I honestly think DF doesn`t care a damned what people call her or say about her, in fact I think she kind of gets off on it because her " followers " rush to defend her especially on FB and that keeps her name on everybody`s lips and as they say in her business " there`s no such thing as bad publicity ". Someone says something unkind about her ( even though the comment might be justified ) and suddenly her name is plastered everywhere, her buddies are praising her to the hilt, she`s able to bleat to anybody daft enough to listen and once again wallow in sympathetic adoration. I never watch DF except when I might watch a video about a product on Q`s site and she`s the person in the video and I have no choice but i certainly think she`s an expert in manipulating situations to her own ends and her self promotion is legendary. Who else would create such a furore about the BCC prize and yet still come out of it being rewarded with her own show, named after her own group, and mentioning her own books/buddies/FB followers and most importantly to her .... The narrative I, I, I, I, I all the time ! Rest assured DF doesn`t need defending by anybody, she`s as slippery as an eel and in her eyes, even negative attention is better than no attention.