Am ready to be shot down on this...but I like Claire Sutton!


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Mar 13, 2010
North Lancashire
I've been on this site a little while, read tons but but not posted too much. However what I'm about to say may lead to my untimely electronic demise - the end of my ST career before it even got going - as I'm going out on a limb to say (deep breath) I really like watching Claire Sutton (ducks behind sofa in anticipation of fellow forumites wrath...)

I appreciate she wouldn't be out of place entertaining my two and half year old in the CBeebies bedtime hour. But she serves a purpose for me when QVC isn't a shop but a form of escapism from the real world. As someone who's naturally depressive and sometimes finds life a little overwhleming (she says, hoping this evokes sympathy in those already yelling "nooooo" at the PC) there are times when her soporific voice is just what I need. Also, without wishing to garner too much sympathy for her - as I suspect she doesn't have too hard a life and plenty have far worse - I do remind myself that she's had a few things happen to her in the last few years that might have challenged even her cheery refrain. I know she's clearly worked at ridding herself of an accent not dissimilar to mine in order to 'make it', something which generally annoys the hell out of me, but I still don't see her as someone who 'has a little place in Spain/Portugal/Italy' and likes to make sure we all know about it and quietly hopes we are envious.

I've had a look back at earlier posts and can't find anything positive about her. I can't be the only person to like her...can I?!!
You're not on your own I think she's lovely and I don't doubt that she's genuine.
We've all had different upbringings and I suspect that hers has moulded her into the sort of person she is. I bet we all know someone like Claire. I hope she stays as sweet as she is:up:
Welcome ArtDeco, hope you enjoy your time here.

Don't quite agree with you about Miss Sutton, I feel that sometimes she would be better taking up a teaching post for the under 5's!

Although saying that, there are a lot worse on QVC!
You're not alone - I like Claire too. Sometimes she's OTT, but I've never detected any of the nastiness-with-a-smile, or what-plebs-you-are attitudes that repulse me in other presenters. She's also quite open about being grateful for her job and the way it lets her escape the difficulties of the real world (and with a Down's child, I'm sure it's not always easy). IMO she's the best female presenter when it comes to making the clothes look good - goodness knows how many rash buys I've made because they looked good on Claire! Give me her any day rather than Debbie buy-or-we'll-send-the-boys-round Skinflint.
hi Art Deco and welcome
I too like Claire,watched the black hills gold show with her in today
She described each piece really well some times presenters dont even bother doing that properly
I know she gets a lot of stick on here for her voice which can come across as annoting but to be honest that doesnt bother me
I also love her hair(shallow arent I )
I caught a bit of the beauty hour earlier and I thought that she seems to have toned down the voice a bit. It sounded at a much more normal pitch and was much easier to listen too
I like Claire too, I think she's perfect for the Morning Show, and she is always upbeat and enthusiastic...

(ok, maybe a little too much sometimes, but that's much better than being bossy, talking over guests, talking about her latest fantastic holiday, talking about hubby hubby hubby :angry:)
I cannot find anything about Claire to dislike and her hair is lovely!. I am also sure that she is the most devoted and loving mother and actually she would be great on kids' TV as she radiates positivity. For me the only unwatchable one is Anne Dawson. At times I have found Claire a bit squeaky and hyper but then we all have our faults, I certainly have plenty!
Hi Art Deco!

Wouldn't do if we all liked the same things /people etc. I am not a great fan of Claire find her too gushing most of the time--- but hey, does it matter? keep posting!

Hi Art Deco!

Wouldn't do if we all liked the same things /people etc. I am not a great fan of Claire find her too gushing most of the time--- but hey, does it matter? keep posting!


me too I'm afraid! but I don't dislike her, she's just not one of my faves.

In fact I don't dislike any of the presenters, it's some of the guests I have major issues with!!! :angry:
I've been on this site a little while, read tons but but not posted too much. However what I'm about to say may lead to my untimely electronic demise - the end of my ST career before it even got going - as I'm going out on a limb to say (deep breath) I really like watching Claire Sutton (ducks behind sofa in anticipation of fellow forumites wrath...)

I appreciate she wouldn't be out of place entertaining my two and half year old in the CBeebies bedtime hour. But she serves a purpose for me when QVC isn't a shop but a form of escapism from the real world. As someone who's naturally depressive and sometimes finds life a little overwhleming (she says, hoping this evokes sympathy in those already yelling "nooooo" at the PC) there are times when her soporific voice is just what I need. Also, without wishing to garner too much sympathy for her - as I suspect she doesn't have too hard a life and plenty have far worse - I do remind myself that she's had a few things happen to her in the last few years that might have challenged even her cheery refrain. I know she's clearly worked at ridding herself of an accent not dissimilar to mine in order to 'make it', something which generally annoys the hell out of me, but I still don't see her as someone who 'has a little place in Spain/Portugal/Italy' and likes to make sure we all know about it and quietly hopes we are envious.

I've had a look back at earlier posts and can't find anything positive about her. I can't be the only person to like her...can I?!!
She does tend to become a little over excitable at times, but I like her :up:
Welcome and please keep posting. Claire drives me nuts when she goes hyper and I don't like the baby talk but I have never heard her be rude which some presenters can be. (Charlie is excused for being rude to Kelly Hoppen, in fact he is applauded) I'd like to work on her makeup and find a way to tone down the blush and shine which seem to go out of control sometimes. I didn't know she had abandoned her accent, so she must be better at maintaining it than JR(Mimi)
Welcome and please keep posting. Claire drives me nuts when she goes hyper and I don't like the baby talk but I have never heard her be rude which some presenters can be. (Charlie is excused for being rude to Kelly Hoppen, in fact he is applauded) I'd like to work on her makeup and find a way to tone down the blush and shine which seem to go out of control sometimes. I didn't know she had abandoned her accent, so she must be better at maintaining it than JR(Mimi)

What did Charlie say to Kelly Hoppen?
It was the first time they were on together and she was truly hellish. At the second break he gave the time check and then said something to the effect of it'll be over soon you'll be glad to know. It was very mild but he's always so obsequious that it was the equivalent of flipping the bird at her.
I really like Clare. I even like her voice and her enthusiasm. She is bubbly and fun. I'm sure she would be great to have a lunch with the girls. To me she is perfect - she is gorgeous but accessible. She is not as air-heady as JF, not vain and competitive like JR, not as whacky as Pipa, not dowdy like Anne, not gushy like CH. I think it takes an awful lot of energy to be that bubbly. It must take it out of her. I like her colouring and the fact she knows what suits her. I'm even tempted to buy the golden colours, pinks, browns and corals - because they all look so good on her. She and Claudia are my favs.
I used to really like claire.I used to think she was really sweet and guenuine (sp)

I do still see and like those qualities in her - I,too have never heard her be rude to someone or take the p*** out of them -I think shes most polite (which i like too) and I do still believe in what she says - I just find her ways of expression a little babey-wabey.
I like her too. At times her delivery can be a bit too girly and cutesy (for me) but she is good at what she does, always looks fresh and bright and is polite and charming to the guests. No problem with her at all. She has fabulous hair too!
I've always liked Claire,I understand though how she could be deeply irritating to some.

Her presenting style doesn't grate on my nerves at all,which is astonishing as I'm so easily irritated.

There are some folk in life who you just instantly warm to and there are some who just get on your last nerve,that's just the way it is.
Claire's okay in small doses, too much excited squealing though and I have to mute her. I agree that she has a very pleasant and benign nature and I couldn't ever imagine her being sarky or waspish with anyone, unlike JR who is deviously nasty at times. Claire is always very well groomed with gorgeous hair and imo the glamour puss of QVC. :flower:

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