Ali Young goes down on a teapot...


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I noticed that also Donna, think there's a few of them. She must be ill
Well I assume anyone sucking a tea pot spout isn't well at all.
She has laryngitis apparently, to my shame I laughed when I read that.

So much for all the squawking about her having good skin. Even allowing for being ill, it does not indicate a spectacular complexion.
Wow that's quite shocking with all the access to products she has and uses you would think her skin would be amazing :O It shows that none of it really works, apart from the more invasive like chemical peels
Someone have a quiet word and explain the teapot wears the tea cosy, not her!

Jude xx
i was shocked to see ali's skin tbh. we are told to buy this and stay out of the sun and we will have good skin that does not age. you cant blame ali for having age spots etc thats life but it just goes to show hw much hype there is regarding the beauty business.

ali imao always looks good on tv but thats make-up and keeping her weight at a good level so she does not look drawn and saggy. you could look just as good with a supermarket cleanser and nivea cold cream!
The thing which is interesting is AY is a sun phobic, never out without a hat sunblock and banging on and on about it. Yet, she still got age spots like the rest of most normal women of her age.

They are banging on now about lack of Vitamin D and the health risks, rickets is coming back because of lack of natural sun women are getting.
Well, well, well! What a turn up for the books.
Not wishing to be mean, but Miss Ali has screeched & preached since I first saw her on Q. She and the Ultrasun woman had a right go a Pipa for sunbathing a while back.

So -
she was either remiss at protecting herself from sun damage
it don't work!
On the subject of Vitamin D, I was prescribed a 2 week course of Vit D tablets by my Rheumatology consultant in February as my levels were low. I was also advised to go outside regularly during the winter to get some sunshine. Apparently current medical research has shown that lack of Vitamin D can exacerbate autoimmune diseases (rickets aside).

I was also advised not to waste my money on Vitamin D supplements from health food shops etc. Apparently it's useless as the body can't absorb the type of Vit D in the supplements. The only Vit D that can be absorbed is the prescription variety. Mine had to be ordered in from the hospital via the GP.

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On the subject of Vitamin D, I was prescribed a 2 week course of Vit D tablets by my Rheumatology consultant in February as my levels were low. I was also advised to go outside regularly during the winter to get some sunshine. Apparently current medical research has shown that lack of Vitamin D can exacerbate autoimmune diseases (rickets aside).

I was also advised not to waste my money on Vitamin D supplements from health food shops etc. Apparently it's useless as the body can't absorb the type of Vit D in the supplements. The only Vit D that can be absorbed is the prescription variety. Mine had to be ordered in from the hospital via the GP.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

is solgar any good i'm on these capsules from my gp
She is outdoors a lot and always harping on about sun protection. Maybe she is so fair skinned that she is totally serious about how it affects her.

Lose the hat though Ali!
it could be hormonal - i've got a gravy stain like that on the side of my face that appeared when i took the pill years ago (mind you, i am a sun worshipper)
The rickets thing is interesting, gp's are seeing more & more children & diagnosing rickets , its thought to be down to parents plastering them in total sunblock , Alison young is probably my favorite of all the presenters , she is funny & I love her humor,

I admit I spend half my life outdoors doing stuff with my dogs & taking photographs , so for me she looks like I do when I have been out all day , but I scrub up ok:grin:, i dont think Ali takes herself to seriously , she admits she wears odd socks & is clearly untidy judging by the state of her dressing room when they moved to the new studio. but she is clearly passionate about what she does & her horses & her dogs... I like her
The rickets thing is interesting, gp's are seeing more & more children & diagnosing rickets , its thought to be down to parents plastering them in total sunblock , Alison young is probably my favorite of all the presenters , she is funny & I love her humor,

I admit I spend half my life outdoors doing stuff with my dogs & taking photographs , so for me she looks like I do when I have been out all day , but I scrub up ok:grin:, i dont think Ali takes herself to seriously , she admits she wears odd socks & is clearly untidy judging by the state of her dressing room when they moved to the new studio. but she is clearly passionate about what she does & her horses & her dogs... I like her

I like Ali too, always have.

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