Are QVC breaking the refund rules under Distance Selling Regs?


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I bought something from Bid TV and returned it the next day because I changed my mind. They have only refunded me the cost of the item and not the postage costs. Am I entitled to a full refund under the distant selling regulations?
I bought something from Bid TV and returned it the next day because I changed my mind. They have only refunded me the cost of the item and not the postage costs. Am I entitled to a full refund under the distant selling regulations?

I believe you are - but they will not do it automatically.your item must be unused and in orginal packaging and you must notify them that you are sending the item back either in writing or by email - and within a seven day time frame.

I think thats right anyway?

I did it one one item from qvc and although I got all the relevant emails back - the P&P never got refunded.

I'm sending 2 veronese items back on monday that I recieved on thursday - and again,i've notified them that I'm sending these back.Again relevant official emails sent back - these ones slightly different to the one I recieved back last time (last one more personal - these ones more official reminding me of the DSR "rules") but I will contact them this time if I don't get the p&p back
Bid-TV are classed as an auction so im not sure you are not entitled to P+P back, i would ask consumer direct for advice
I phoned Bid TV and spoke to a customer service representative. Intially the lady told me I was only refunded the cost of the item, but then I asked her about getting the p&p back too. She just asked me why I returned the item. Then she said my p&p costs will also be refunded within the next 3 days.:nod::up:
You'll have to excuse me if you have already read this on the Aeropilates's these painkillers, they're making me a bit 'scatty' shall we say?! :drunk:

This just occurred to me as I was replying to that post. I called last night to try and cancel one of the LG bags I had ordered (I was being a bit over ambitious and suddenly panicked when I realised the cats were due all sorts of expensive injections etc this month!!) and they said they couldn't cancel as it was in 'warehouse' status or something along those lines. He said that he would have to take it to his supervisor to try, and even then it may not work. So, resigned, I just thought I'd send it straight back and try the DS reg thing so I wouldn't be out of pocket. I just logged onto my account to check the progress of some other items and lo and behold - 'customer cancelled'!!!

That has never happened before, it's always been a case 'it's in warehouse staus, it's too late'. I wonder if all these people quoting the regs at them is making them try harder to stop unwanted items going out?!! :rock:
Returned two items this past week, each one on a different day, but the next after receiving each item. Sent QVC CS an email with the relevant information about each item and that I was returning it within 7 days under the DSR and expected a credit for the price of the item and the P&P. Got the QVC Refund email notification today for one but there was no credit for the P&P. Double checked my QVC account and it looked as though only the price of the item was refunded. So I sent another email to chase after the P&P. Got another email apologizing for failure to credit the P&P and that it would be credited. Apparently QVC either wants you to have to chase after the refund on the P&P or their system is not set up to handle this and it should be. Guess I will have to chase after the second item's P&P.

What the enlightenment on the DSR has helped me to do is make up my mind about any item that I feel uncertain about. I am now thinking send it back before the 7 days if it is not "ticking all the right boxes as expected."

:mysmilie_504: to the OP who brought this to everyone's attention as now I will be more focused about deciding if something is right for me. If it's not right, don't waste time and money being wishy washy, send it back and get the ££££ back to use for something else. The P&P does add up when you''ve bought 2-3-4 items during a show!

yeah people in sales (myself) don't give 2 flying figs about customers
it's all about closing the deal
and once we have got your money etc, it up to customer-services to keep you happy .....
I've had to chase one of my P&P's to be refunded,despite it apparently saying on my account that it's sent back under DSR's:emo:
I was just wondering, are you entitled to a refund of p&p if you order something and it does not arrive?
My husband orderd the laura geller tsv for me and it hasnt arrived, he rang them up friday and they said that the hermes couriour could not find our address and it had been delayed we should recieve it that day, we didnt so he rang back yesterday and someone else said he could either have a refund now minus the p&p or she would send out a decleration form and get a replacement sorted.
How does a flippin delivery person not find an address??never had anything deliverd by this hermes before and ill gwt him to insist the replacement isnt sent by them, and how can they refuse to refund your p&p youve paid it in this case £4.95 which isnt cheap and it hasnt arrived.
Of course you are entitled to your P+P is they haven't delivered the goods !

If that was me on the phone i would have flipped and had a right go at them
Returned two items this past week, each one on a different day, but the next after receiving each item. Sent QVC CS an email with the relevant information about each item and that I was returning it within 7 days under the DSR and expected a credit for the price of the item and the P&P. Got the QVC Refund email notification today for one but there was no credit for the P&P. Double checked my QVC account and it looked as though only the price of the item was refunded. So I sent another email to chase after the P&P. Got another email apologizing for failure to credit the P&P and that it would be credited. Apparently QVC either wants you to have to chase after the refund on the P&P or their system is not set up to handle this and it should be. Guess I will have to chase after the second item's P&P.

What the enlightenment on the DSR has helped me to do is make up my mind about any item that I feel uncertain about. I am now thinking send it back before the 7 days if it is not "ticking all the right boxes as expected."

:mysmilie_504: to the OP who brought this to everyone's attention as now I will be more focused about deciding if something is right for me. If it's not right, don't waste time and money being wishy washy, send it back and get the ££££ back to use for something else. The P&P does add up when you''ve bought 2-3-4 items during a show!


I sent three items back two have arrived so far, hope the third turns up although have got proof of p&p. Anyway like so many other's I had to chase up the p&p on the two items, phoned customer care I was told sorry about that I will refund you, on the return slip I wrote please refund p&p under DSR so my point was to customer care, why every time something is sent back under DSR you have to chase the p&p his reply was write on the form you want p&p because it is your statutory right under DSR, I replied perhaps they all need some more training, This did not go down very well. They are obviously not happy about us all demanding our rights, let's hope more people cotton on to this, not only people who read shoppingtelly.
I sent three items back two have arrived so far, hope the third turns up although have got proof of p&p. Anyway like so many other's I had to chase up the p&p on the two items, phoned customer care I was told sorry about that I will refund you, on the return slip I wrote please refund p&p under DSR so my point was to customer care, why every time something is sent back under DSR you have to chase the p&p his reply was write on the form you want p&p because it is your statutory right under DSR, I replied perhaps they all need some more training, This did not go down very well. They are obviously not happy about us all demanding our rights, let's hope more people cotton on to this, not only people who read shoppingtelly.

I put on that little slip that it's a beautiful pendant (what I returned) but not quite the stone I was looking for and am returning for a credit refund for the price of the item and the P&P under the DSR. :whew:

A lot to write in the tiny space on that return receipt but I wrote down the side margin a bit. Plus I emailed CS on the website with the details asked forin the form. There's a big field to write quite a bit of information and I wrote as clearly as possible what the situation is.

QVC does need to pay closer attention :taphead: to customers who return items in the 7 days. I have only sent 2 items back under these circumstances and am disappointed :sad: that it looks like I have to chase after both P&Ps. It shouldn't be this way. It's bad enough that I have a few pieces that I didn't even send back that I really should have. So knowing that I can get back the original P&P on items I feel don't live up to my expectations makes it worth getting off my backside and to the Post Office!! :cash::cash:
I received 2 tiani b dresses (ordered 1 small and 1 medium) and want to send back the small ca I still do this under dsr even though I am keeping the other part of the order Also I used an easy pay promotional code when I paid so does anyone know how returning part of the order will affect my payment
I received 2 tiani b dresses (ordered 1 small and 1 medium) and want to send back the small ca I still do this under dsr even though I am keeping the other part of the order Also I used an easy pay promotional code when I paid so does anyone know how returning part of the order will affect my payment

Sugarplum: within 7 days of receipt of your goods you can, by writing to QVC, cancel your order.

Contact customer services (CS) via e-mail and inform CS that, under the DSRs, you are cancelling your order for the size-small dress. Give the order number for the small-size dress and the relevant item number; the amount, and the p&p. Ask CS to ensure that the amount credited to you includes the original p&p.

You should, within 24 hours, receive an e-mail from CS acknowledging your cancellation.

You will need to send your dress via Special Delivery or Recorded delivery; if the dress cost £41.00 or more, send it via Special Delivery. The latter will enable you to track the item and the parcel will be delivered by 13:00 on the day after posting (unless you post on a Friday, in which case it will be delivered on the following Monday).

Once the dress is returned to QVC, and processed, Q should reimburse you with your first easy-pay payment and the original p&p.

Should QVC fail to reimburse you with the original p&p, contact CS and ask for it!

I sent two items back in 7 days under DSR requesting a refund of my original p+p and got it. Must admit I was suprised, I left nothing to chance and emailed them via their web address and online forms in advance of sending the items back to tell them and noted that on the reply slip in the parcel.

The key is to let them know that you intend to send back during the cooling off period and in that timesyou can't ue the items they have to be original unused conditon. Otherwise the usual 30day mbg kicks in
thanks for the advise I have sent off an email today advising that I will be returning one dress unused tomoorrow and requesting the p&p be refunded as per DSR will wait and see what happens
You'll all get your accounts closed.....:wink:
I sent an email informing them I am returning an order under the DSR last week. As I had not received a confirmation email back, I phoned CS this morning. Here is a new tactic from CS, as long as you have not opened up your goods you will get a full refund, how can you know whether an item is suitable or not if you do not open the package. Everyone I should watch this one as they are obviously looking for ways of avoiding refunding us, which again is breaking laws which they do not control. I do not know what is wrong with QVC they must be MEGA RICH ON THE BACK OF US.
I sent an email informing them I am returning an order under the DSR last week. As I had not received a confirmation email back, I phoned CS this morning. Here is a new tactic from CS, as long as you have not opened up your goods you will get a full refund, how can you know whether an item is suitable or not if you do not open the package. Everyone I should watch this one as they are obviously looking for ways of avoiding refunding us, which again is breaking laws which they do not control. I do not know what is wrong with QVC they must be MEGA RICH ON THE BACK OF US.

This is ridiculous; the DSR legislation was introduced specifically to protect those customers unable to inspect goods prior to purchase.:headbang:

I, too, am awaiting a confirmatory e-mail from Le Q - I returned the 'Kelly Hoppen' throw. After spending over £7 to return this item - which was not as described - I shall be bl***y livid, if I don't receive the original p&p.:angry:

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