Another warehouse error


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Oct 1, 2008
Well - although I was fortunately not involved in the RCM fiasco (because I didn't order the TSV) it would appear that there is still a hiccup on the warehouse front.

I re-ordered an item for the umpteeth time and it arrived today. I could tell from the size of the box that something was amiss (although QVC do sometimes go over the top with their packaging) but it also weighed far too much for what I was expecting.

The attached invoice correctly stated the item I was expecting but inside the boxes were two large bottles of the Australian tea tree stuff. I rang CS and she apologised and said that the wrong item had been sent to me (ermmm, yes, I'd already sussed that out.) When I said that the invoice stuck on the box was correct but the wrong item had arrived, she reiterated that someone must have sent the wrong item. The conversation was a little bit like Groundhog Day. :wink:

Anyway, I told her that I would not be paying for the wrong item to be returned and asked if the courier could come and fetch it. She said that could be arranged and that the correct order would be sent out once the tea tree stuff was back with them. I told her that was not acceptable because it meant I'd still be waiting for the goods when payment had already been taken out. She put me on hold and then came back to say that she had arranged for the courier to collect the boxes within 5 working days and that the correct item would be dispatched in the next couple off days. Here's hoping!

When she initially said the wrong item had been sent to me I was sooooooo tempted to mention the RCM fiasco but decided I'd keep schtum - just incase they sent that instead of what I'd actually ordered. I'm just wondering what the customer who was waiting for the tea tree order thought if she got my order instead.

I know it was human error and it's not really an issue (unless the resent order doesn't arrive :wink:) but there do seem to be more 'botch ups' recently than in the past (or is it my imagination?)
Is it just me or is anyone else wondering what it was that you ordered but didn't get lol? You were expecting something in a smaller box than the ABC product although not too small a box that it couldn't be down to overpackaging, and for it to weigh considerably less. So I'm thinking make up?

Sorry my mind does wander like that.

Re warehouse mistakes, turnover of staff maybe, or an IW infiltrator trying to wreck Q's good name?
I have had 2 items picked up for return and both were picked up the next day,hope yours is the same.
Is it just me or is anyone else wondering what it was that you ordered but didn't get lol? You were expecting something in a smaller box than the ABC product although not too small a box that it couldn't be down to overpackaging, and for it to weigh considerably less. So I'm thinking make up?

Sorry my mind does wander like that.

Re warehouse mistakes, turnover of staff maybe, or an IW infiltrator trying to wreck Q's good name?

You should be a detective. :wink: It was make up or will be, if it ever materialises. :wink:
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I have had 2 items picked up for return and both were picked up the next day,hope yours is the same.

I got the impression that the re-ordered items will be delivered before the returns are scheduled to be collected which is a little daft as it will be the same courier. I did suggest that she collected the boxes when she delivered the correct items, but that didn't seem to compute with CS. :giggle:
I have had wrong items sent to me on at least 4 ocassions in the last 7 or so years. To QVC's credit, I have never had a problem, they always sent the correct item out to me immediately and collected the wrong item efficiently. Hope all goes well for you too.
I had the same WRONG item delivered 3 times from Amazon once......kept sending it back and getting it replaced with the wrong item again :giggle:

Turned out the wrong items had been loaded into the "bin" and the picker (or robot or whatever) goes to the correct bin and selects whatever is in there.....

So if someone dumps the wrong stuff in the right bin, thats what you get sent!! :wink:
Well, wonders will never cease! After being told that the wrong items would be collected within five days, I got back from work today to find a note from my courier (who is wonderful) to ask if I could leave the parcel out for collection tomorrow, as I was out when she called to get it this morning. So that's a collection within 24 hours of the initial delivery! I've texted her back to tell her that I would leave it in our agreed 'safe place' where she leaves my parcels when I'm not in. I've warned her that a replacement is on its way so I'll probably be seeing her soon. Fingers crossed that I get the right item this time or this 'to-ing and fro-ing' could go on for weeks. :wink:
I ordered a Yankee Candle set before Xmas. Expected the usual large heavy box. Instead, a Jiffy bag arrived with a Bare Minerals brow pencil! Invoice was correct though. To add insult to injury, the Jiffy bag had a large sticker on it with "opened and checked for quality control"!! Not checked that carefully obviously!
Well ........ being the eternal optimist I'm hopeful that what I ordered will reach me in one piece and will be correct this time. I won't have to wait long to find out because it was dispatched this morning. :mysmilie_378:

And rather than laying people off (particularly in the current economic climate) maybe they should think of employing more staff in the warehouse to ensure that the RCM malarkey doesn't happen again and that what is on the invoice is actually what is in the parcel.
Just an update :wink:

QVC have just rung to confirm they've received the tea tree oil stuff back and have also apologised because the re-order of the goods I wanted initially was on its way but it has been returned to them, by the courier, because the parcel was damaged. :eek:

Knowing how this re-order is usually packaged I can only assume that someone ran over the box with a lorry because there's no way that it could have been damaged just by being dropped.

Anyway ........ they're reimbursing the full amount, plus P&P, as the thing I wanted is now on waitlist. I suppose I'll just have to keep checking the site and will order it again once it's back in stock.

Do you get the feeling that this order wasn't meant to be? :wonder:
I am cynical but I think you've been fed a load of bull! I bet the correct parcel was not damaged, they never sent it as it was sold out, I have had this malarkey before! I have had quite a few cock ups especially of late and big delays in refunds I'm getting the impression that there is not enough staff in the warehouse I'm also wondering if QVC are heading for problems they seem to have the same items on again and again recently doesn't seem to be as much variety as there used to be
I am cynical but I think you've been fed a load of bull! I bet the correct parcel was not damaged, they never sent it as it was sold out, I have had this malarkey before!

Same here! And first I heard was when I looked at my order history. So much for 'keeping you informed'
I am cynical but I think you've been fed a load of bull! I bet the correct parcel was not damaged, they never sent it as it was sold out, I have had this malarkey before! I have had quite a few cock ups especially of late and big delays in refunds I'm getting the impression that there is not enough staff in the warehouse I'm also wondering if QVC are heading for problems they seem to have the same items on again and again recently doesn't seem to be as much variety as there used to be

To be honest I did wonder the same thing, fleetingly, although it was still in stock when they sent out the replacement. It went onto waitlist a few days later. I also got an email confirming that it was on its way. The status in my account is now 'returned' (it was dispatched on the 1st and returned on the 5th March.) (Mind you, that means it took them 6 days to ring me!)

The only thing that didn't ring quite true was when she said that the courier had returned it and that HE had said it was damaged. My Hermes courier is a woman so unless she's off this week then a man didn't try to deliver it. I'll text my courier tomorrow and if she has been at work this week then I'll know that CS gave me inaccurate information ............. (she says politely :wink:)
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My Hermes courier has returned packages for me because there was clearly the sound of broken glass inside, but he still came to the house so I could decide whether to accept it. However he said some parcels never make it out of the depot if clearly smashed, and any chemical leaks should be returned, though he's had perfumes leak in his van which he can still smell weeks later.
QVC wouldn't know whether or not your courier is a woman they just deal with their customer services.

I would agree Q are not wholly honest when they over-sell items they usually send out the ficticious "we've discovered a quality issue with certain stock" letter! It's the way they never hold up their hands and acknowledge they've made a mistake that angers me, the red carpet debarcle shows. I think customers appreciated honesty but QVC always phrase their letters as though they're doing us a huge favour!

I hope you get your item soon Toril.

Jude xx
A couple of weeks ago l was checked my QVC account and saw an item was marked as returned when it hadn't been. I rang Q and had a shocker of a time trying to make them understand that l had not returned the item. "It's marked as damaged in transit and returned by RM". No says l. Someone else's might have been but mine is on the bathroom shelf. Sure enough they had refunded me plus P&P, which they eventually took back.
Just an update :wink:

QVC have just rung to confirm they've received the tea tree oil stuff back and have also apologised because the re-order of the goods I wanted initially was on its way but it has been returned to them, by the courier, because the parcel was damaged. :eek:

Knowing how this re-order is usually packaged I can only assume that someone ran over the box with a lorry because there's no way that it could have been damaged just by being dropped.

Anyway ........ they're reimbursing the full amount, plus P&P, as the thing I wanted is now on waitlist. I suppose I'll just have to keep checking the site and will order it again once it's back in stock.

Do you get the feeling that this order wasn't meant to be? :wonder:

Toril i liked your post cause i think its not meant to be and you should give up and buy something else, and not from QVC after all that trouble :thinking:

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