Ali K


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We couldn't afford an engagement ring so we didn't bother getting engaged and instead we chose just a wedding ring which is old-fashioned and quite ornate and forty years on, it's still very special.
I bought my wedding band in USA as I was living there at the time - very plain with a nice weight. We didn't 'get engaged' so no ring.

I must say I have never liked wearing rings and do not have nice long fingers to do them justice. When I hit the big M, my fingers increased at least two sizes and have not, as yet, gone back, so I no longer wear my wedding ring.

It's all personal taste - my step-daughter recently married and has a huge solitaire with a matching diamond band in white gold. Not my cup of tea but it's hers and she loves it!
I have often wondered, I recall when Ali and her husband split, it was said at the time it was because she was having an affair, and I just got to wondering if that affair ended, or was it Colin she was having he affair with before her divorce - just curious, if anyone knows.

My wedding ring is 18ct yellow gold, victorian design of oranges encircled all around, and my engagement ring is a large sapphire with two large diamonds on either side. Both were very expensive when we got engaged and chose our wedding rings, but my husband earned good money so he could afford it. I can honestly say both rings look as good today as they did then. I got engaged on my birthday in 1969, we were married in July 1970, I remember that day with so much pleasure, one of the best days of my life, and now as I type, I'm getting very nostalgic.

According to the website they set up, they met through an internet dating site.

There are photos on her QVC blog from just after the wedding.

She's also written a lovely blog this week, with more photos, for those who are interested.
We got engaged in 1967 and my engagement ring was second hand. It was a Victorian ring, set with sapphires and diamonds. I still have the receipt and it was 18 guineas. When we married in 1969 the trend was for wide barrel shaped rings but they didn't suit my size I finger. I opted to have one made. It was 22ct yellow gold, narrow and flat.
Oh, that's a surprise, I too "assumed" that Colin was the qvc cameraman. And wasn't she married twice before ?
Ali K was in a relationship with a QVC camera man for quite some time after she split from her husband. I thought at first he was Colin, but seems not.

Oh, that's a surprise, I too "assumed" that Colin was the qvc cameraman. And wasn't she married twice before ?

Nope - Colin is a musician. A few blogs ago, Ali posted a video of them. It looked quite Christmassy.

She's definitely been married at least once - Keenan is the real name of her ex hubby. Someone confirmed this on the other thread about Ali getting married.
I think Q and Ali are now committing overkill regarding her wedding. I`m sure everybody wished her well and certain people were genuinely interested in her pre and post wedding blogs, photos, news and chat etc but the Ali K wedding jewellery and her non stop references to her wedding/rings/dress/honeymoon are becoming a little boring IMO.
Time for her and Q to move on and return to planet Earth but whilst there`s an opportunity for Q to make a few extra bob flogging look alike bling or for Ali to make a few extra sales, then I doubt that will happen.
I think Q and Ali are now committing overkill regarding her wedding. I`m sure everybody wished her well and certain people were genuinely interested in her pre and post wedding blogs, photos, news and chat etc but the Ali K wedding jewellery and her non stop references to her wedding/rings/dress/honeymoon are becoming a little boring IMO.
Time for her and Q to move on and return to planet Earth but whilst there`s an opportunity for Q to make a few extra bob flogging look alike bling or for Ali to make a few extra sales, then I doubt that will happen.

Well she's only been back from honeymoon for two days, so it's all still new to her. In the shows I've seen, it's only been mentioned a couple of times. If people aren't interested (and I assume if they aren't they'll avoid her blog) it doesn't seem too much to bear with.
According to the website they set up, they met through an internet dating site.

There are photos on her QVC blog from just after the wedding.

She's also written a lovely blog this week, with more photos, for those who are interested.

Crikey! Why would you set a website like this up about yourself? I know people have business websites with a bit about themselves on it but this one is just OTT! I am sure l will have a barrage of Ali K fans contradicting me now.
Lots of people do it these days for their weddings - at least several couples I know have. Initially to provide information about the event itself and afterwards to show people video and photographs etc. That way you can look if you wish and it beats being pursued around the office by a colleague carrying eight photo albums to share with you (yes, this has happened to me).
Lots of people do it these days for their weddings - at least several couples I know have. Initially to provide information about the event itself and afterwards to show people video and photographs etc. That way you can look if you wish and it beats being pursued around the office by a colleague carrying eight photo albums to share with you (yes, this has happened to me).

I didn't realise that's what people did nowadays! It's not my cup of tea personally but each to their own.
I wonder if they asked guests for money gifts to pay for their Honeymoon which seems to be the trend these days!!!
There are indeed a lot of people who follow Ali's blog and feel a real personal attachment to her, many through shared experiences of serious illness - either their own or their love ones. Ali is very hands-on with her blog and really does seem to get to know people through this interaction, as reflected by many of her replies. She gets too many posts on some of her blogs to reply to every single one, but she replies to a large proportion of the blog comments she receives.

I've a lot of time for Ali - she's managed to come through setback after setback, with a positive attitude and sense of humour still in place. She also writes very movinglyand eloquently at times on her blog - she did a most wonderful blog about Amica which I have to say moved me to tears. I believe that she feels she's sharing, in the main, with folks that have followed her journey and has a sense of fellowship, if not friendship with them. She's already used to sharing her bad news, so probably welcomes sharing some good news.

I also think by now that she's shared so much, it's hard to draw back in from that. She's no doubt an asset to advocacy on breast cancer as an articulate media-savvy person, without too many of the trappings of real celebrity, as she is willing to go on tv, speak to other media outlets, and attend and speak at events.

It wouldn't be my choice, but I do recognise that the most successful fundraising is when it touches a chord with you and your experiences, and I'm glad of people willing to "front up".

It would be far nicer, I think, if QVC and Ali have designed an eek set for her wedding if the proceeds - or at least a large proportion of those proceeds - went to charity rather than just in QVC's pockets. I think profits on most royal wedding souvenirs (the official ones at least) go to charity...
I think weddings in general have REALLY got out of hand nowadays. A friends daughter got married recently and they even had a rehearsal with the wedding photographer. People seem to think their wedding should be like that of a "celebrity" out of OK magazine. Even the hen "weekends" (its not a night anymore) are beyond a joke. Trips to Portugal, Tenerife and Marbella. It all really gets on my nerves.
The difference between a member of the public and a QVC presenter putting photos of their wedding on their QVC blog is that at the end of the day, and despite there being thousands of AK followers, it's all to the greater glory of QVC, and aren't they milking it.
I agree about weddings getting out of hand- a colleague (who has lived with her fiancé for 5 yrs) recently married.
There were 3 hen do's-a trip to Barcelona,a clubbing night and a themed tea party.

The wedding was a lavish affair in a posh venue and the accompanying invite had a little poem about how they had all they needed for their home so cash would be good for a Honeymoon (to be taken at a later date-no doubt when they'd totted up).
The video, the photo's- including a booth with silly hats etc the table favours were all very expensive.
There was a much practised dance by bride and groom and ushers etc and it all felt very staged and OTT.

Almost a yr on she is still putting photo's on her Facebook and wishing she could do it all over again and to be honest boring most of us rigid !!!

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