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  1. L

    Is JF about to take her vows?

    She opens her mouth & does not seem to understand that some of what she says is completely inappropriate. Clearly she lives a pretty cushy life with few financial worries. A lot of the viewing public are not so fortunate & she has a very selfish attitude IMO. Almost as if she is saying I have it...
  2. L

    Is JF about to take her vows?

    Hail Mary full of grace etc etc. No offence but it does look similar to what a nun would wear.
  3. L

    My name’s Alan and I’m a recovering QVC-holic

    I have not brought anything now for over a month & feeling quite proud of myself. I decided I was going to give myself a sabbatical from purchasing from QVC. I still sit & watch but don't even feel vaguely tempted. Not even on Sunday by Judith Williams. I have a cupboard full of skincare I need...
  4. L

    Charlies 'bulge' in the Tignanello hour

    Sainsburys £3.99:happy: But be warned, its atrociously written.
  5. L

    Charlies 'bulge' in the Tignanello hour

    Agree with both of you. I nearly got the binoculars out. Now Harald is an entirely different matter particularly when I am in the middle of reading Fifty Shades.:whew:
  6. L

    Battle of the Bulge!

    Hes probably wearing a spangly cod piece with a crown on it :sun:[ :mysmilie_510: Someone called Veronica just called in. Pippa' face ! I think she twigged Veronica might be a Vernon
  7. L

    Pompoos / Harald

    Yes he had a very bad childhood & I admire him. He is such a positive person & his motto is live life, make the most of every day. I love the singing & the growling & I agree I bet he is hilarious to be with on a night out.
  8. L

    New Website

    No difference that I can see
  9. L

    Lulu On QVC

    Who is this Dr Joe ? Her latest conquest :giggle:
  10. L

    Pompoos Fashion TSV 13th July

    Whilst I love Harald I will not be getting the TSV. I have a couple of his tops though & they are lovely & the quality is beauitful. This is way too garish for me. As for his wedding tackle. Poor Clare, it must have been very difficult for her eyes not to have been drawn to that...
  11. L

    lady guest on Lola Rose

    That lot at QVC think we have all come down the Thames on a banana boat :wonder:
  12. L

    Gobby & Lulu

    When I look at Lulu she looks like she has been smacked in the face. Her face is flat with two bulges for cheeks|& her chin is tight. No surgery! Yeh right:wink: Debbie F sitting opposite her looks far more natural & attractive.
  13. L

    time to turn off

    Oh stupid woman. If you have really bad flu you cannot get out of bed. Why don't they get rid of her ? PLEASE !!!!
  14. L

    Ernest Borgnine has died

    My sympathies to Tova & her family. She will be lost now as they seemed a very devoted couple. RIP Ernie:flower:
  15. L

    Alison Anniversary

    I don't find Will annoying but his hair always looks very off to me. is it a wig ?
  16. L

    The changing faces of Alison Young

    JF !!! I just cannot abide her. I could freely throw something through the screen when she is on.:headbang: So I immediatley turn off. Closely followed by Chuntley. Then a tie for AY or JR.
  17. L

    Combined Returns

    Oh yes I too got the snotty reply & & chastised as if I was a child when I emailed QVC to tell them I had sent two items back together. We are such naughty naughty people & it is such a crime to do this. :mysmilie_512:
  18. L

    ASA Complaint About QVC and UltraSun

    I will never use US again. Much prefer P20 as never burnt with that. Last year both DH & I burnt with US & he has specifically asked that we don't use it again.
  19. L

    Ali Young at home

    I LOVED IT !! Ali has gone way way up in my estimation. My dogs have the run of the house & on the sofa etc.In fact its my Lsa's permanent place of residence & what was going on in the background with the two on her sofa is exactly like what happens between him & my Golden Retriever. Hilarious...
  20. L

    Welcome Back

    And there was me thinking I had been banned & racking my brains as to why ? I'm sure a thread would have been started re the pilates hour last night & HRH la diva JR in her tight outfit which showed how the pounds have piled on again.:giggle: