Bit p*ssed off...


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I had a letter from Q today saying they would like to spend a few minutes discussing their returns policy with me, and would I contact them.

In a word - no!!! I only send back (unused) if the product isn't quite what it seemed on the tv or website. Isn't this what the Direct Selling Regs are for, because we can't see the product in the flesh? And why BANG ON CONSTANTLY about the 30 day mbg if they don't like customers using it?

I have an account with Next. As their sizes are inconsistent I order two sizes most times I order. They have never commented on this, they probably look at how I handle my account and how much I spend with them and think it's not an issue. Isn't it about time Q did the same?

Am really peeved and don't want to give them any more business... but there's the possibility of the Skagen/Elemis/Mally tsvs coming up :banghead:

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Oh dear. Use it to your advantage, tell them a lot of their info is inaccurate, the presenters actively encourage you to buy more than one and to send one back and more importantly how much it costs you to send it back because of this.
Give back as good as you get!!!!
I had a letter about 3 years ago just telling me that my returns were high. It did not say that they wanted to "discuss" it though. Ignore it.
I know exactly how you are feeling Capirossi - it gets you all knotted up inside doesnt it! How very dare they!
Oh dear. Use it to your advantage, tell them a lot of their info is inaccurate, the presenters actively encourage you to buy more than one and to send one back and more importantly how much it costs you to send it back because of this.
Give back as good as you get!!!!

Couldn't agree more. You have the upper hand here Capirossi and only need to point out all the discrepancies in their sales pitch. Give them hell!
And i forgot ,most importantly how never once on air have they ever mentioned there is a limit on returns. Their argument will be that its written in the T&C but keep pointing out that if this is the case why don't they make it clear on air.
What a bl**dy cheek but I would ring them & then trot out a very long list of discrepancies that you have. If they don't want to hear then remind whoever it is that they have contacted you & will now have to put up with your moaning:sad:

I warn you though their smarmy team leaders & managers shave an answer for everything:headbang:
I'm afraid they won't care....they're stance is its their T&C.

I tried all the above points when I received "The Letter" years back.....they just don't care I'm afraid.

I had one helpful hint from them though...."I only buy the things I really want or really need" said their gem in accounts when I spoke to them....implying that obviously I don't!!!
I'd call them personally if it was me Capirossi if only for one reason:

Someone said to me years a go if someone does something to annoy you, hurt you or wind you up and you don't tell them, then the only one hurting is you. So without in mind I always say what's on my mind. Better to get it off my mind than for me to fester and stew!! Now whilst I realise that you will be talking to some anonymous bod who couldn't give a monkeys about you, I'm guessing you'll feel better after. Give them stick and threaten to close your account - if they don't eat a bit of humble pie you can always actually close it and just make a one off order as and when you want.

After the hassle I had with my last debacle I wasn't in the mood for taking prisoners - not only did I get a load of money off, I didn't stew and actually felt pretty good. If they don't care about your business then sod them :)
The difference with Next and many other companies, is that you can't use a product for 30 days and then return it . I think that Qvc consider that some people abuse this policy and try to weed out those people. I'm not saying you are abusing it, but I think it must be hard for them, sometimes, to tell when something has been used or not- and when it is 'safe' to send a return out to someone else ( which lets face it, we never know whether something we buy in a shop has been returned. I returned some boot to M&S last week, and know they went straight back on the sales floor as they had been completely sold out of them!)
CHuntley just said, 17:40ish, to return the knickers (Spanx) if they don't suit.!!! Maybe record a few hours of Q, review and audiotape the sections where the presenters advise ordering then returning. Then for your 'discussion', play that tape for your part in the discussion. If they're going by postcode, cariad, and heading west, I'll be getting mine next.
Put on your most professional voice, ask to speak to a Manager, let them raise their issues first and then smack em between the eyes with a well thought out list of reasons why you return items, point out their presenters quotes, tell them if they aren`t happy about returns then why on earth do they advertise their 30 day mbg so much and point out that buying from them is always a risk because you cannot test/smell/touch/or even look at the item in the flesh so its always going to be an act of blind faith. And finish off by pointing out just how much money you`ve actually spent with them over the years.
Sending stuff back, especially when unused, really is worse for you than them because of the inconvenience and p and p costs. If they could be accurate in their descriptions then that might help. Point out that they've obviously filtered you out by mistake since you're not someone buying to use the products as long as possible.

Love their advice to buy only what you really want or need!! That'll be very little then, don't think we'll here Debbie Flint or any of the others reminding us of that any time soon!

Think you should feel free to ignore them but call if you want to make some points to them. How annoying!!! I feel for you, I'd be so cross if I got this.

Wouldn't it be great if they rang people with a high returns rate to apologise for the fact they've obviously mis sold or mis described and offer to refund the p and p for all the returns?
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This smacks of being sent for by the Headmaster/Mistress & getting the cane ( I mean that in the old fashioned way not 50 Shades!!)I would have to work out my strategy here.First instance would be to ignore, then perhaps get very annoyed on the 'phone & maybe go all pathetic and ignorant quoting Chuntley as though she is your bosom buddy and you believe every word she utters.In any case it would be the end of my ordering as most of what they offer can be bought elsewhere.Good luck let us know how you get on!
Don't phone them yet, email them (not using the faulty contact form on their website) so you have a record and ask them to itemise the period (to and from dates) in question and list the returned items with the reason you gave on your return form (I have a hunch that they don't record this info). Suggest that they exclude any orders cancelled under the Distance Selling Regs (as this is a statutory right not bestowed by them). Also suggest they then discount all items where you ticked "doesn't fit" or ""didn't meet expectations", or "received faulty" or "wrong item"...basically they should tell you the preriod of time monitored and that the only returns that should be included for the purposes of this telling off are those where you ticked "changed my mind" ...everything else is a perfectly legitimate reason for return which they have the power to reduce in future by (A) more acurately describing/giving actaully measurements and (B) not over-selling by suggesting viewers buy more than one, buy it cos it's selling fast and then decide whether or not to keep it.

I'd stress that you do this in writing and ask for the breakdown you've requested in writing and a week to peruse them before you're prepared to discuss the matter. Once you're on the phone they just want you to promise to do better or face the closure of your account. If they do this ask them how long your account will be monitored in the future.

Proud to say I was the first person to post about "The Letter" many years ago.

Jude xx
QVC can choose who buys products from them and if they no longer want you to buy then they have a right to refuse you.
True but it's worth making them graft a bit before they reach that conclusion. I suspect the formula they use to arrive at >50% returns covers all of one's returned items whereas it should really only be the "changed mind" returns that count imho.

Jude xx

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