Alison Young


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I’ve just seen a tv advert for a well known pain killer. It showed various women suffering what I imagine to be period pain. Apparently it’s now called gender pain.
I’m waiting for more ridiculousness. Getting any kind of pain related to specific parts of the body which exclusively occur only in males or in females could also be classed as gender pain. Getting vaguer about where and why an illness, pain or other symptoms can be will confuse and cost lives, imo.
Both men and women can get breast cancer, because breast tissue is a specific type of tissue. So don’t talk about chest feeding or chest cancer when a specific, appropriate term is available.
I’ve just seen a tv advert for a well known pain killer. It showed various women suffering what I imagine to be period pain. Apparently it’s now called gender pain.
Which epitomizes just how ridiculous things have become - gender is not the cause of the pain, it's the menstrual cycle, just like sinusitus causes headaches, or are we now referring to things like that as gender-neutral pain?
I’m waiting for more ridiculousness. Getting any kind of pain related to specific parts of the body which exclusively occur only in males or in females could also be classed as gender pain. Getting vaguer about where and why an illness, pain or other symptoms can be will confuse and cost lives, imo.
Both men and women can get breast cancer, because breast tissue is a specific type of tissue. So don’t talk about chest feeding or chest cancer when a specific, appropriate term is available.
Such a valid point and not something a lot of people realise because it's far less common in men. And why might this be we ask when the male breast structure is nearly identical to the female? The main difference being that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, since there is no physiologic need for milk production by males. Also, a female's breast cells are constantly exposed to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which promote cell growth.
Such a valid point and not something a lot of people realise because it's far less common in men. And why might this be we ask when the male breast structure is nearly identical to the female? The main difference being that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, since there is no physiologic need for milk production by males. Also, a female's breast cells are constantly exposed to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which promote cell growth.
Yes. I believe, although it's an evolving science, it tends to be in men where one of the known faulty genes is present (BRACA1, BRACA2). They have discovered other genes presenting now, but I wouldn't be surprised if more emerge.
Cancer, unfortunately, is the gift that keeps on giving for research and treatment.
Why not have inclusive language like "if you were born female and have functioning ovaries..."??
Far too much of the debate and steps towards inclusivity I see betray deep-rooted misogyny, and that unfortunately includes influential charities.
Bottom line for me is that inclusivity too often  excludes women who are born female and have no desire to change. And that's not ok.
I'm female and all my younger life was spent having dreadful pain on a monthly basis. Doctor not interested, so for years stuffed myself with painkillers every month which to be honest didn't help much. Then my doctor ran off with one of his nurses so go a new one.

This one listened and I got to see a specialist at hospital. By then I was Forty. Anyway after a laparoscopy decided I had endometriosis and needed a hysterectomy. Because none of the doctors wanted to do it as they thought they would most likely damage my bladder and bowel so just had to go for check ups which were a waste of time.

Then a lady surgeon came and said she could do it and was confident she wouldn't damage anything. She was great. She did the op and damaged nothing, recovery was painful and had to go upstairs on my hands and knees. But recovered well and it was wonderful to have that pain gone

So, what bothers me about these men that want to be women is, they only want the good bits of being a woman, they don't want the other that things that can go with it and doctors ignoring you for years. I am not sure they would cope with the side of it where women's health issues are concerned. They want to be female but with none of the downside parts that go with it. I worked all through of my problems for years and didn't have time off work. I'm sorry if I sound mean about transgenders, but being female doesn't just mean wearing pretty frocks and wearing makeup. I'm sorry they feel they were born the wrong sex, but they will never ever know what it can really be like being a woman.

I'm not sorry I'm female and have never wanted to be anything else, even on a bad day.

If I have offended anyone I am sorry, just the way I feel. Perhaps if I had had no problems I would feel differently, I don't know.
Such a valid point and not something a lot of people realise because it's far less common in men. And why might this be we ask when the male breast structure is nearly identical to the female? The main difference being that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, since there is no physiologic need for milk production by males. Also, a female's breast cells are constantly exposed to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which promote cell growth.
And many types of Breast cancer are hormone (usually oestrogen) dominant
Yes. I believe, although it's an evolving science, it tends to be in men where one of the known faulty genes is present (BRACA1, BRACA2). They have discovered other genes presenting now, but I wouldn't be surprised if more emerge.
Cancer, unfortunately, is the gift that keeps on giving for research and treatment.
Why not have inclusive language like "if you were born female and have functioning ovaries..."??
Far too much of the debate and steps towards inclusivity I see betray deep-rooted misogyny, and that unfortunately includes influential charities.
Bottom line for me is that inclusivity too often  excludes women who are born female and have no desire to change. And that's not ok.
Brilliant posts here MM
I'm female and all my younger life was spent having dreadful pain on a monthly basis. Doctor not interested, so for years stuffed myself with painkillers every month which to be honest didn't help much. Then my doctor ran off with one of his nurses so go a new one.

This one listened and I got to see a specialist at hospital. By then I was Forty. Anyway after a laparoscopy decided I had endometriosis and needed a hysterectomy. Because none of the doctors wanted to do it as they thought they would most likely damage my bladder and bowel so just had to go for check ups which were a waste of time.

Then a lady surgeon came and said she could do it and was confident she wouldn't damage anything. She was great. She did the op and damaged nothing, recovery was painful and had to go upstairs on my hands and knees. But recovered well and it was wonderful to have that pain gone

So, what bothers me about these men that want to be women is, they only want the good bits of being a woman, they don't want the other that things that can go with it and doctors ignoring you for years. I am not sure they would cope with the side of it where women's health issues are concerned. They want to be female but with none of the downside parts that go with it. I worked all through of my problems for years and didn't have time off work. I'm sorry if I sound mean about transgenders, but being female doesn't just mean wearing pretty frocks and wearing makeup. I'm sorry they feel they were born the wrong sex, but they will never ever know what it can really be like being a woman.

I'm not sorry I'm female and have never wanted to be anything else, even on a bad day.

If I have offended anyone I am sorry, just the way I feel. Perhaps if I had had no problems I would feel differently, I don't know.

I do kind of understand what you mean, but I know a couple of ladies who were born male and the mental torture they went through knowing they were born in the wrong body shouldn't be underestimated IMO.
I'm female and all my younger life was spent having dreadful pain on a monthly basis. Doctor not interested, so for years stuffed myself with painkillers every month which to be honest didn't help much. Then my doctor ran off with one of his nurses so go a new one.

This one listened and I got to see a specialist at hospital. By then I was Forty. Anyway after a laparoscopy decided I had endometriosis and needed a hysterectomy. Because none of the doctors wanted to do it as they thought they would most likely damage my bladder and bowel so just had to go for check ups which were a waste of time.

Then a lady surgeon came and said she could do it and was confident she wouldn't damage anything. She was great. She did the op and damaged nothing, recovery was painful and had to go upstairs on my hands and knees. But recovered well and it was wonderful to have that pain gone

So, what bothers me about these men that want to be women is, they only want the good bits of being a woman, they don't want the other that things that can go with it and doctors ignoring you for years. I am not sure they would cope with the side of it where women's health issues are concerned. They want to be female but with none of the downside parts that go with it. I worked all through of my problems for years and didn't have time off work. I'm sorry if I sound mean about transgenders, but being female doesn't just mean wearing pretty frocks and wearing makeup. I'm sorry they feel they were born the wrong sex, but they will never ever know what it can really be like being a woman.

I'm not sorry I'm female and have never wanted to be anything else, even on a bad day.

If I have offended anyone I am sorry, just the way I feel. Perhaps if I had had no problems I would feel differently, I don't know.
Don't be sorry for having the courage to make this post. if only more did.
I do kind of understand what you mean, but I know a couple of ladies who were born male and the mental torture they went through knowing they were born in the wrong body shouldn't be underestimated IMO.
I probably just don't understand sorry. I am by no means someone who can't feel when people are in distress, but I just have never come across this dilemma myself. Maybe if I had I would have a better understanding. Sorry if I have upset you.
I probably just don't understand sorry. I am by no means someone who can't feel when people are in distress, but I just have never come across this dilemma myself. Maybe if I had I would have a better understanding. Sorry if I have upset you.
Oh no, you haven't upset me at all, don't worry about that. It was just a comment from me that I thought was worth saying.
I actually think the likes of Sam Smith have in some ways damaged the support that once existed for people who genuinely were born in the wrong body but that's a subject for another time I think.
Such a valid point and not something a lot of people realise because it's far less common in men. And why might this be we ask when the male breast structure is nearly identical to the female? The main difference being that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, since there is no physiologic need for milk production by males. Also, a female's breast cells are constantly exposed to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which promote cell growth.
The faulty BRCA gene has come through the male line in my family.
My paternal grandfather and his brother passed it on to both sides. Two cousins have died due to it and my sister has breast cancer.
I don't have that faulty gene and it seems to have died out as my niece didn't inherit it and my cousin's still living don't have it.

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