I'd like to ask AY a beauty question (controversial in this thread, I know): why are you so anti-cosmetic surgery?
Since the human body is designed to get old, tired and wrinkled as a consequence of living, the whole "using plants or chemicals to try and stop looking older" thing is hardly natural. And since being born with bright green eyelids is rather rare, so is slapping make-up on. So why get all het up about cosmetic surgery being used for the same reason? Especially since a number of her fellow presenters and QVC guests appear to have had more than a few procedures done...
Sounds a tad hypocritical to me. Unless Le Q starts offering facelifts and **** jobs (and maybe something for the girls, too), in which case fully I expect AY to exhort everyone to "jump to those phones" to get a new and improved fizzog through surgery.