AY's dig at Liz Earle during the TSV launch...


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She was banging on (as she does) about how the first easy pay was less than £25 and you'd be hard pushed to find a moisturiser alone for that from all the brands they had. 'maybe one of the plant based formulas but certainly not one of the presteeeeeeeeeeeeeejus brands'...

Firstly, when LE is on (I assume this is who she was referring to), it's the best thing since sliced bread. Maybe they should rephrase that and say it's the best thing unless you can afford Elemis??

Secondly, what about the second and third easy pay? i hate the way they keep implying you're getting a kit for one easy pay. If I looked for a moisturiser for £72 I'm sure I'd find one very easily so it's not a fair comparison.

Thirdly, isn't Elemis largely a plant based range? Isn't there flowers and stuff picked at midnight by virgins in it??

conclusion: AY is full of it. This we already knew....

Could be A'Kin she was talking about, there are a few natural based ranges on QVC. Many love Liz Earle and also the A'Kin range.

AY's mouth works and nothing intelligent comes out. I am an Elemis user by the way. :bow: Yes natural ingredients in Elemis, Keeley was talking about them later in the day, not on with AY.

Ah they use the same virgins as Creed the perfume house. Who only pick the flowers by the light of the first full moon of summer.
Could be A'Kin she was talking about, there are a few natural based ranges on QVC. Many love Liz Earle and also the A'Kin range.

AY's mouth works and nothing intelligent comes out. I am an Elemis user by the way. :bow: Yes natural ingredients in Elemis, Keeley was talking about them later in the day, not on with AY.

Ah they use the same virgins as Creed the perfume house. Who only pick the flowers by the light of the first full moon of summer.

Absolutely, I use A'kin and Elemis and like them both. I just thought how funny it was that she so willingly slags off one brand when flogging another. And presumably thinks we won't remember next time she's flogging the other stuff...
AY also once said in front of Caroline (note NOT HRH Liz) that Skin Repair would make 'an excellent dog walking moisturiser...' as though it simply wasn't good enough or presteeeejus enough for anything else. The look on Caroline's face said it all.

Also, when she's on with the range she deliberately calls Instant Boost Skin Tonic - 'Instant Boost Skin Toner' which winds Liz up.

Next time she's on with Gatineau that'll be the best thing ever, then with Decleor etc etc...
Power for the course with her. I don't listen to her anymore & press the mute button when she is on not only becauser of the drivel she speaks but her voice really grates on my nerves. Is it me or is it getting worse ?
She's definitely getting worse! She continues to believe her own blurb about how highly qualified she is and how much she knows about ingreeejunts etc but really, it's the same sales waffle any of the presenters come out with, no more.

She's not really there to teach us about sincare, she's there to sell us skincare and so will say whatever it takes to shift the product. The only advantage of course is being able to try stuff and send it back.

I too put it on mute when she's on, I usually tape shows anyyway coz I'm at work and any she's on I fast forward or delete coz I just can't listen to her. It's when she comes out with 'it affects the look of the feel of the skin area' that I know she's zoned out and is on sales autopilot...
Power for the course with her. I don't listen to her anymore & press the mute button when she is on not only becauser of the drivel she speaks but her voice really grates on my nerves. Is it me or is it getting worse ?

it's not you she is getting worse to be honest I cant stand her Thank goodness I dont use all that stuff the she tries to sell that way i dont need to have qvc on when it's beauty stuff so dont have to listen to her.
i put hert on mute as I find her exhausting and confusing to listen to given the shouting, screechy mangling of the English language, let alone the utter bilge that she talks. I seem to recall that she was not so full on in the past, just find her so wearing. I do not want somone who is in my living space via the tv yelling at me!
I find AY's constant bellowing over the guests very off putting. I also find her rather rude. What 'skincare experts' has the bags she does under their eyes? She looks knackered.
Liz Earle certainly looks much better than Alison Young, in respect to the condition of her skin. liz is a good advert for her own range. It was only when I watched a Bobbi Brown show last weekend and they were talking about her heavy handed eyeliner and it was the first time I really looked at Alisons eyes closely and noticed how tired she looked. Surely she knows that less is more!
Liz Earle certainly looks much better than Alison Young, in respect to the condition of her skin. liz is a good advert for her own range. It was only when I watched a Bobbi Brown show last weekend and they were talking about her heavy handed eyeliner and it was the first time I really looked at Alisons eyes closely and noticed how tired she looked. Surely she knows that less is more!

I agree that LE has lovely skin. AYs at times looks bumpy & uneven.

I would not be surprised that under all the make up she looks pretty rough. I don't think I have ever seen her without her slap on. She never went ''naked '' when Models Prefer was on QVC. In fact I believe I heard her say once that she would never do that. I always admired Julia, Claire, Pippa ect for going on air bare faced.
I met AY at a beauty bash years ago, and even then her skin was no match to LE who was there too. AY was caked with makeup and yet her skin still looked uneven. LE looked dewy, fresh and as if she was wearing no make up, at all. I love LE skin repair (not the superskin tho-it smells like lard to me and I just don't like the consistency) but the skin repair really suits my skin, and although I am 51 this year people regularly tell me they thought I was in my 30's. I have never tanned though-and I think that is as important as what moisturiser you use as I think sun damage is the worst sin you can commit to your skin.
I have tried elemis but it does nothing for my skin and seems to sit on top, which is odd I know as it is one of the few creams they say you can use around your eyes.

At the end of the day AY is just a saleswoman and her sales technique has got heavier as she has got older. I also agree that she isn't really that great an advert of the products she raves on about. She went on for years about the prescriptives line preventor (I think it was called?) and yet she still has lines. We all get them-it's just part of the ageing process.
I use quite a few items from LE and I always notice if AY is presenting the shows, she never gets the name of the tonic right. Not sure if it is deliberate, but I think it annoys Liz. I said before that AY is very lukewarm regarding the range compared to the raptures she goes into with Andrew, Keeley & Co. Mind you, Liz is laughing all the way to the bank as they sell so much on QVC.
I use quite a few items from LE and I always notice if AY is presenting the shows, she never gets the name of the tonic right. Not sure if it is deliberate, but I think it annoys Liz. I said before that AY is very lukewarm regarding the range compared to the raptures she goes into with Andrew, Keeley & Co. Mind you, Liz is laughing all the way to the bank as they sell so much on QVC.

Oh, I reckon it's deliberate! Let's face it, Liz Earle products have been on QVC since the beginning of time, so if it's not deliberate, then it's a sloppy lack of product knowledge.......!

You are right-AY is totally lukewarm about Liz Earle's range-which just shows that she doesn't really understand her customer base!
Does AY present Liz Earle shows? I always thought she wouldnt present them as it wasn''t a PREMIUM brand and it didnt have sunscreen.
Its only the last few years that AY has presented with Liz Earle. There were rumours Liz was a bit of a diva, had her own makeup artist and lighting crew for her shows. Ay could do with Liz's makeup artist. Both have eye bags but Liz looks more natural with hers as no thick black eyeliner.

Liz won't be laughing all the way to the bank. Avon will, they own the company now.
I always wonder how Alison Young gets away with sounding acting and looking so unprofessional.Her voice is like fingernails on a chalk board.

I can only assume the powers that be have an "if it aint broke don't fix it " attitude towards her and she must sell an incredible amount of products with her well rehearsed twaddle.

I am no fan of the hard nosed business woman that is Ms Earle, but she always looks groomed and well turned out.
I think people might have responded once to the bully boy tactics from AY, being shouted at and told what to do might work if you're really confused about skincare and just want to be told what to buy. But to anyone who has watched for years it's gotten really old. She should be changing along with her customers and realising that people learn, we try products and we also crucially now have t'internet so we can find out stuff for ourselves and not just blindly believe the twaddle. So basically she needs to change with the times and hasn't...I think one of the reasons LE has gotten away with the same sales pitch for so long is that it's essentially inoffensive. She's not shouting, interrupting or being hysterical. She's calm and softly spoken and assured, she doesn't need to talk over people to get her point across. Like it or not, she's far more professional and understands her client base far better than AY.
Liz also favours the holistic approach to beauty too let's not forget - making sure you eat correctly too, she's written books on the right oils to include in your diet for skin health, so yeah - while she dos still have the eye bags to a degree, her skin is naturally glowing because she feeds herself properly. Unlike Ms Young who seems to exist on a diet of cake, chocolate, coffee and slaps on the miracle cream instead. While I am not much of an LE fan anymore - I'd rather have her attitude to beauty than AYs.

(disclaimer - I am not saying eating choc/cake/naughty things is bad - just not all the time and not so it makes you as hyper as she is...)

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