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  1. Aleksandr Orlov

    Diamonique tsv

    :blush: cant b:blush:elieve you said that! You after a job or wot?? :cheeky:
  2. Aleksandr Orlov

    Diamonique tsv

    its the bracelet
  3. Aleksandr Orlov

    I've ordered a Slanket!!!!!

    Oh I hope mine comes tomorrow i'm intrigued now!
  4. Aleksandr Orlov

    Debbie Flint .... What do you think?

    One of the things I always liked about Debbie as I said in the other thread is that she's natural and a real woman who other real women can identify with and does not try to be something she's not unlike other presenters who shall remain nameless but insist they are a size small when clearly...
  5. Aleksandr Orlov

    I've ordered a Slanket!!!!!

    It was the 3 easy pays that did it for me , I wont notice I've bought it ( thats my excuse anyways) :angel:
  6. Aleksandr Orlov

    I've ordered a Slanket!!!!!

    :clapping: me and 5000 others this hour! Am I sad??
  7. Aleksandr Orlov

    Debbie Flint returning?

    That was what I meant when I said down to earth and normal. She's a South London girl like me and although I haven't lived in London for almost 20yrs and now live in Manchester , I still speak with the same accent as our Debs. As they say ... you can take the girl out of London but you can't...
  8. Aleksandr Orlov

    Debbie Flint returning?

    :wave2::hi: Well I'm very pleazsed to see Debbie back , I think it's great to see a 'normal' looking person who doesn't try to be something they are not. I've never watched honora pearls before therefore haven't seen Ralph and didn't notice that he seemed intimidated. Welcome back Debs and hope...
  9. Aleksandr Orlov

    Paul Lavers son James demonstrating Archos TSV

    get the comedy value back lets have Paul and Helen the Van Dal lady on QVC wooo hooo!!
  10. Aleksandr Orlov

    Get him off !!!!!!!!!!

    :hi: I really like Craig and think he seems genuine and if he's excited it's because he won hos dream job and good for him. He's from Bristol btw.
  11. Aleksandr Orlov

    Brands that have come and gone.....

    :hi: I remember big bold gold, big boys toys, corgi collectables, all the cd's they used to sell with tony blackburn, kevin day with his wotta things like wotta chair wotta saw wotta tootbrush etc etc, I remember buying a weird hairbrush thing that you could bend and it was meant to straighten...
  12. Aleksandr Orlov

    Very quick delivery

    yes its the inca I got the dark purple. its ok but it doesnt open very wide like the tsv one did. it would be better if it was gusseted. the quality is better than the tsv one tho and it has lining and a key fob. I'll prob keep it tho.
  13. Aleksandr Orlov

    Very quick delivery

    I got my kipling oto today which was quicker than usual as well
  14. Aleksandr Orlov

    Helen the Van Dal shoes lady

    thats not difficult is it? :tongue2::giggle:
  15. Aleksandr Orlov

    Helen the Van Dal shoes lady

    I laughed SO much when she said she hates caudelia the model for looking so good and Anne said she doesn't mean it and then she said 'yes I do' LOL
  16. Aleksandr Orlov

    Helen the Van Dal shoes lady

    we should start a campaign to get her as a QVC presenter and bring the fun back to our shopping!!
  17. Aleksandr Orlov

    Helen the Van Dal shoes lady

    Reminds me of a female Paul Lavers!
  18. Aleksandr Orlov

    Helen the Van Dal shoes lady

    I've never actually seen her before I was channel hopping and now i'm glued to her, usually if AD is on I would switch off immediately!
  19. Aleksandr Orlov

    Helen the Van Dal shoes lady

    Get her on as a QVC presenter! she is fab and showing Anne Dawson how a presenters job should be done. She is entertaining but as the same time she is selling the product in a fun way and making you tune in and actually want to buy (not that I have) but not the boring hard sell of the current...
  20. Aleksandr Orlov

    presenters you like/dislike

    :hi: like : Julian, Anthony,Kathy, Claudia, craig and Debbie Flint tolerate:nAlison K ,Dale,Jilly,Julia. Debbie G dislike/cannot bear: Catherine,Claire,Anne D ,Alison Y. Totally hate Charlie anyone I have failed to mention is just totally insignificant to me :angel: