Ali young attacks alexis!


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I am really going to upset everyone one this thread who thinks Alison is a bully and thug.
Don't flatter yourself love!

Besides, I think most people on this thread are of the mindset that Alison conducted herself in an unprofessional way, rather than being a bully or thug! LOL!!!

I am sure that what was she did was done in a playful way and I don't know why everyone is so upset on Alexs's behalf
How can you be so sure of something you didn't see? Do you know Alison?

I don't know why everyone is so upset on Alexs's behalf because from reading past posts most people think she is a miserable stuck up cow.
Regardless, it doesn't justify Alison's conduct.

I think your the one who needs to lighten up LH!:hi::grin:
I quite like Alexis. She does come across as a bit snooty sometimes but for the most part, I think she is nice to listen to. I'm not sure I would go as far as to call Alison's behaviour bullying, but it was completely unacceptable behaviour, particularly in the workplace. My father in law once whacked me on the shoulder (in jest) when I laughed at an old photo of him and it really upset me. I sound like a mard but it was completely unexpected and it really hurt! Not to mention the fact I had not even known him a year when he did that! It turns out that thats the sort of person he is, but he has learnt that while some people are ok with that kind of physical horseplay, I am not!
Even if Alison meant nothing by it, and even if she has known Alexis for years, she has got to understand that her behaviour was completely OTT and very inappropriate.

Spot on. I would not class it as bullying or assault (but I am sure that "technically" it could be classed as assault!), but it was utterly inappropriate. Her intention was obviously playful, but the slap on the arm was quite loud ... that surprised me, and then she pulled her hair and continued to hold/pull on Alexis' hair so that her head was pulled over to one side. It was completely unprofessional and totally inappropriate. I am sure she thought she was being playful and funny... but it was not remotely so and she just made herself look ridiculous. Literally :cheeky:
Don't flatter yourself love!

Besides, I think most people on this thread are of the mindset that Alison conducted herself in an unprofessional way, rather than being a bully or thug! LOL!!!

How can you be so sure of something you didn't see? Do you know Alison?

Regardless, it doesn't justify Alison's conduct.

I think your the one who needs to lighten up LH!:hi::grin:

How patronising! I thought we were discussing AY's childish behaviour not indulging in the same sort of playground silliness. Everyone's opinion is important whether it chimes with others or not.

I do wonder if Alison's brainwashing of the viewer as to how much power she has over guests and what is featured in the beauty department is correct or not ?

Is not what is ordered is up to the beauty buyers and what deal is struck with the brands ?

The Liz Earle brand is a point in fact plus the number of TSV that are featured in the USA and then here in the UK.

Don't flatter yourself love!

Besides, I think most people on this thread are of the mindset that Alison conducted herself in an unprofessional way, rather than being a bully or thug! LOL!!!

How can you be so sure of something you didn't see? Do you know Alison?

Regardless, it doesn't justify Alison's conduct.

I think your the one who needs to lighten up LH!:hi::grin:

Welcome to the forum Rosebud, interesting post you chose for your first one.
She would actually literally throw a prestigious hissyfit with it's very own literal actual prestigious formula of ingredients. She would literally make sure her literal actual eye area was protected with an SPF Factor and her actual literal neck and decolletage were moisturised with a meeejum seeeeerum. Once she had literally prestigiously actually received an actual literal thump in the chops she would actually literally rush off and literally and actually liberally apply SBC Arnica all over the actual literal face and neck area. Making sure that the utilitarian packaging didn't look out of place on next to her prestigious bruises.

Oh, hang on - I need to make a literal actual phone call *makes bring bring noise*

'Oh, Hai Cheryl Cole - Gobby Beauty Expert from QVC needs tips on how to
beat people up, can you help?.
...what's that you say? Ner yer cannae be helpin' an' whas moar will ye telt her ta stup sayin' ah's yewsin Prer Collajin Merrine Creem an' that cos ah'm like not an stuff' Ok' I'll tell her. Bai'

*puts phone down*

looks like not even Cheryl Cole can save her this time...

:wink: :bandit:

I can't comment on this incident, out of context ,as I didn't see it.

However,the above bit of satire did make me laugh out loud,especially the highlighted bit.It staggers me how the GBP have forgotten about their sweethearts thuggish,violent past.
I can't comment on this incident, out of context ,as I didn't see it.

However,the above bit of satire did make me laugh out loud,especially the highlighted bit.It staggers me how the GBP have forgotten about their sweethearts thuggish,violent past.

I havent she is a thug through and through and does not deserve the fame and attention she gets.
Gobby is on with Alexis now and she just mentioned the pulling hair incident and that 'some people were worried' about it...obviously to do with this thread. They both went on about being friends for years blah blah and made light of it and then Gobby changed the subject about Alexis being up the duff again. One day she'll pick on the wrong person and I'd love to see someone give her a smack in the kisser. :muscle:
Alison's "apology" wasn't exactly much of an apology, more of a "sorry if anyone was worried" comment!! :rolleyes:

To then announce that Alexis is pregnant just makes it even worse, she shouldn't have slapped anyone that hard, never mind someone who is pregnant!
Yep, I agree with you both. It was like JR's insincere non-apology the other week. It doesn't matter how long you've known someone or been friends with them - if you're going on TV with them you don't pull their hair and slap them! The fact Alexis is pregnant makes it all the more horrid!
You took the words right out of my mouth Cavegirl! Just because they are friends does not make it ok.
The way AY was saying her 'apology' was like it was ok to behave like that because they are friends.
Her attitude really stinks.
I can just about accept the slap, as in, meant to be playful, it was harder than intended, but who the heck pulls people's hair, FFS.....the woman's a lunatic who gets away with far too much IMHO....:taphead:
Does AY have a problem with close up shots ?

Was flicking around the channels the other week and the camera went close and she went mental
I saw the new pic of AY for her blog (ArtDeco posted about the new pix) and I know I am horrible but it made me giggle. She adopted a sort of elfin/pixie type of pose and tbh I doubt if she could have pulled it off in her teens let alone now and to me it looked absurd.

I am horrible, as long as she likes her pic that's really all that matters.
Does AY have a problem with close up shots ?

She has always had a huge problem with the camera coming close and ordered they go back from what I recall from years ago

Was flicking around the channels the other week and the camera went close and she went mental

By sounds of it that's happening all to frequently.

I've taped tonights show so will have to take a look at her Alexis comment.

Does AY have a problem with close up shots ?

Was flicking around the channels the other week and the camera went close and she went mental

I remember AY having a hissy fit a few months ago when Laura Geller had the flaming cheek to try & put some make up on her face. She was screaming like a banshe cos the camera was getting too close I think.
I think it's fair to say AY has issues. She seems like a very conflicted person, she wants to be domineering and in control and bossy but I reckon underneath it all she's very insecure and unconfident in herself and this conflict comes out in inappropriate behaviour. She tries to be chummy and pally with the guests but at the same time she likes her (own created) persona as a b!tch...can't have it both way love!

She also said during one of the Smashbox hours that she had a migraine face on, if she suffers maybe that explains some of the odd behaviour?! Maybe not, just surmising here! I'm no fan of AY anymore anyway and I definitely think someone needs to have a word. Both her and JR have said/done some things on air that would get people on the Beeb the sack I reckon...

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