I'm just jealous. I too want to go on the school run wearing my actual Spackle,in a Carole Hochman pyjama set, distributing £1,895 tanzanite rings to the school caretaker as a 'thank you' while wearing a fushia coat that pulls me in tightly around my fat middle. (I have actually ordered small...
'Substantialability' was used by Catherine Huntly yesterday to describe the heel of a boot and 'Fashionability' was used by Sarah G to describe the frumpy TSV.
If you've been watching IW for any length of time you're going to have already been brainwashed into buying a Karcher or a Bissell.
I fear for this channel, either they have no idea or they have no buying power or have entered into an unholy alliance with 'The Truely Boring and Crap Products'...
I suspect JR gets so many freebies from him (including those vile smock tops which only suit someone with true model proportions) that she's nervous of offending him and having the supply dry up.
Thanks all. :)
Very little shows up when I google. The only things that do show up are that the customer service is bad and that they never answer emails or phone calls and also that there is a new version of it (so I'm assuming the company have lost all interest in the older version). So...
If they're appearing together I don't watch. It's like, we, the customers, are intruders and I find that a bit annoying. Plus JR goes into overdrive on the girlie act, flicking her hair, and using that fake laugh.
To be honest I used to love B&W shows but the quality of the goods has gone down...
I stand by my comment that there is a lot of resentment at LG because she s seen as 'posh'. Maybe some of us on this forum do have the same accent or know famous people but that's not the point, all I can see is that LG is being singled put for criticism because of her upbringing and...
I didn't buy my pocket surfer from IW but I guessed I might find fellow owners here. Firstly let me say I wish I had never brought one but I have it now so I might as well use it.
However my sub has now run out and despite emailing the company I cannot get an answer as to how to renew it. Also...
There's a lot of inverted snobbery on this thread, so she speaks with a different accent and knows famous people, so what? There's a woman on QVC who sells fashion jewllery who has an Estuary accent and her stuff is unbelieveably overpriced (sorry can't think of her name now) but no one has a...
I'm not ashamed to say that if I had the money I would have brought the TSV, I'm also not ashamed to say that I like some of the Kirks Folly stuff. Thank the lord we are all different. I could get quite nasty about Birkenstocks but people like them and that's their choice. I think Lola Rose is...
I still can't warm to him. It's the half closed eyes and greasy hair and the complete non sincerity. I know that's part of being a TV salesman but some of them manage to fake it better than others.
Actually I was shocked to find out he's younger than me.
I didn't see much of the show after Kim suggested wearing lime green wth pink and I felt the need to put my fist through the screen. What planet is this woman and her poor sense of colour on?
Also she was really getting on my nerves with her little in takes of breath and gasps. If she designed...
There's no Pocketsurfer!!!!
Well, that's it!! No damn point in watching now if there's no Pocketsurfer.
Seriously though, it makes you wonder what is going through the heads of the powers that be at IW.
Bloody hell, thats the first time I've seen 'bad feet Julie' strike a pose other than one out of a 1950's catalogue.....maybe she's been sent on a course.
Thank god we're all different :)
If I had my way everything would be black and/or red with masses of sparkles and I'm sure there are people out there who hate black and red (they're completely mad of course ;-) )
I'm so glad others think the same. I loathe smokey quartz it's such a dull stone and I cannot understand this current vogue for all things brown and drab, smoky quartz, chocolate gold, tigers eye etc. They can call them coffee, latte, caramal all they like but it's still brown to me.