Alternate day fasting


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I don't really do 'dieting' as such but like the idea of much of this in principle. Unfortunately I have Raynauds & as such would struggle to cope on only 500 calories on a given day, even with careful choosing of food items, as it's simply not sufficient fuel intake to keep me warm enough.
However, I do already follow a not dissimilar eating pattern, in that we tend to eat light meals (light pasta dishes, soup etc.) during the week & then gobble down a fairly disgraceful amount of calories at the weekend, inc. a full blown Sunday roast!

So, for anyone who would love to give it a go but like me, doesn't think they could go to such a low calorific intake, I can at least say that the principle behind it absolutely does work & seems to be beneficial on several levels, both physiologically & mentally, as there is always a 'reward' at some point in that you are not in constant self denial for one thing but the 'light eating' days do wonders for helping retrain you as regards portion control & just how much food you really need so that on days when you eat considerably more, you neither pig out to a shocking degree nor feel guilty about eating 'non diet food', so the whole thing is a fairly win-win situation I reckon! :nod:

That's basically how this house works too! The 80/20 rule. Light food Mon - Fri then we have a nice lunch Sat, always cook Sat night (Chinese/Indian or something) and usually a nice lunch Sunday. Back to normal on Monday. We don't starve during the week, just stick to 3 meals with no picking in between. If I fancy a biscuit (or 3!) or a bit of cake I try and have it straight after lunch or dinner. I lost half a stone doing this before xmas. It only takes a few days before I find myself not wanting sweet stuff. I am back on this way of eating now as I sadly indulged a little over xmas and have lost 3lb in a week and a half :D

Good luck Karen!

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I have ordered the book thanks Jayne it will be interesting to try this plan. I remember his programme The truth about exercise.
Well I have lost 2lb in the first 5 days of this program. I was weighed at WW yesterday and am really pleased with that.
I am fasting on Wednesday and Saturday this week and I will be interested to see how I get on at the scales next Monday.
The exercise class I went to last night (my first one ever at the age of 52) also has an eating plan they recommend you to follow along side the exercises. It is quite limiting as you can,t have any carbohydrates, dairy, caffeine, processed foods of any type, sugar and have to eat LOTS of protein . I will read it through and see just how restrictive it is. I am not a big fan of any of the very restrictive diets as I feel you need to eat as wide a range of foods as possible to maintain good over all health.
Even on my fasting days I try to have a well balanced meal with all of the major food groups included.
I received my book today and i will start on Sunday as OH away for a week and the ideal time to start. I am not weighing myself but have measured so i am hoping to take off a few inches.
I too have ordered the book and will give it a go. Isn't it wonderful the things you find here in the Drop, as i'd
never heard of it. Can't wait for it to arrive. Thanks girls :)
Good luck and as you say it is amazing what you can find out "down here".
Good luck with it I am getting ready to fast tomorrow and have already planed my meals.
I will have porridge for breakfast 180cals.
Muller light yogurt and an apple for lunch 140 cals
leaving 180 for dinner so more than likely steamed veg and a small steamed chicken breast. I had salad last week but feel it is to cold for that this week.
I am looking at making soup for Saturday.
So any suggestions let me know.
I read the book last night and one interesting thing is that you don't have to fast 24 hrs starting morning you can start the fast anytime as long as its 24 hours and you stick to the 500 cals. I am starting tomorrow and then may do monday afternoon ending Tuesday afternoon as on a late shift tuesday night. Was going to start sunday but i am keen to start and it all sounds good.
I did my first fast day yesterday. Hurray
I have a bit of a sniffly cold, so I think appetite was not as huge as usual. In fact after I got through the 4 pm munches without eating I could have probably managed the whole day on cups of tea. OH made me a bowl of Covent garden soup and a bagel and that was it
And I don't feel ravenous this morning, just pleased with myself
Everyone else ok?
Not sure whether I should start a new thread with this one or not. I purchased the Paul McKenna Hypnotic gastric band and used it for the first time yesterday. I don't know if it's going to continue but since using it I'm not hungry!!! I'm not overweight but I work hard to stay there and I'm prone to binges and then I have to 'diet' for days/weeks to compensate. I just want to be able to stay slim and eat sensibly. The problem is I'm prone to days when all I want to do is eat high calorie foods to the point I feel ill. I thought I'd give this a go. It's really too early to tell if it's going to work in the long term, but I can say so far I feel full after eating less and I'm not thinking about food in the same way.
I bought the P McK hypnotic gastric band book too Petpixie but wanted to give the intermittent fasting a try first. I read the book though from cover to cover and a lot of it makes good sense. I think the Havening Technique will come in very handy so glad I got it for that alone. Good luck with it.

Not going too bad on the fasting JBD, have done three in total now. Doing Mondays and Thursdays. I do feel hungry just before bed but thats about the only time I notice it. Oddly I don't wake up hungry the next day and don't feel the need to rush to the kitchen and eat something.

Have also found that on the days I eat normally now everything tastes absolutely blo*dy fantastic :grin:
Did my first day yesterday and had M&S three bean salad for lunch 250 cals with a slice of ham and some carrot soup around 6.30 pm 180 cals. Only really felt hungy about 11 pm last night but was in bed.
I have done 3 fasts now and am finding each one easier than the one before. I was going to fast tomorrow (Saturday)but have been asked out for dinner and don't want to sit there looking at my plate. So I will fast on Sunday instead.
I made some lentil and butternut squash soup which was both hot and filling I could easily have had it for both of my Fast meals but wanted some left for my next fast.
I am so glad that I found this tread it is working with and along side my WW membership so it is a win win situation.
I bought the P McK hypnotic gastric band book too Petpixie but wanted to give the intermittent fasting a try first. I read the book though from cover to cover and a lot of it makes good sense. I think the Havening Technique will come in very handy so glad I got it for that alone. Good luck with it.

Not going too bad on the fasting JBD, have done three in total now. Doing Mondays and Thursdays. I do feel hungry just before bed but thats about the only time I notice it. Oddly I don't wake up hungry the next day and don't feel the need to rush to the kitchen and eat something.

Have also found that on the days I eat normally now everything tastes absolutely blo*dy fantastic :grin:

You know OMT that is exactly how I have been today.
I have not eaten badly at all today - porridge and soup and a roll and yoghurt. The fact that I could eat what I want has been liberating but not so that I have raided the cupboards. It's like.. If you want do... Do you really want to.... You can do... Actually I'm not that bothered..... If that makes sense.
have a nice meal with wine planned for tonight and I am looking forward to that.

And we'll done Madmax. Your weight loss is grand!
My book arrived today , and ive not opened it yet. Will try and read tomorrow. The thing is (excuse excuse) its my big birthday next week and i
plan on doing a lot of celebrating , and eating and drinking and meals out, if anyone will take me, so maybe i should leave it til the week after??
My book arrived today , and ive not opened it yet. Will try and read tomorrow. The thing is (excuse excuse) its my big birthday next week and i
plan on doing a lot of celebrating , and eating and drinking and meals out, if anyone will take me, so maybe i should leave it til the week after??

Definitely read the book
But the great thing about the 5:2 is that you could fast tomorrow or Monday, have a blast over your birthday for a few days and then fast again.
There really is no failure /I'll start again on Monday mentality.
Just do it for a day then forget it, then do it again a few days later
I haven't read the book or watched the video, but it seems to go against everything ive been told by SW that to eat
plenty or your body goes into starvation mode so it holds onto the food, and then you dont lose weight. I suppose
the book will help me figure that out.
The book will explain it all Barbs ... I found it really interesting ... but don't worry fasting on intermittent days means that your body doesn't really have long enough to go into full starvation mode before you start eating again normally the next day. Just long enough to use up some of its fat reserves (and it has quite a few of those to get through with me!)
There should be no damage to your metabolism if you follow the 500 calorie rule on your fast days. Good luck when you get going with it.
Well, I'm pleased to report it's going well so far - I have lost 6lb in two weeks, although I am expecting (and hoping, since it's not good to lose weight too fast) that the weight loss will slow down a lot. I felt pretty hungry on my first 'down day', but my stomach shrank and so I hardly feel hungry at all on the down days (whilst still eating plenty on the 'up days', including the occasional cream cake!)

I should have mentioned that I consulted by GP before doing this, and I would strongly recommend that anyone else who's thinking of trying it does the same (especially if you have any medical conditions, or take regular medications). My GP said that while he'd heard of it, he didn't know much about it, but he couldn't see anything against it so I might as well give it a try.

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