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  1. vampyre

    Duck Eggs

    Thank you for sticking with your instincts and good manners. Use a private or user message rather than gross everyone out :giggle: I still have genuine nightmares about a grotesque post here so you're not wrong janie.
  2. vampyre

    Duck Eggs

    No, you'd look as fugly in ugly boots as I would, even Eau de Nil ones. Fabulous is as fabulous does and all that.
  3. vampyre

    Duck Eggs

    My one and only dalliance with a track suit was as a leaving hospital earlier than expected outfit. Primark, lilac, under a tenner, was on my being less than 2 hours. Love Eau de Nil but I think of everything in terms of makeup and though I adore the gelato pastels they don't love me back. I'm...
  4. vampyre

    Duck Eggs

    The ducks of my acquaintance lay blue eggs. I take your point Burlz, Robin's egg blue is something I haven't personally verified so I just have to trust in the existence of avian integrity.
  5. vampyre


    If going for quantity you'll need a kitchen aid, but the good quality stuff is best folded in by hand in a figure of 8. Sorry, that's meringue, I got confused.
  6. vampyre


    Which is better than bats in the belfry, I grant you. Happy Christmas and thanks for the laughs, s*** stirring and occasional rational opinion Burlz.
  7. vampyre


    And you're Peter Pan?
  8. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    Unreserved apologies, you're a fine figure of a bear. After all my avatar reveals some of my minor physical flaws.
  9. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    Sorry, was that a secret?:happy:
  10. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    Burlz has a saint's name and look at him. Murdering an unwise soul and stashing him in the freezer because of a dualit toaster being only the two slice model. I, however, am named after a gift of nature and a pirate and am ever so charming. :rock: :drunk:
  11. vampyre

    Ronnie Wood's bride

    Ronnie Wood is a right fool with some very unpleasant aspects to his personality but he plays divinely and I have enjoyed his work all my life. He was brilliant at the stones PPV last weekend, I enjoyed it immensely. He ain't as rich as a proper 'stone though, but I'm sure that doesn't matter to...
  12. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    Very feeble segue here Burlz but how do you feel about your initials being taken in vain to flog remarketed skincare/cosmetic goop? Do you approve of BB cream? (Bats eyelashes, puts on huge innocent eyes and awaits reply)
  13. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    Una is quite a popular name in Ireland (uan means lamb) but the Irish word for dress is guna (goonah) which leads to endless show us your guna Una remarks during a lifetime.
  14. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    Bizarrely, the happy to be a Daughter of Darkness was given a name that means ray of (sun) light. Still it could be worse, I could have been called Luna.
  15. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    I don't recall any Saints in the bible but then martyrs are not my thing.
  16. vampyre

    Caramel's baby's name

    But is it a Christian name Burlz? That Julia isn't Frank or even Gail Zappa is not exactly shocking news, it is harmless speculation this time. If Flynn was chosen just because it's Irish then bleugh! but if it is a reference to Hollywood's greatest ever swash buckling, pink palace owning...
  17. vampyre

    One brand one product

    Fuji make a range of rather excellent skincare.
  18. vampyre

    Ali Young goes down on a teapot...

    Well it made me feel better about myself, which was quite unexpected on a Saturday evening.
  19. vampyre

    Ali Young goes down on a teapot...

    Well I assume anyone sucking a tea pot spout isn't well at all. She has laryngitis apparently, to my shame I laughed when I read that. So much for all the squawking about her having good skin. Even allowing for being ill, it does not indicate a spectacular complexion.
  20. vampyre

    Shout Out To "Our" Bags!

    I tease Bags horribly but she knows I don't mean it. I do agree with her when she feels that being such a huge enterprise QVC could do a lot better in many ways so united we stand. Since it has been mentioned I hope surgery went well and that Bags was the perfect patient, not a bit stroppy or...