Alison Young-Practice what you Preach.


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Jun 24, 2008
A.Y. Is doing the Phillip Kingsley show and raving about the Elasticiser. If it is that good why doesnt she use it herself? Her hair is a disgrace and the thing she is wearing looks like a plumbers overalls to me. How she can be a so called Beauty expert looking like that I don’t know.
I agree Bb, in my opinion she's a "unqualified qualified" beauty presenter not expert, who's sole purpose is to flog overpriced QVC lotions and potions.
I know I've posted this before but...


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Don't forget Philip Kingsley washed Audrey Hepburn's hair back in 1964. What an ultimate endorsement.
she's clean thats good enough for me. she rides horses then she mucks them out and lives on a farm good on her
Alison young looks like the combination of a blow-up sex doll, a bullfrog and a character from Dynasty.
she's clean thats good enough for me. she rides horses then she mucks them out and lives on a farm good on her
She may be clean but she is supposed to be a TV presenter and expert beautician and imo clean is not enough. She should be ast least as well turned out as her horse and that means a shiny healthy looking coat and a well groomed mane.
Yes, I agree clean isn't enough, it's as if she's disrespecting and laughing at all the QVC customers. I say this because if she's been in the beauty "industry" as long as she says, then she'll know image, no matter how shallow that is, is everything. She's still got her wonky teeth so it shows she's just a presenter because she can't be arsed getting them straightened in a business were "perfection" is everything, and let's face it you wouldn't got to a dentist with bad teeth or a hairdresser with bad hair yet, AY stands there week in week out trying to get you to part with a lot of money for all these expensive items, when she clearly doesn't use them herself.
I think Alison, by virtue of longevity is well versed in verbal diarrhoea. She qualified decades ago and is still living off the glory of her days at Clarins etc. I very much doubt she is up to date on the latest techniques and treatments...but probably has the confidence to "wing it" nowadays.

She's got a great number at QVC and seems to be well thought of by the other presenters.

As a viewer, I don't actually believe much of what she says and as she often looks unkempt, I think it's a bit of a swizz to pass yourself off as resident beauty expert/make up artist and present yourself so badly,but I doubt anyone dare say anything to her!!

I reckon she doesn't really care that much as long as the sales keep coming in.
I'm not a fan of Willimnothingmuchgiveusajob but he looks is as if he spends a heck of a lot of time on his appearance in comparison to his boss lady
Alison Young is OK. Her style may be a bit odd but at least she hasn't gone for the Tova "tambourine face." Some of the things she says are a bit obvious: "This is for people with serious signs of ageing, don't use it if you're in your 20s." Perhaps her less-than-flawless look helps people connect with her. I see her as just a salesperson. I am sure for all the many products she recommends there are many others that would be just good if not better.
Watching spaniel ears selling the Dyson hairdryer.

Honestly a bald man would be a better advertisement than JK. If you thought her hair couldn't be any worse you ain't seen nothing yet. What in gods name is her extensions made of? Has she bought up all stock of My Little Poney and woven those ears herself.
Ali Young`s image fits in perfectly with Q`s image. Both are outdated, lack innovation, incapable of change, repetitive, lack substance, only interested in sales and delusional in so far as they see themselves at the top of their game when in reality they are far from it.

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