I am so sad to hear that Amica has secondaries in her lungs:sad: Amica is one of my favourite models and I hope she will come through this. All I can do is say a prayer for her and give her a word of comfort. I was told I was on remission from my cancer after chemo and will have a very long remission, and not even think about it for as long as 9 years.
It returned viciously after just 3 years!! I was told to enjoy my remaining days, the longest they could give me was 3 months. A callous colleague even asked me if I had made my funeral arrangements:sad:
I am writing this after 7 years

I believe in the power of prayers and the power of positive thoughts
Many people said prayers for me. I had Christian friends, Church goers (I do not even go to that church), Buddhist friend, Hindu friends and Muslim friends praying for me, and of course my own prayers. I just told God that I was not ready to go yet.
I have since been to see the Taj Mahal, been on an elephant, seen the Niagara Falls, walked on the Great Wall of China, and have done many more things, of course I can't run racers and
even climbing stairs is not as easy as before, but hey, I have seen the dawn for the last 7 years and gone to bed hoping to see another dawn.
I wish Amica could read this and get hope, because as long as there is hope, there is life.