Body Blade


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Apr 24, 2013
I know this has been mentioned on the 'DF putting her foot down' thread, but would like to share my experience.

Succumbing to the hype by DF and other presenters and dear ol' Tiff as well, I ordered one on EP. Hid it in my wardrobe, not wanting OH to see yet another piece of equipment...I gave it a go, but unfortunately for me I struggled with the jiggling side to side motion and to top it all, it played havoc with my wrists, especially my left one, which I am assuming is because of carpal tunnel surgery.

Now I have, put it down and picked it up a few times and that's it for me.

I have now gone back to kettlebell training, and in 2 weeks have toned up to the point that OH asked me if I'd lost weight...well yes all of 2lbs sides have slimmed down as has my middle and I stand taller because my core is stronger.

It is a fairly easy exercise to do, you just swing the kettlebell through your legs using you hips for the motion swing it up again to shoulder point, no wiggling and jiggling about, a bit like a pendulum. See below for basic swing, this guy is brilliant.

I started off with a 2kg weight until I got familiar with the motion of exercises and now use 4kg which is enough for me...just another form of exercise to think about.
Well I sucummbed to the Bodyblade and it has probably saved me . 4 years ago I had Breast Cancer and was uncomfortable about the tops of my arms.I decided to give the Bodyblade ago. My family said it was useless and laughed at me using it Low and behold after a week of using it up popped a lump on my scar tissue. After a visit to doc and hospital the lump was a recurrence of my BC. It had been attached under the scar and with me using the Bodyblade I had moved it.

So on Tues I am off to get the pesky beast seen to. Luckily after scans etc there is no spread .They don't know how long it has been hiding there so thank you Mr Bodyblade you might have just saved my life..
Gosh, that was really lucky, the fact that you bought it and within a week all that happened. As you said if you hadn't been using it God knows how long it would have hidden there.

Good Luck for Tuesday :mysmilie_59:
I think the kettle bell looks a bit fierce for my knees.
It has taken me 4 years to get back to it after my foot dislocation and ankle break and only then once I had the metal plate and pins taken out because I couldn't flex my foot and ankle properly.
I think the kettle bell looks a bit fierce for my knees.

Gosh knowing my luck it would end but with my back locked and the weight through the telly!

Great if it works for you.

Unfortunately I just don't have the space for equipment so I try to walk which helps with the weightloss and general stiffness but doesn't firm anything up.

I bought a power spin thingy last year but family problems meant it got thrown in a box but I do think if used regularly it would be a big help and the good thing is it takes up no room and doesn't send a sprung floor into overdrive!
I know this has been mentioned on the 'DF putting her foot down' thread, but would like to share my experience.

Succumbing to the hype by DF and other presenters and dear ol' Tiff as well, I ordered one on EP. Hid it in my wardrobe, not wanting OH to see yet another piece of equipment...I gave it a go, but unfortunately for me I struggled with the jiggling side to side motion and to top it all, it played havoc with my wrists, especially my left one, which I am assuming is because of carpal tunnel surgery.

Now I have, put it down and picked it up a few times and that's it for me.

I have now gone back to kettlebell training, and in 2 weeks have toned up to the point that OH asked me if I'd lost weight...well yes all of 2lbs sides have slimmed down as has my middle and I stand taller because my core is stronger.

It is a fairly easy exercise to do, you just swing the kettlebell through your legs using you hips for the motion swing it up again to shoulder point, no wiggling and jiggling about, a bit like a pendulum. See below for basic swing, this guy is brilliant.

I started off with a 2kg weight until I got familiar with the motion of exercises and now use 4kg which is enough for me...just another form of exercise to think about.

Ive been doing kettlebells for two years now, do two classes a week and highly recommend it. You can tailor to suit you by your choice of weight, modifying exercises, and number of repetitions. Can easily be done at home watching videos for correct techniques. I'm up to 7.5kg now, its the only exercise I've kept up this long.
My son does kettle bells at the gym and the way he talks about them they sound like instruments of torture.Having seen these posts though,I think he may be exaggerating just a wee bit .Sounds like ladies can participate too.
Well I sucummbed to the Bodyblade and it has probably saved me . 4 years ago I had Breast Cancer and was uncomfortable about the tops of my arms.I decided to give the Bodyblade ago. My family said it was useless and laughed at me using it Low and behold after a week of using it up popped a lump on my scar tissue. After a visit to doc and hospital the lump was a recurrence of my BC. It had been attached under the scar and with me using the Bodyblade I had moved it.

So on Tues I am off to get the pesky beast seen to. Luckily after scans etc there is no spread .They don't know how long it has been hiding there so thank you Mr Bodyblade you might have just saved my life..

Good luck for Tuesday
It seems that the kettle bells may be ok for people with bad backs, like myself

Did you take classes to learn how to do it safely?[/QUOTE

I go to classes, she modifies the exercises for you based on any injuries. Just a couple of classes would be beneficial before going it alone if you've got concerns. If you can't get to a class, watch you tube or sky fitness TV channel for technique and practice in front of a mirror at first.
It seems that the kettle bells may be ok for people with bad backs, like myself

Did you take classes to learn how to do it safely?

I heard about Kettlebells, but couldn't find any classes near me unfortunately. I went through lots of Youtube videos to see what it was all about eventually finding the guy I have put on here through the link Greg Brookes.

Firstly I bought a very small 2kg kettlebell and watched the videos whilst practising the swings, I think the key is not to overdo it and listen to the advice given, once more confident I went up to a 4kg which is what I've just started at again and then tailored the exercise to me.

The one thing I would say, is that if you are buying kettlebells please be careful to make sure that the handle is in alignment, when choosing mine there were a couple that was slightly out (askew) and they could throw the kettlebell out of alignment slightly when swinging thus causing possible injury. So please put the bell on the floor to make sure the handle is straight.
One of the ladies at the classes i go to has a knee injury, another a rib injury. They just avoid certain exercises, the double arm swing is only one exercise so don't think that's all you do with a kettlebell. My classes do a mix covering abs, upper body, lower body, all using kettlebells . its a great all rounder.
I injured I myself trying kettle bells before I was ill but I do tend to go very gung-ho with things like that!!
If you want to strengthen your core and do it gently then Pilates is perfect (and I don't mean that stupid overpriced machine they flog on qvc - sorry if people like it, I just think it's so unnecessary, a traditional Pilates class would be way better and cheaper...)
I bought the BodyBlade last year. It totally worked for me, made a real difference. 10 minutes a day was all that was needed.

The only problem?
It got put in the wardrobe when I was getting the house decorated in January, and it's still there!
I bought the BodyBlade last year. It totally worked for me, made a real difference. 10 minutes a day was all that was needed.

The only problem?
It got put in the wardrobe when I was getting the house decorated in January, and it's still there!
I've just located mine again. 5 mins a day it is then!
I bought the BodyBlade last year. It totally worked for me, made a real difference. 10 minutes a day was all that was needed.

The only problem?
It got put in the wardrobe when I was getting the house decorated in January, and it's still there!

Mine's only in the cupboard at the moment because I've just had a total knee replacement so waggling a Bodyblade around isn't advisable.

However, there is no excuse for the Zumba DVDs I got ages ago from QVC still being in the box in their cellophane.
However, there is no excuse for the Zumba DVDs I got ages ago from QVC still being in the box in their cellophane.

Mine are in the cupboard too, along with the stick thingies that came with them...going to have a good rummage round now to see what else I've got hidden away that OH doesn't know about :mysmilie_845:
I injured I myself trying kettle bells before I was ill but I do tend to go very gung-ho with things like that!!
If you want to strengthen your core and do it gently then Pilates is perfect (and I don't mean that stupid overpriced machine they flog on qvc - sorry if people like it, I just think it's so unnecessary, a traditional Pilates class would be way better and cheaper...)

OH was very impressed when I first started with the Kettlebells, so we went and bought a couple of heavier ones for him and I gave him a few exercises, two handed swings, single hand, windmill etc and specifically told him how many to do and not to overdo it.

Did he listen, no, decided to go hell for leather and could hardly move the next day, plus he's quite clumsy and managed to dent the radiator pipe when he dropped it!! Was banished to the garage after that :mysmilie_17:

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