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Jan 7, 2022
Has anyone bought Steve's Health Reset? I did and lost a lot of weight and was going to recommend to a friend. However, I recently received an email from Primal Living offering £80 off. When I looked at it, they have increased the price from £79 to £129! I thought that was so dishonest. I hate the fake 'starting price' on everything
I know that its their model same as the other brands but I don't know why they do it. I am guessing that it you can create an idea that the item has a higher value and then reduce your price to something that looks like a huge reduction that motivates people to purchase. My logic is that if you take an item to air and state its price from the beginning that would speed up the process and so you would sell greater quantities. We all have witnessed presentations when 30 minutes has been taken taking about and hyping a product before any thing is offered for sale. That said when this has been done with the watches the 30 minutes of air time might be justified by the price that the watches are sold for and the quantity shifted vs the £12.00 cost price from the Chinese makers.
Regular viewers can probably pretty accurately estimate the final selling price either because something very similar has been sold before or they saw the same thing earlier in the week with the same story and 'price crashes' on the way to something astonishing.
No I haven't been interested in the health reset programme offered by Steve Bennett. It is an expensive "course". I am not saying it can't work but Mr Bennett is far from being a doctor and spouts an awful lot of unproven (clinical studies / trials) pseudo-science. Also, I hear that his supplements are also promoted, so it is a cleverly marketed infomercial as well and a lcense to print money. Some of the supplements he sells contain many, many times the RDA needed by the human body. In fact, overdosing on some vitamins has been shown to be detrimental to the body eg. vitamin A has been lnked to liver function problems. Mr Bennett is not a true health guru at all. Anyone remember Vinappris around 16 years ago? Yes, Mr Bennett was selling wines, owned a wine bar on the ground floor f the famous Dunlop building and so was encouraging us all to picle our livers etc. with cases of alcohol.

Speaking as a qualified nurse, not a doctor. If you want to eat healthy diet, speak to a qualified dietician who can advise you properly and take into consideration any specific health problems you may have.
I am happy to read that you do your research. Lots of people follow like sheep and just believe what is being told to them on the telly blindly and that is, in my opinion, not a good idea. Taking supplements can be a very good thing but there are issues regarding individuals with health conditions and there is no "one size fits all" when t comes to our health. Taking supplements with many times, hundreds of times the amount needed each day is questionable. A lot of the active ingredients will simply not be absorbed at all and the body will excrete them, so frankly wasteful. Also, bear in mind that the processing can also put extra strain on organs, such as the liver and kidneys and many more.

As regards Health Reset. If you like it and feel it works or helps you, you are free to mke the decision. It is your body and your money. NHS dieticians are qualified to advise you based on proven, scientific studies and clinical trials. Even better, their advice is free of charge. Regarding the programme providing ongoing support. It is a DVD I am guessingit is? So, is there any helpline available if you feel like you need support? At the end of the day, only you are responsible for what you put in your mouth / body and whether or not you partake in any physical exercise. DVD's are really cheap to produce and this programme sells for £80 or more, kerching! Minimum outlay for maximum return. I suspect this is more likey the motivation for Mr Bennett. He is a shrewd businessman, I'll give him that, doesn't miss a trick.

Good luck to everybody. I truly mean no offense to those who have done, or are following this programme. I hope you had / will have great success, it just doesn't appeal to me. xx
The Health reset is online, not a dvd and the support afterwards is on social media - very cheap to produce, which is why I was sad at the price increase. Once you have bought it, it's free to access, you don't pay again - unless you choose buy any supplements of course. The last nurse to offer me nutrition advice told me to eat ultra processed, fat free yoghurts, FAT lot of good that did me. There's nothing that isn't common sense on the health reset, but the videos are daily to help your focus each day. I lost 30% of my bodyweight, so yes, the advice did work for me. I don't however, think it's worth the new price. I'm guessing there will be a big promotion early Feb with a 'new' price.
Well done you, that is quite an achievement. As I say, some will benefit and some won't, you did really well. The price is prohibitive for a lot of people, even if they reduce the price back to £80. I agree with you, they will probably do that soon. In effect, nobody is really getting a great deal, just paying what all the other members did in the first place. Lots of shops and businesses do this tack, put the price up to then reduce it in a "sale". Gemporia certainly wouldn't be the first in that respect, loop holes in the law. As you say, it is a cheap platform to operate and if people choose to purchase the supplements being pushed, a very lucritive business.

I am sorry that the advice you received on the NHS was so poor. Nurses aren't in any way qualified to give dietary advice and should never have done so. You should have been referred to the dietician who is qualified.

My problem with uncertified health guru's per se, not just Mr Bennett, is that there is a plethera of them out there, online and on social media platforms, is just that, they are unqualified and uncertified. Some of them have huge followings amongst all demographics. To highlght teenage girls for example, many become distressed at their body image and turn to these online health guru's. They absorb everything they read and hear and in some cases, more than you would think, they develop serious eating disorders. I have experience of this with my young niece and let me tell you, it isn't pretty. She was dangerously ill, following a ridiculous "healthy" diet. Then she began cutting out even healthy foods and became physically and mentally ill. I know that a percentage of young people will do this anyway, it is a known fact but in my niece's case, it was totally started and prolonged by her addicton to this lady onlibe. She was encouraged and applauded by this woman and other followers. Thankfully, she is in recovery and it has been nearly 2 years since she was admitted to hospital but is is a long and uncertain road.

I apologise again if I have offended any Health Reset members but there are pitfalls and I feel very strongly that consideration and the advice of your GP are important before embarking on such programmes.

Well done again on your success and all good wishes for a healthy and happy future. xx

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