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That's what I ask myself whenever AH come up with a new exfoliating product: do I need it although I am already using Liquid Gold which is also exfoliating? I don't want to do too much to my sensitive skin and when I heard in the presentation that the night peel contains 14% of the glycolic acid... I once had a mask from AH containing 10% glycolic acid and my skin couldn't get used to it so I had to return it (think it was a mask containing also lavender, if I am not mistaken). From my point of view as of today, the LG plus once in a while the Micro Cleanse or any other of the enzyme exfoliaters I have is sufficient for my skin. To be honest, when AH launch exfoliating products, how do I know which one to use? Is one enough? Do I need all they have?
I was told to be careful because one can also overexfoliate the skin. And as far as I know, most, not all, AH products contain glycolic acid.

I agree - it is confusing. One of the things which QVCs presentations falls short. They are not good at taking you through a routine properly these days. One area where Ideal World are often better. They focus on fewer products, but they will reference other products you can "work in" with the ones they are actively selling.

I would like them (QVC, but also Michelle and Tom) to explain how the different exfoliating products are used - within a daily, weekly and monthly routine. I would like them to explain when to step up and use a more intensive exfoliant.

At the end of the day, though, all we can do is inform ourselves as much as possible and make our own decisions about whether or not we need something further in our armoury.

I would hope that asking Alpha-H questions will yield good answers and advice. I doubt that it will be as forthcoming on QVC.

If you have taken the time to really get to know your skin, the texture and quality of it, you will have a good idea of when you need to step up exfoliating or step it down. Personally, although I love the Alpha-H range, but I won't use it week in week out, as my skin doesn't need it. When it is looking grey and dull, and when I feel it is particularly dry and rough, then I get the LG out and the microcleanse and give my skin a blast. I use a flannel to take off my cleansers all the time, and I cleanse morning and evening with flannels... most of the time this alone is enough exfoliating for me. I do check my skin all the time. I feel the consistency of it and look at the appearance of it (though I rely on feel more than look, to be honest)... and I have a variety of exfoliating products available to me.

I think the other thing which is missing from a lot of advice about using exfoliants, is that you don't need to do blanket coverage. If you have only certain areas which are problematic, just exfoliate there, rather than everywhere... for me that would be the decolletage area mostly.
i have previously talked about my conerns of over exfoliation,
glycolic as a harsh acid, if used over prolonged period of time (and my facialist neighbours input on this)
and thinning skin, esp in aging skin
and the fact that Australian conditions differ to UK ones, sun-wise
such as AH products being mentioned by Michelle for 'thickened' skin
which is a way for skin to defend itself from sun

then there is the issue that AH is build on exfoliation, usually via glycolic, as a brand
so i would not expect them to be the ones to talk about what the dangers are

also, you may already use other brightening products, muslin, flannels, clarisonics, acid based toners etc
all that is a form of exfoliation too

so for me, it is a matter of careful balance
and not always just focussing on the immediate benefits
but also about longer term skin health,
so i do not use it regularly
but i use LG when needed i.e build up of dead skin
occasionally the mask before going out if i am getting dolled up

that's were i am at the mo

and if Alpha H wanted to sell me a product now
it would have to be at the opposite end of 'power peel'
more like 'gently gently easy does it careful not too peeling thingy'

p.s. sorry, wrote this long post and then it all went pooof on the ipad
so just restored what i could from autosave by jumping on the computer
Lilith, when a-h first launched on qvc they had 'gently not too peely thingies' with 2 other gold products. There was white gold and one I can't remember the name of but they have quietly disappeared. I think that they hedged their bets with the British market but when lg took off big time they didn't need the weaker solutions. People wanted to buy the one that delivered real results. As may says, perhaps it's too much to expect a-h to tell us what and what not to use. They want to sell after all so we do have to use our own judgement. I'd love to try all their products, just not all in the same week!
Lilith, when a-h first launched on qvc they had 'gently not too peely thingies' with 2 other gold products. There was white gold and one I can't remember the name of but they have quietly disappeared. I think that they hedged their bets with the British market but when lg took off big time they didn't need the weaker solutions. People wanted to buy the one that delivered real results. As may says, perhaps it's too much to expect a-h to tell us what and what not to use. They want to sell after all so we do have to use our own judgement. I'd love to try all their products, just not all in the same week!

I was reading back on past A-H threads and they used to have a milder companion product to LG called Liquid Harmony.

Acids are a relatively recent bandwagon that has been jumped on by all and sundry. Some people love them and some people hate them. Lilith is quite right to take a thought beyond the short-term benefits and consider the long-term implications. I would imagine that for anyone on steroids, for example, it would be a really bad idea to use acids as the steroids are already thinning the skin.

There are bloggers, like Caroline Hirons, who have regularly used acids for years and have excellent skin in the 40s... but even so, she has far more knowledge than most of us un-trained product users which mean she is actually not exposing her skin to as much as we might use. When she acid tones, for example, her routine means she's using a hydrating toner straight afterwards - so limiting the exposure she has. I also get the impression that her use of LG has tailed off with the advent of other perhaps more sophisticated acid products.

One of the reasons why it is very frustrating when you get presentations of any acid or retinol products is because you don't ever get the full story. Demonstrate a full daily routine and where it slots in with what other products... explain to us what is a good weekly and monthly routine.

The more informed we are, the better we will be able to judge what we want to use, in what circumstances... and when to leave off.

Making mistakes on a 20s skin with more active cell renewal, plentiful collagen etc may be ok, but when we're in our 40s, 50s and beyond, our skin just doesn't have the resources to repair quickly from mistakes.

It's not just the advice from Alpha-H that can have you in a whirl. Andrew Bagley tells us to exfoliate 2-3 times a week if we're older... that's great for some people, but not at all for others.

My skin at the moment is weird. On the outside, to the touch, it feels great... but from the inside it feels tight and sore. No beauty product is going to reach that, which reinforces for me that it has to be diet that is my first beauty tool... and it is likely to be the same for many of us with skin issues... our first port of call should be a nutritionist not a beauty therapist.

So... having thought long and hard about this new product, I'm not going to get it... however it is likely I will pick up the TSV.
Lilith, when a-h first launched on qvc they had 'gently not too peely thingies' with 2 other gold products. There was white gold and one I can't remember the name of but they have quietly disappeared. I think that they hedged their bets with the British market but when lg took off big time they didn't need the weaker solutions. People wanted to buy the one that delivered real results. As may says, perhaps it's too much to expect a-h to tell us what and what not to use. They want to sell after all so we do have to use our own judgement. I'd love to try all their products, just not all in the same week!

i think the white gold was mainly aimed at removing pigmentation
and possibly that is the one that is now called gold radiance
which q also stocked
the buyers obvs decide what to stock from the much larger range of AH
do you mean the buyers at Q when you say 'they hedged their bets' ?
or do you mean Alpha H ?
anyhoo, as i said,
i don't expect a brand who is build on exfoliation
to explain to us the dangers of over exfoliation
so i guess we are sort of all on the same page here
and we have to expect that any questions as to where it fits into a routine
will be answered as to 'just slot it in',
no matter if you are already using exfoliant products morning, noon and night, 7 days a week, week in week out

just like the '20 step Elemis ' routine
(i had a giggle about that anecdote from Donna,
about the sales gals Elemis counter peeing themselves laughing at what Keeley gets away with recommending)
I was reading back on past A-H threads and they used to have a milder companion product to LG called Liquid Harmony.

Acids are a relatively recent bandwagon that has been jumped on by all and sundry. Some people love them and some people hate them. Lilith is quite right to take a thought beyond the short-term benefits and consider the long-term implications. I would imagine that for anyone on steroids, for example, it would be a really bad idea to use acids as the steroids are already thinning the skin.

There are bloggers, like Caroline Hirons, who have regularly used acids for years and have excellent skin in the 40s... but even so, she has far more knowledge than most of us un-trained product users which mean she is actually not exposing her skin to as much as we might use. When she acid tones, for example, her routine means she's using a hydrating toner straight afterwards - so limiting the exposure she has. I also get the impression that her use of LG has tailed off with the advent of other perhaps more sophisticated acid products.

One of the reasons why it is very frustrating when you get presentations of any acid or retinol products is because you don't ever get the full story. Demonstrate a full daily routine and where it slots in with what other products... explain to us what is a good weekly and monthly routine.

The more informed we are, the better we will be able to judge what we want to use, in what circumstances... and when to leave off.

Making mistakes on a 20s skin with more active cell renewal, plentiful collagen etc may be ok, but when we're in our 40s, 50s and beyond, our skin just doesn't have the resources to repair quickly from mistakes.

It's not just the advice from Alpha-H that can have you in a whirl. Andrew Bagley tells us to exfoliate 2-3 times a week if we're older... that's great for some people, but not at all for others.

My skin at the moment is weird. On the outside, to the touch, it feels great... but from the inside it feels tight and sore. No beauty product is going to reach that, which reinforces for me that it has to be diet that is my first beauty tool... and it is likely to be the same for many of us with skin issues... our first port of call should be a nutritionist not a beauty therapist.

So... having thought long and hard about this new product, I'm not going to get it... however it is likely I will pick up the TSV.

our posts crossed MML :0)
re thinning skin, aging and menopausal skin is also thinning naturally
also, and i don't mean to be rude,
for me, it is not just about the radiance of the skin
it us also about the structure, density and how it holds itself up, i.e. slackness or not
and i am talking about older skin mid forties and beyond
i am the same age as Michelle and older than Caroline
both have lovely enough looking skin on camera, radiance-wise
all that flushed skin looks rosy and healthy
(how much of it is skin irritation, well, lets park that one for now )
but i have looked closer, and Caroline's features and folds on the bottom half of her face
well, i don't she is doing BETTER on that score than other women her age
maybe even a little worse (?)
so all those high-end products, well hmmmm, not sure if tbe balance worked out so well in the long run
and maybe the price for daily acids and constant radiance had to be paid somewhere
i don't mean to be rude, and happy to say that she is an attractive woman
but just wanted to give you my thoughts on what you called 'good skin'
radiance, yes, skin elasticity, not in my book

i also noticed at Michelle's last visit
the bottom half of the face issue
this is not to shame her
and she always looks glowing
but i am, at this stage, not looking towards her for any amazing solutions for her/my age
that's all really
and of course, i do not know when Q uses those softening filters and lights
and others in a similar boat who use other cosmetic inventions and not mention it

and just to be clear what i am saying
we all age, and i see no need to rude about that
and shame, esp women, for that
but when it comes to skin ageing and structure
neither Alison, Caroline or Michelle are getting me to spend my hard earned
as i don't think they have done better than me as time has progressed ...

just my thoughts and observation ....
p.s. MML
am with you on the diet consideration
i remember Nigella once saying about moisturing from the inside
and have been meaning to pursue that a bit more,
see if she has written a bit more in this
as well as others
some things are obvs to me though,
like a balance of omegas in the diet
and things like Avocado
and of course the enough water stuff ....
must have a lil dig around when i have time .....
our posts crossed MML :0)
re thinning skin, aging and menopausal skin is also thinning naturally
also, and i don't mean to be rude,
for me, it is not just about the radiance of the skin
it us also about the structure, density and how it holds itself up, i.e. slackness or not
and i am talking about older skin mid forties and beyond
i am the same age as Michelle and older than Caroline
both have lovely enough looking skin on camera, radiance-wise
all that flushed skin looks rosy and healthy
(how much of it is skin irritation, well, lets park that one for now )
but i have looked closer, and Caroline's features and folds on the bottom half of her face
well, i don't she is doing BETTER on that score than other women her age
maybe even a little worse (?)
so all those high-end products, well hmmmm, not sure if tbe balance worked out so well in the long run
and maybe the price for daily acids and constant radiance had to be paid somewhere
i don't mean to be rude, and happy to say that she is an attractive woman
but just wanted to give you my thoughts on what you called 'good skin'
radiance, yes, skin elasticity, not in my book

i also noticed at Michelle's last visit
the bottom half of the face issue
this is not to shame her
and she always looks glowing
but i am, at this stage, not looking towards her for any amazing solutions for her/my age
that's all really
and of course, i do not know when Q uses those softening filters and lights
and others in a similar boat who use other cosmetic inventions and not mention it

and just to be clear what i am saying
we all age, and i see no need to rude about that
and shame, esp women, for that
but when it comes to skin ageing and structure
neither Alison, Caroline or Michelle are getting me to spend my hard earned
as i don't think they have done better than me as time has progressed ...

just my thoughts and observation ....

p.s. sorry to reply to my own post
was to late to edit to add p.s.

i wanted to add, sorry if my post sounded smug
i am not trying to big myself up or be judgy judgy on others
i am just saying that if someone says to me :
look, follow my advice, do this and buy that, and follow this routine'
then i am going to have a close look at how they themselves have fared
esp if in comparable age bracket etc
and then make up my mind accordingly ...
I think the true test of whether your skincare routine works is when you can get to an advanced age with beautiful skin... and without too much (if any) help from surgeons.

Some of us have to face the fact that underlying health issues or genetics will prevent us looking as good as others of the same age with similar skin, diets and skincare regimes.

Learn your skin, what's normal for it and what isn't; inform yourself about what's out there... and make informed decisions. My face looks pretty good for 50, I think, as does my neck... but years of washing up without gloves means my hands are in poor condition by comparison. Add to that that I inherited terrible nails from my mum... not great; and poor eyesight, not great teeth and terrible thinning hair from my dad - I'm just thrilled that some things seem to be in good shape. I do the best I can and I'm always looking for information that can improve my choices.

Totally with you Lilith on not blindly following others' advice just because they have more expertise than me. Some of the time people give advice which is coloured by particular axes they have go grind (on acids/no acids, SLS/no SLS, parabens/no parabens, silicones/no silicones etc etc). I will try something once I've considered it, but if I don't like it as an experience or because of the results - that's where it stops.

I think my skin has reaped the rewards of me being too skint to go on holidays for years... so minimal sun exposure... but I still would trade a bit of sun damage for having had more nice holidays. Life's for living at the end of the day.

All very philosophical, but I'll stop now :mysmilie_365:
For those of you who have bought this months BPOTM... Can you help? I bought this a couple of weeks ago and got round to using it for the first time at the weekend. Oh the night I used it yes felt the tingle and was very moisturising. Can't say I noticed major results like some of the reviews. However today (3 days later) my skin is flaking off especially on the chin area. Am thinking due to the retinol. Is this a good thing and will reveal fresher skin etc. Should I carry on using?
I like the Beauty Sleep Power Peel so far, but was unable to describe what it really does as I couldn't put my finger on it and then saw the photos on Facebook, this is it, a softer and evened out face that looks rested.

What we don't know is whether this woman is more rested in pic 2, because it doesn't tell us the time difference between the two pics. For all we know the first pic could have been taken at the end of a very busy week with little sleep and the second pic could have been taken a week later after a week of 8 hours sleep a night. I'm a cynic and I never take things like this at face value.
i don't expect a brand who is build on exfoliation
to explain to us the dangers of over exfoliation

I couldn't agree more, and I really don't like alpha h's hard sell and unquestioning message that everyone should be aggressively exfoliating with acids if they want good skin. I don't trust the alpha h woman, I think she's a hard-nosed businesswoman who saw a niche in the market and is preying on women's insecurities and milking it for all she's worth, with QVC along for the ride. I don't believe that women with normal British skin need to be using all these products.

I saw a piece by a dermatologist in a health magazine recently. She said that using a muslin cloth or a flannel each evening to remove our cleansers is perfectly adequate exfoliation for the vast majority, and that British women are "storing up a whole load of trouble for themselves" by using all these other methods of exfoliation. Apparently she's seeing more and more older women who are developing real dermatological problems due to what they've been doing to their skin over the years. She said the best skin she sees on older women is on those who've kept their skincare regimes simple, with the emphasis on hydration and moisturization, not exfoliation.
For those of you who have bought this months BPOTM... Can you help? I bought this a couple of weeks ago and got round to using it for the first time at the weekend. Oh the night I used it yes felt the tingle and was very moisturising. Can't say I noticed major results like some of the reviews. However today (3 days later) my skin is flaking off especially on the chin area. Am thinking due to the retinol. Is this a good thing and will reveal fresher skin etc. Should I carry on using?

I looked like I'd got a serious case of sunburn on my forehead and it was very sore, so I wasn't prepared to persevere and returned mine.
I couldn't agree more, and I really don't like alpha h's hard sell and unquestioning message that everyone should be aggressively exfoliating with acids if they want good skin. I don't trust the alpha h woman, I think she's a hard-nosed businesswoman who saw a niche in the market and is preying on women's insecurities and milking it for all she's worth, with QVC along for the ride. I don't believe that women with normal British skin need to be using all these products.

I saw a piece by a dermatologist in a health magazine recently. She said that using a muslin cloth or a flannel each evening to remove our cleansers is perfectly adequate exfoliation for the vast majority, and that British women are "storing up a whole load of trouble for themselves" by using all these other methods of exfoliation. Apparently she's seeing more and more older women who are developing real dermatological problems due to what they've been doing to their skin over the years. She said the best skin she sees on older women is on those who've kept their skincare regimes simple, with the emphasis on hydration and moisturization, not exfoliation.

My mum washed her face with soap and water and used oil of ulay( as it was called then) and has fabulous skin for someone in her late 70s.
She still does the same today.

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