Anne Dawson


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Mrs Doubtfire !!!!! Love it
Do you think the presenters are told they must wear items that come up in the programme because it’s not only Anne Dawson that looks ridiculous, they all do!

Poor old Dawbags! I have a bit of a soft spot for her, really. I agree that the frock wasn't really doing her any favours, though.
I like Anne Dawson too. She’s like the lady who possibly lives next door and not as loud and pretentious as the others. She’s likeable. I feel sorry for her having to dress up in clothes that don’t suit her. I don’t care about the others
The normal Mormons banned that years ago. But, there are some weirdos who have their own and insist they are the Prophet.
One married all his father's wives, then started marrying 12 old girls to men in their 40s etc. He is in jail, but the faithful still send him money and record these sermons to broadcast. They are all off shoots of the Mormons.

Netflix have documentaries.

Oh, the Duggars of 20 children and counting belong to a weird sect too. Shiny Happy People documentary on Amazon. They believe in beating children, and I mean 6-month-old babies because they reach for a toy. Filmed of the sect bringing children up on stage and beating the hell out of them because they did not say I love you to their minsters. Of course the dirty old man who is their head had been done for sexual abuse and then other top members fight over the millions.
The Duggars are in the Quiverfull sect, where the followers have to outbreed everyone else so they can take over the world for their deity or something. Personally, it just feels soul destroying unless you're the creep in charge.

I saw that Shiny Happy People documentary. It was definitely eye-opening. Made me glad I left religion behind decades ago
The Duggars are in the Quiverfull sect, where the followers have to outbreed everyone else so they can take over the world for their deity or something. Personally, it just feels soul destroying unless you're the creep in charge.

I saw that Shiny Happy People documentary. It was definitely eye-opening. Made me glad I left religion behind decades ago
I caught the documentary by accident. A friend loved watching their show, and I remember having to sit through endless episodes on the Living Chanel. Did tell my friend to watch the documentary t but don't know if she ever did? Explains why all the younger children just sat quietly all the time had the crap beat out of them at a very early age.
Sorry. I can’t watch Anne Dawson. She seems a nice woman but I can’t bear the “you know”s. It is a real trigger for me. I end up shouting “no, I don’t. It is your job to tell me!”. So I switch off. Sorry.
Mind you, I switch off when I see Charlie, Simon, C Huntley, Jill Franks. I am getting really fussy.
I agree that they are asked to wear products being sold but Jill Franks rarely does.
The normal Mormons banned that years ago. But, there are some weirdos who have their own and insist they are the Prophet.
One married all his father's wives, then started marrying 12 old girls to men in their 40s etc. He is in jail, but the faithful still send him money and record these sermons to broadcast. They are all off shoots of the Mormons.

Netflix have documentaries.

Oh, the Duggars of 20 children and counting belong to a weird sect too. Shiny Happy People documentary on Amazon. They believe in beating children, and I mean 6-month-old babies because they reach for a toy. Filmed of the sect bringing children up on stage and beating the hell out of them because they did not say I love you to their minsters. Of course the dirty old man who is their head had been done for sexual abuse and then other top members fight over the millions.

What a shock - not.

My cousin's wife was a SAHM back in the 80s. She was lonely as he worked in NYC and with the commute it was long hours away. An off-shoot of the Mormon church group were door-knocking and managed to rope her into their sect. Along with three little daughters.

They never divorced. He always thought she'd come to her senses. The daughters stayed with their mum, who was a dressmaker for the sect, and door-knocked or cleaned for the elders (20% of all earnings goes to the church). Nothing other than a basic education, married off to church elders, abuse of all sorts.

My cousin was killed in the Twin Towers. His widow didn't attend the family service but the church elders were at the will reading. Everything went to the daughters but we all doubt they saw a penny. And there were many as there was a big payout from the 9/11 fund.
I don't like Dawson, although she speaks beautifully. All the 'you knows' and 'in terms of' repeated numerous times are irritating and when she presents the fashions, she rarely (never) gives enough information about the product.
Oh Lord! Does she ever pause for breath? She's not the presenter to have on at 10pm as she never shuts up. I can't stand her.
Looks classier with a beard and dark glasses.

A few years back, Anne actually looked nice. Yes, hair a soft shade of blond made it look thicker in casual clothes in colours that suited her. Then suddenly she reverted to the harsh red colour for the hair which washes her out and just gave up on the fashion choices.
I'm obviously a lone voice in the wilderness but I like that dress and I think it suits Anne.
A few years back, Anne actually looked nice. Yes, hair a soft shade of blond made it look thicker in casual clothes in colours that suited her. Then suddenly she reverted to the harsh red colour for the hair which washes her out and just gave up on the fashion choices.
Anne should change hairdresser or, if she colours her hair at home, stop using the awful red colour. It does nothing for her, and her white roots are usually very obvious under the studio lighting. Also, one of the fashion stylists should advise her to always wear shoulder pads. She has very narrow shoulders and the addition of pads would give her a younger and more healthy look instead of a shrunken and loss of muscle appearance.
Oh Lord! Does she ever pause for breath? She's not the presenter to have on at 10pm as she never shuts up. I can't stand her.
Sometimes, and it maybe because sales are not ticking up as they should, she loses her soft voice and commences to screech which then turns into a screeching shout. At times like this, she is unbearable.

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