Back to who?


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It's some new-agey concept about finding your true self at your healthiest and happiest. Apparently.

I thought it meant a return to the lifestyle, including the physical appearance, attitude, etc. you once had, and would like to regain, to permit you to experience a healthier, more fulfilling existence.
I thought it meant a return to the lifestyle, including the physical appearance, attitude, etc. you once had, and would like to regain, to permit you to experience a healthier, more fulfilling existence.

Yeah that! That's what I was trying to say. Badly.
I ignore DF even when she is presenting I tend switch off .This self promotion is too much, I have little respect for her opinions.
Back to You was an American situation comedy series, which aired on Fox from September 19, 2007 to May 14, 2008. (Thanks to Wikipedia. :wink:)

The only thing that makes me laugh is the 'power' DF seems to have with the 'powers that be' at QVC. I no longer watch any of the shows for which she is the presenter. Her iPad fixation, her constant references to her literary masterpieces and the non-stop Twittering have meant that I use my 'off' switch.

And I'm all the better for it. :mysmilie_14:
I ignore DF even when she is presenting I tend switch off .This self promotion is too much, I have little respect for her opinions.

tbh, LOL, with respect, I don't believe a word any of them utters. Working in retail, obviously we all have targets, no commission, unfortunately, so I have no incentive to do whatever it takes - i.e. lie - to get a sale. I am a principled sales advisor, however, and would much rather a customer leave my shop, empty handed, but pleased with my performance, than spend a couple of grand, but hope they don't have to deal with me again. The presenters on the Q, despite what some may think, DO have targets and incentives to meet said targets and will, unfortunately, do whatever it takes to achieve those. If I make a purchase, it is because I ALONE have decided to buy, and nothing anyone on air has said, has influenced my decision.
I admit I don't know how this back to you thing originated. I wondered if other female presenters had been asked if they wanted to do it and declined? I watched a little last night but then switched off. Before I turned off I was surprised to hear Ms Flint say about her book 'If you don't like me, don't buy it.' Well she couldn't have made herself more clear than that. Ms Flint certainly has lost weight and toned up so is a reasonably good advert I suppose. Surely any of the presenters could have a Facebook page if they wanted? Have they and do they mention it? Have I missed something? Personally I have not accessed Ms Flint's FB page because I have no interest in it. It has to be borne in mind that several presenters have been ill (Julia, Alison Keenan) and don't seem to be on telly as much as they used to be so maybe Ms Flint has proved a cornerstone for QVC in these times. It certainly seems that the organisation thinks highly of her and encourage her advertising her FB page and book etc.. All the others invite us to Tweet too!
I dont engage with any of their twitter accounts or facebook because im not that interested. D F definately has a large ego and is an avid self promotor rather more than the others so far as I can see, but I dont have to watch it.,so no big deal . It must give her high sales figures so good for Q.
I let out the loudest groan when she says

"The item is very positively reviewed and highly rated Me!"

I've heard her say this or words to this effect several times and I do try to avoid watching her shows if possible so I'm guessing she says it all the time.

Maybe some do but I don't give a stuff about what she thinks her opinion is extremely biased and not trustworthy. She isn't even aspirational either in personality or looks
Caught the very end of the show to see the onscreen TV showing references to her own website, FB etc...never seen any other presenter do that before.
****** hell, it isn't enough for Q allowing DF to spend shows plugging her book, now Charlie Brook is plugging her book during a jewellery hour. Give us a break!
She did make me laugh when an item went to advanced orders on a show she was presenting she decided to explain what advanced orders were and then gave the example that her book had sold 500 out of 3000 on advanced orders so it wasn't going to last long now it was in stock and we'd better order quick. LOL
Oh so dull!! They really need to wake up. The fawning over DF is embarrassing. It really isn't healthy. Clones following DF SCARY!
I reckon the bubble will burst soon enough. Q will give her "enough rope to hang herself" for as long as she performs with sales. If she has a following of fans who buy whatever she tells them to...then why should our corporate, profit driven QVC care how annoying some find her? Just so long as she finds ways to make money out of the poor sods. :(
She did make me laugh when an item went to advanced orders on a show she was presenting she decided to explain what advanced orders were and then gave the example that her book had sold 500 out of 3000 on advanced orders so it wasn't going to last long now it was in stock and we'd better order quick. LOL

Lordy, the Kipling TSV had less stock than that, she must be popular, no accounting for taste. There are a lot of sad people watching Q these days.
Lordy, the Kipling TSV had less stock than that, she must be popular, no accounting for taste. There are a lot of sad people watching Q these days.

aww but you have to feel a bit sorry for them....if that's all they have. I don't know why but I think of "confidence tricksters" when I think of DF and her fan - base. I know I may sound harsh- as it's fine to like a presenter. I like Catherine Huntley. But do I follow her on twitter? No. Do I buy everything she tells me? nope. Do I join a group about a product she loves? no. Indeed I cancelled my order of the diet book she is on because I saw sense at the price .

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