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  1. Evangel

    White Eyeliner?

    I know this has mixed reveiws as well but my mum has been using this for about 6months now. Her inner rims are really red and this really makes a difference to how well she looks. She started wearing makeup...
  2. Evangel

    Philosophy TSV Auto-Delivery

    I'd never ordered on auto delivery before either, just did it on the off chance and only ment to get the first 2 at the most. But i really like the HIAJ (which I'm pretty much keeping pace with) and flawless poreless, which together cost more than the tsv did at £39 pounds, never mind the...
  3. Evangel

    Philosophy is so boring now.

    I couldn't remember either as I never intended to go past December! Just got this from a post by Sazza on the original TSV thread from August. Auto Delivery of the TSV is 227 062, you get it every 90 days. Next time in November it will be Cinnamon Buns then February Mimosa and then in May it...
  4. Evangel

    When did you last buy from GemsTV?

    I'm in the never catagory too!
  5. Evangel

    Make do & Mend

    Haven't bought anything from empire for a while, but they do free delivery and returns as far as I'm aware, never had a problem sending anything back!
  6. Evangel

    qvc mobile?

    Just checked, still working!
  7. Evangel


    Simon kept the name when the B&W partnership broke up in the early 90's apparently. Just googled Nicky Butler and found this.............. Dosn't mention B&W but my first thought was "its a clone!"
  8. Evangel

    How Did They Get the Details?

    How many sites do IW have these days? Have you used create and craft? Or one of the other linked sites maybe.
  9. Evangel

    qvc mobile?

    OH just downloaded the browser, installed it and just typed the usual page
  10. Evangel

    qvc mobile?

    They may say that, but I have just tried again, using the Opera browser and it worked.
  11. Evangel

    qvc mobile?

    OH just came in and downloaded OPERA what ever that might be... And it worked!
  12. Evangel

    psy derma - any views - did anyone see it

    I found 4 items on QVC earlier by searching for "derma". The idea sounds good, but I'm not in the market for any more skincare at the moment!
  13. Evangel

    psy derma - any views - did anyone see it

    I was reading the Sunday Times Style mag and this weeks column from the beauty ed was on a range I'd never heard of, but had heard of its creator....get to the bottom and find its exclusive to QVC, so I searched for a thread...
  14. Evangel


    I bought the ?vax one a couple of years ago and it had to go back, twice. The handle wasn't fixed together propperly so you could see the electrics inside. Still like the idea of a steam mop but that really put me off.
  15. Evangel

    Smashbox Anniversary Prices

    JustBeautydirect has this for £17.86 in the sale.
  16. Evangel

    'It Works' Products?

    Yep I cut mine up too. The disintergration is I guess part of the way they work. Tchibo have some in at the moment if you have a shop near by, as there postage is about £6...
  17. Evangel

    Nail Polish Remover Views Please!

    I've been using the opi for a while and cutex (White) and like them both, but neither would take off the glitter polish my friend gave me for my birthday. Had to let it chip off in the end! I'm getting a small bottle of LD in a set I bought last week so will be interesting to see how it is.
  18. Evangel

    Leighton Denny OTO

    Wow love the look of the Aqua colour....can't justify the rest for it though.
  19. Evangel

    Smashbox TSV December 17th

    Oooh, we had it first!!.tpl.tsv.cm_scid.TSV?cm_re=PROMOTIONS-_-TSV-_-TSV,TSV&cm_sp=TSV-_-HP-_-IMAGE Didn't know such things happened.
  20. Evangel

    In The Salon with SBC TSV - 22/01/09

    Thanks Sazza! Item no currently on Qmobile with no info whatsoever for £31.75 + £5.45