Caramel's baby's name


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Are you thinking that Julia might be a bit toffee-nosed about the name of Caramel's baby then? She might think it's really sweet.

:blush: sorry
She didn't like Marie-Francoise's mate's baby being called Luna, but maybe she's learnt to keep her opinions to herself!

J x
And she didn't like Ali's (B & W) models baby's name, India, and i personally think its
rude to comment on a baby's name. The mum and dad have picked that name , and
gone to a lot of trouble picking it, and love it , so to comment is bad manners. IMO
I'm hoping that Carmel couldn't care less what Julia thinks as it's none of her business. What suits one doesn't suit another but that doesn't give her the right to comment on air, she should keep her opinions to herself on such personal matters!
It doesn't matter one iota, in my opinion, if others don't like the name (whether that includes Julia or not.) Carmel and her husband like the name and that's all that matters. (I like it too :wink:)
I'm hoping that Carmel couldn't care less what Julia thinks as it's none of her business. What suits one doesn't suit another but that doesn't give her the right to comment on air, she should keep her opinions to herself on such personal matters!
I agree , you can think things to yourself , but you don't say it live on a tele shopping programme. But didn't Julia put her foot in it with her
response on twitter with Debbie G about the football, so she has been known to open her mouth and then think later, but then we all do
that i suppose, but not live on tele, and i don't do twitter, so i'm safe
Seems like we are debating the potential outcome of something being said that, as far as we know, hasn't even been said …
I did it once. A friend told me that had decided to call their baby Ignatius. I thought she was winding me up and said "you can't call the poor bugger that!" She wasn't joking. I was so mortified when I realised. I still think its a tough name to saddle a child with but I've learnt to shut my gob.
Seems like we are debating the potential outcome of something being said that, as far as we know, hasn't even been said …

But given Julia has "form" on the subject, speculation is appropriate, and also fun....... No?
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It's a very personal thing, but I sometimes think parents don't fully take on board that a name is for life and some names just don't lend themselves to longevity.
I'm sure people remember the Jason & Charlene era. No doubt we'll have a few Apples and Harpers shuffling around in their dotage.

I was highly amused a few years ago hearing a woman call her two children across a playground. With a voice that could cause buildings to tremor she yelled,
"SKY! HEAVENLY!" and two little girls built to last the famine thundered across the yard lol

The worse parent slip up was the naming of Steven Harry Ian Turner.
If you are out there mate .... shame on them!
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It's a very personal thing, but I sometimes think parents don't fully take on board that a name is for life and some names just don't lend themselves to longevity.
I'm sure people remember the Jason & Charlene era. No doubt we'll have a few Apples and Harpers shuffling around in their dotage.

I was highly amused a few years ago hearing a woman call her two children across a playground. With a voice that could cause buildings to tremor she yelled,
"SKY! HEAVENLY!" and two little girls built to last the famine thundered across the yard lol

The worse parent slip up was the naming of Steven Harry Ian Turner.
If you are out there mate .... shame on them!
I personally like you're querky names for your two minim. 21 and 27 Uuummmm Might catch on :)
I personally like you're querky names for your two minim. 21 and 27 Uuummmm Might catch on :)

The names evolve too! Next Spring they become 22 & 28

Julia - 'Sophie' is a lovely name, the name of one daughter's best friend, but will always be 'Soapy' in my mind. That's what missing milk teeth does to 'Sophie'
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Theres nothing to object to about Flynn is there? Is it an Irish name? I think it is what Miranda Kerr and Orlando Blooms son is called.
My mum swears she once saw an announcement in the paper of the birth of Vomita. I hope it was printed for a joke!
But is it a Christian name Burlz?
That Julia isn't Frank or even Gail Zappa is not exactly shocking news, it is harmless speculation this time.

If Flynn was chosen just because it's Irish then bleugh! but if it is a reference to Hollywood's greatest ever swash buckling, pink palace owning, utterly debauched actor that's good.:sun:
But is it a Christian name Burlz?
That Julia isn't Frank or even Gail Zappa is not exactly shocking news, it is harmless speculation this time.

If Flynn was chosen just because it's Irish then bleugh! but if it is a reference to Hollywood's greatest ever swash buckling, pink palace owning, utterly debauched actor that's good.:sun:

I dont recall a St Flynn in the bible but am willing to be corrected.

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