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  1. Ballerina

    Primal Living

    No I haven't been interested in the health reset programme offered by Steve Bennett. It is an expensive "course". I am not saying it can't work but Mr Bennett is far from being a doctor and spouts an awful lot of unproven (clinical studies / trials) pseudo-science. Also, I hear that his...
  2. Ballerina

    Judith Williams Beauty TSV 11/01/22

    I have tried Judith's life long range, the pink one. Did absolutely nothing at all for me I am sad to say. It is a pity as I like the cruelty free ethos of the brand but I think she over eggs the pudding a bit. Also, she has so many ranges in her brand and says she uses them all which I find...
  3. Ballerina

    Lola Rose TSV 04/01/22

    Love pearls and rose quartz, two of my favourite stones. It sounds pretty.
  4. Ballerina

    New Presenters

    What a mean, cruel and frankly dispicable thing to do to any woman, let alone a pregnant one. Classless, Never mind the plum in mouth accent, a dock whore has more class.
  5. Ballerina

    New Presenters

    What happened on QVC with Joan Colins, did I miss a scandal there? I remember her doing make-up hours but haven't seen her in quite a while.
  6. Ballerina

    Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!

    Qurio, a sense of community, yeah, care in the community more like! I can't say why but I once bought from Michele Hope's range. Again I too was in the zone and got carried away. Blddy awful cami and cardigan in chiffon (polyester of course). Put it on and it fit, so put it away for Christmas...
  7. Ballerina

    Alpha H TSV 09/01/22

    Any body tried Apha-H hand cream? I am a hc junkie but have not tried it yet, I missed a duo a year or 2 ago but didn't want to risk buying 2, even at a good price in case it was not great.
  8. Ballerina

    Lulu's Time Bomb TSV 16/12/21

    Channelling the big O perhaps? It worked for Roy Orbison didn't it. Bit of Trivia about Roy. People thought he had major vision problems and some thought he was blind. He came over to support The Beatles (my absolute faves) and lost his glasses, he put sunglasses on and forgot to take them off...
  9. Ballerina

    Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!

    I think they call it a floordrobe, piles of clothes and noi space to store them!
  10. Ballerina

    Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!

    Hyacinth would of course buy the periwinkle coloured one to match her Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles :) Not keen on Michele Hopeless, looks dated on any age, lurid colours and no way is is stylish. Who is her demographic I wonder?
  11. Ballerina

    Expensive Returns

    I have a Visa debit card as I with Naffwest. Will Amazon be accepting those in future?
  12. Ballerina

    Unlikely to be seen here.....

    I have a party dress that I love and I just wear it when I feel like it at home. I don't go to many balls, plenty of balls-ups! It feels nice just swishing about in it every now and then :)
  13. Ballerina

    Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!

    I am sure you would enjoy the cleavage close-ups Strato. I just want to say that thanks to your other post about you prefering CT, that has stuck with me. Now every time we send a patient for a CT scan, guess what comes in to my filthy little mind? LOL x
  14. Ballerina

    Lola Rose TSV 04/01/22

    I have 2 LR necklaces with hearts. I do love hearts in jewellery but 2 is enough I think, hope you are reading Lola! I went to the charity shop yesterday. I was surprised they were open but as I drove up I saw all the lights on, so went in, well it would be rude not to! I saw a LR bracelet in...
  15. Ballerina

    Jill Franks leaving today?

    I know what you mean about Pipa. She talks very quickly, says yeah yeah yeah to BA's but she isn't really listening to what they are saying, she just uses the repeated yeah's to link to her next spout of nonsense. She can be a bit shouty too. Not a massive fan of Jill. Nothing major, I just find...
  16. Ballerina

    Saints preserve us from......

    I have only seen her a handful of times but just can't take to her. She keeps saying things like "you know me..." and I am thinking no, I don't know you and I am not interested in you. Please get on with the job and tell me about the product you are supposed to be plugging. I usually switch off...
  17. Ballerina

    Craig Rowe - A Place in the Sun

    He gurns all the time which I find frankly offputting. He is far from the worst presenter but it can be irritating.
  18. Ballerina

    Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!

    I got it too. What a load of crap, no incentives, like a money off code or something that might be interesting, just garbage and a waste of time. Another opportunity for the new head honcho and the tat peddlers to say "look at me" and how wonderful it is to work at QVC. I deleted it straight...
  19. Ballerina

    Purchases in the sales? Q or others

    Nothing from QVC at all, had a mooch on the site but struck out, just nothing I really fanied. Ebay, technically not a true sale but the seller had a 20% off incentive, so I bought a Brambly Hedge figurine. I collected them since the 80's and sadly broke one whilst dusting, butter fingers but...
  20. Ballerina

    Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!

    Well, as I see it, you have chimed in with your two cents as well. So, this is obviously a topic people feel strongly enough to keep discussing, whatever their opinion and all opinions are welcome.