Amica ... the very lovely Amica


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So sorry to hear this. I met her at a jewellery event, and she was lovely. I send her my prayers to get through this.
Just adding my best wishes to can do it girl...sending lots of positive vibes xxx
Had scares myself this year resulting in full hysterectomy in Nov to hopefully sort out once and for all, so HUGE HUGE thoughts and positive vibes are being sent out to Amica from me. What a terrible terrible shame for her to have won one battle only to now face another ... this is a wicked wicked disease and I so wish more could be done for everybody suffering. The amount of money that this government wastes on unnecessary expense drives me crazy and yet this hideous illness just goes on. Please throw "every" available penny at it and then fingers crossed one day we may win it over.

Loads of love Amica soooo thinking of you hunny, I wish you every happiness and health in 2012, you can do it girl!!!! xxxxxx
Gogeous lady, inside and out. Such sad news to hear that she got the all clear and then had this thrown at her. I just want to echo everybody's get well wishes on here and send her lots of love & hugs. Amica, you will be in my prayers sweetie.
I frequent a support group for the cancer I had (bowel) and on a regular basis someone comes on to say they have a resurgence somewhere-my heart always sinks for them. Starting up treatment all over again-sometimes for 4-5 times must be so exhausting, yet these brave people muster up their courage and battle on-some of them don't make it, whilst others finally beat this wretched disease.

Amica- my prayers and positive thoughts are with you right now. I gasped when I heard Pippa say you were battling again, but you seem to be receiving the treatment you need, and have a supportive family, and little ones who need you, as if you need any more motivation to stay strong!
I am so sad to hear that Amica has secondaries in her lungs:sad: Amica is one of my favourite models and I hope she will come through this. All I can do is say a prayer for her and give her a word of comfort. I was told I was on remission from my cancer after chemo and will have a very long remission, and not even think about it for as long as 9 years.
It returned viciously after just 3 years!! I was told to enjoy my remaining days, the longest they could give me was 3 months. A callous colleague even asked me if I had made my funeral arrangements:sad:
I am writing this after 7 years :) I believe in the power of prayers and the power of positive thoughts
Many people said prayers for me. I had Christian friends, Church goers (I do not even go to that church), Buddhist friend, Hindu friends and Muslim friends praying for me, and of course my own prayers. I just told God that I was not ready to go yet.
I have since been to see the Taj Mahal, been on an elephant, seen the Niagara Falls, walked on the Great Wall of China, and have done many more things, of course I can't run racers and
even climbing stairs is not as easy as before, but hey, I have seen the dawn for the last 7 years and gone to bed hoping to see another dawn.
I wish Amica could read this and get hope, because as long as there is hope, there is life.
caretodiffer - your post brought tears to my eyes. what a wonderful, brave, inspiring, positive post from a wonderful, brave, inspiring, positive person. i'm so glad you've seen those sights and i wish you a million more dawns.

here's a big (((((((((hug))))))))))
I am so sorry janie.. (hugs) , I did not mean to come across that way, I just wanted people to have hope. I do remember going outside onto my lawn, walking bare feet on the frosted grass, thinking I might never be able to feel grass under my feet, looking at barren tree branches, seen through my bedroom window, thinking I might never see them with leaves again :)
Now I look at those trees and I am so grateful for these last 7 years, frosty, windy and cold the winters can be, but so glad I am able to feel them. I am so glad to have my nails, they can be ridgy but at least I have them, because I lost them through chemo, so janie, I am so thankful for things like the hugs you have sent me, thank you, so much.
What a lovely lady (hope I get that right) you are,caretodiffer.
Your post has brought tears to my eyes too but in a good way.

Like Janie,I too wish you many more dawns xxxxxx
nothing to be sorry for ctd - as marzy says, tears in a good way, for your eloquent explanation and happiness that you came through :)

i hope amica does read the thread because your posts will be an inspiration to her :)

So sorry to hear this news about Amica and sending her and her family so much love... Wonderful posts already from some of the people on here who have also had the dreadful news that their cancer has spread and I do hope Amica reads them and gains some hope from them... Like Liz I can't recommend the Breast Cancer Care forum enough I practically lived on there after my diagnosis almost 4 years ago and have met some amazing friends because of it... I have hoped all last year that Alison and Amica have been making use of it - even if they have used a different name / details etc... xxx
Someone asked earlier in the thread why the lung tumours were not picked up earlier... The sad problem with breast cancer is that very few patients die when the cancer is still contained in the breast tissue itself (a few each die because of related factors... surgery complications, infections becoming serious because of a low immune system due to chemo etc...) The problems arise when the breast cancer cells have managed to escape the breast tissue and moved to another organ in the body - either via the lymph system or the blood stream... Once there these cells start growing and form new tumours - but they are still breast cancer... Unfortunatly this can happen at any time - either soon after the original treatment or many years later - or some people already have spread at their diagnosis...
I do hope that Amica can take hope from all the improvements that have been made in recent years... I also have many friends who are now years on from being told they now have secondaries.
Caretodiffer - what a fab post! That so much sums up my attitude to dealing with spread. I too regard this time as one where I can go and do things if I want to and equally not if I don't. Having retired from work so early, I have been to places I love and have spent time with my special family and friends that I wouldn't otherwise have been able to do.

Theresa - lovely to see you posting on here and hope you are keeping ok

Strength again to Amica and I hope she can cope with this and adapt to enjoy things
My heart goes out to Amica and all those who are battling this dreadful disease. Reading some of the posts on this thread is a very humbling experience and has made me resolve to try and not to moan about petty ailments and be eternally grateful for my own good health.
That is not good, usually lung cancer means very very bad news.

not wishing to throw a damp squib on this thread BUT my mum got breast cancer in one **** [ removed ] then the other ] same....removed too ] then it travelled to her throat & her lungs.she was 44 when she passed & i was only 8 so COMMON amica my lovely do better as this was eons away.........chin up & come out fighting.alll the best to you & your loved ones at this time in your life.....
I am so sad to hear that Amica has secondaries in her lungs:sad: Amica is one of my favourite models and I hope she will come through this. All I can do is say a prayer for her and give her a word of comfort. I was told I was on remission from my cancer after chemo and will have a very long remission, and not even think about it for as long as 9 years.
It returned viciously after just 3 years!! I was told to enjoy my remaining days, the longest they could give me was 3 months. A callous colleague even asked me if I had made my funeral arrangements:sad:
I am writing this after 7 years :) I believe in the power of prayers and the power of positive thoughts

Many people said prayers for me. I had Christian friends, Church goers (I do not even go to that church), Buddhist friend, Hindu friends and Muslim friends praying for me, and of course my own prayers. I just told God that I was not ready to go yet.
I have since been to see the Taj Mahal, been on an elephant, seen the Niagara Falls, walked on the Great Wall of China, and have done many more things, of course I can't run racers and
even climbing stairs is not as easy as before, but hey, I have seen the dawn for the last 7 years and gone to bed hoping to see another dawn.
I wish Amica could read this and get hope, because as long as there is hope, there is life.

i agree my mum was on life support as she suffered a massive herat attack. the consultant told us that we must say goodbye.thry turned off the life support. we prayed every single person i know prayed hard. at 82 she is still with us 6 months later every day is precious god bless you and i will keep you in my prayers also...
I lost my beautiful brave big sis four years ago.
She was in remission from breast cancer - about four years on from her diagnosis when she found a lump in the other breast and was told this was a new primary, totally unrelated to the first. This was far more aggressive and despite surgery and treatment it quickly spread to her spine and she passed away within 18months. I miss her every single day.
Heartfelt wishes for all those going through these awful times that better days lie ahead, and their lives be long and happy.

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