Ali Young


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I don't care what she's wearing, but her fringe continually sticking to her eyelashes and jumping up and down every time she blinks is so distracting.
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I think I must be the only one but I think Ali looks very nice most of the time, extreme highlighting aside.

Me. too. How we dress is, unquestionably, personal choice. This forum allows us to discuss our opinions and, so long as they are not libellous or illegal or even defamatory, should always be viewed as simply that : points of view. She is doing no harm by dressing the way she wants.
Aesthetics do not affect the information she gives us which is, let's face it, more pertinent to her "resident beauty expert" status, than her appearance. If she starts to make erroneous cosmetic declarations, then she is in the wrong. Personally, I dress the way I want, despite what others may think. Knowing the lifestyle she leads, I would ascertain that fashion is not her primary concern. I get the impression that, since the early years, she has become a more trendy dresser.
It's not lipstick, she has a damaged tooth or lost a cap or something.

Even I who rarely watches her, wonder why she never gets that tooth sorted.

If I was spending money on beauty it is the one area where I would be tempted so why a so called beauty expert hasn't doesn't make sense to me. As it is better some times than others, she is obviously able to mitigate the effect so again im at a loss as to why not all the time.
Me. too. How we dress is, unquestionably, personal choice. This forum allows us to discuss our opinions and, so long as they are not libellous or illegal or even defamatory, should always be viewed as simply that : points of view. She is doing no harm by dressing the way she wants.
Aesthetics do not affect the information she gives us which is, let's face it, more pertinent to her "resident beauty expert" status, than her appearance. If she starts to make erroneous cosmetic declarations, then she is in the wrong. Personally, I dress the way I want, despite what others may think. Knowing the lifestyle she leads, I would ascertain that fashion is not her primary concern. I get the impression that, since the early years, she has become a more trendy dresser.
I know she is a horsey person and generally they have little interest in clothes, but they also have little interest in beauty products. Usually someone interested in one is usually interested in the other and particularly when it is your job.

AY just seems to be someone who once worked in a spa who landed on her feet a zillion years ago by getting on to a TV channel without knowing too much and has clung in by her fingernails ever since.

Even as a 60 year old, I find her so old fashioned and stuck in a rut so Lordy knows what anyone many years younger and wanting tips from a beautian would think of her.

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