I would dearly love to see some of the nasties who post on this forum, how on earth would you like someone to make dreadful comments on how you look or what you wear, why do you bother tuning in to watch QVC at all ? It's a shopping channel for God's sake, not a beauty pageant. Please get a life.
I thought she looked better than normal!! The fringe clipped back was a bit too much la Tarrant perhaps but at least it was not hanging lank and the colour seemed softer than the usual brassy yellow.
But then my expectations are set quite low
I thought the LATI's comments were slightly complimentary, far worse has been said on here. Everyone's allowed an opinion and most folk on TV know they're the subject of much criticism, what would really hurt them would be no one watching or commenting.
Rather than attack the poster, 'twould be to offer a counter-argument.
Telling a forum-member not to watch would be like me telling you not to read this forum, and I'd never say that!
I thought my post was a positive response as I really don't like Anne's normal style and I was going to respond to defend my "nasty" post but decided the poster was entitled to her opinion so I accepted it but would have preferred not to be called nasty
It`s no different than going into a bricks and mortar shop for a new foundation let`s say and the woman trying to sell you that foundation has horrible skin, a scruffy uniform and is wearing her makeup trowelled on and then she tries to tell you she knows what she`s on about. You`d walk away and probably discuss the experience with your OH, a friend or maybe even the next sales assistant who serves you as you should be served. It`s life !