I would just like to say that there is no dignity in this for anyone.
If the thread is left open, what is to happen? Are people going to carry on nailing their colours to one mast or another and sniping at each other. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the situation, this is no way to behave and doesn't reflect well on anyone.

:up2: and if BL is a guilty part (assumption) she is not the only one (fact). But please, a line should be drawn under this and sorted between/among the persons who are directly involved. It is not fair on the rest of us.
I love this forum and have received nothing but kindness from all members. It upsets me greatly that this issue is continuing to rumble on forcing people IMO to take sides when none of us, other than the two people involved, really know what's going on.

I agree with other posters that the time has now come to leave this alone and move on. The world has enough intolerance in it without turning what should be a place of light-hearted banter into a place where people are sniping at each other.

Please, enough is enough. XX
Many people have said that this issue should not have been brought onto the forum and it should have been sorted out between the two people invovled.

I just want to reiterate what I said earlier. The original issue had been sorted out between the two members but unfortunately one person couldn't let the issue drop and hadn't really agreed to disagree with the other. She saw fit to make continual digs and eventually she went on to make an extremley hurtful comment on this thread thus bringing the issue onto the forum.

Then yesterday when another member saw fit to post such a vile post I felt that BusyLizzie was entitled to repsond, that is why the thread was left open for a while. It wasn't left so that it could drag on so to speak.

Please be assured that myself and Graham take these issues very seriously and they are looked at on a case by case basis. If anyone has concerns about a post/thread then please contact myself or Graham directly or hit the "report" button as Graham and myself get notified anytime someone reports a post.

Thank you!
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