Ann Dawson


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I wasn`t having a poke at people with bad skin and yes I do understand it isn`t always possible to solve it. I simply wanted to get over the point that when people are selling a product or service then the customer wittingly or unwittingly has certain expectations of the person doing the selling. You wouldn`t take non smoking advice from a person with nicotined fingers, you wouldn`t listen to an obese Doctor lecturing you about weight and diet, you wouldn`t take seriously a hairdresser with greasy hair stuck to her head, a manicurist with chewed off bitten nails or a car salesman trying to sell you a car when he can`t drive or a computer sales person who only knew how to turn on the computer and little else. The list is endless and it`s right that the customer has certain expectations when they`re expected to buy something or use a service and as long as those expectations are realistic then companies should look at such things. Anybody selling on TV should look and act the part, end of.
Oh BRILLIANT Anne is hosting the Alpha H show and completely taking over Michelle who is trying to describe the products. I've never known anyone ramble on more than Anne Dawson.
Ewwww I would rather go bare faced than use make up used by someone else. :mysmilie_460:
You would think that there would be tons of samples etc lying around without having to use AD's.

I have always wondered what happens to the make up used during the shows and more particularly the pierced earrings which the guest, the presenter and the model use. If it is a show which is on say 3 times in a day with 3 different earring style there could be up to 27 pairs. Do we believe these are not sent out to customers? No we don't!
The stuff that is demoed live is put in the QVC shop, they had one in the building in London, for staff to go buy from. It was mentioned long ago. Or with used beauty stuff and the range coming to an end the models or AY took it home. That was also mentioned live on air, "I'll have that." AY. Earrings are no doubt sterilized in on of those steam things and sent out. Nothing wrong with that, no one I know of has ever cause a disease from wearing someone else's earrings.
I was always under the impression that re using anything of the nature like pierce earings was a real no no as far as hygine was concered. TDHG have got it right in this instance IMO.

I dont have pierced ears but if I did I would not like to think I was getting bits of bodily fluid from some else.
I was always under the impression that re using anything of the nature like pierce earings was a real no no as far as hygine was concered. TDHG have got it right in this instance IMO.

I dont have pierced ears but if I did I would not like to think I was getting bits of bodily fluid from some else.

Funnily enough I thought the same when I watched a programme about Boodles the other night. They lend out jewellery to the rich and famous, jewellery worth thousands of pounds and it showed one customer borrowing a pair of diamond earrings for an event. I daresay Boodles sterlize them when they`re returned but I`d hate to think I was paying lots of money for a pair of earrings someone had previously worn.
If earrings are steam sterilized the same way they clean operating instruments in hospitals, can't see bodily fluids on anything. Most jewellers and department stores do not sale enough to use one.

The earring thing came in when AIDS hit in the 80s, I do not remember any notices in shops before that about not trying on earrings or returning them. As I said never heard of anyone catching a disease from earrings. I watched the Boodles tv documentary, Harry Winston's lends earrings for the Golden Globals, the Oscars etc.
Funnily enough I thought the same when I watched a programme about Boodles the other night. They lend out jewellery to the rich and famous, jewellery worth thousands of pounds and it showed one customer borrowing a pair of diamond earrings for an event.
I daresay Boodles sterlize them when they`re returned but I`d hate to think I was paying lots of money for a pair of earrings someone had previously worn.

True, but at the same time I'd never pay thousands (I wish!) for an item I wasn't able to try on.
I would dearly love to see some of the nasties who post on this forum, how on earth would you like someone to make dreadful comments on how you look or what you wear, why do you bother tuning in to watch QVC at all ? It's a shopping channel for God's sake, not a beauty pageant. Please get a life.

As long as it isn't done in a nasty mean way then I don't see the problem. I think voicing opinions is fine as long as there isn't one set of rules for one presenter and another rule for another presenter. If one is fair game for criticism then they all should be. Presenters are in the public eye, they should know that people will talk about them. Any presenter decides to go looking online for comments made about them is in the wrong job if they can't take it on the chin. Not saying Ann has done this but JK is one that springs to mind.
I'm sure Anne's not too bothered what we think. I like her, sometimes she looks a bit "eek" and lots of the time she looks great. I'd love to have a night out with her - in Glasgow :mysmilie_8: Doesn't take me too long to look a mess there LOL.


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