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  1. Diamond Diva

    My mum

    So sorry to hear about your mum PP x
  2. Diamond Diva

    Who's a big Softy then?

    I've just remembered my teddy bear, can't remember his name though, he was about 18" tall with a long plush coat and velvet pads, he growled i you tipped him forwards and backwards well he did until one of my elder sisters 'operated' on him and removed it!
  3. Diamond Diva

    Who's a big Softy then?

    I had a golliwog which my mum knitted for me, although with today's PC they have be be called golly's!
  4. Diamond Diva

    Who's a big Softy then?

    Did you buy it?
  5. Diamond Diva


    I think her twin might have something to do with it but then again I'm not known for my detective powers!
  6. Diamond Diva

    Karcher window vac.

    I fully understand why you think this and you're absolutely right it does seem mad to pay this when you can do the same with soapy water and elbow grease but speaking personally I have arthritis in my neck and shoulders and cleaning windows which involves repetitive circular motions is a no no...
  7. Diamond Diva

    Karcher window vac.

    I bought mine specifically for condensation on the windows, when it's very cold mine get really wet and its amazing just how much it removes!
  8. Diamond Diva

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    It looks as if Meg is blowing raspberry's ! One of my cats often sat with her tongue out and didn't react if I touched it, I wonder why they do it ?
  9. Diamond Diva

    Air raid siren

    How scary, I lived in Greenwich before the Thames Barrier was built, we were only 200 yards from the river and they used the siren as a warning of flooding which was tested four times a year, a very eerie sound. Actually I wonder if there's any filming taking place near you that's set in WW2?
  10. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Ooops sorry or the error BM but my laptop's on the arm of the chair and I'm typing with just two fingers of my left hand 'coz Harry's asleep on my chest with his head under my chin and Saffy's asleep on my lap, well the little darlings have had an exhaustive day's climbing!
  11. Diamond Diva

    Pet Insurance ... yes or no?

    Of course that's as it should be he's taught you well, after all dogs have owners and cats have staff!
  12. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Once my new bathroom & kitchen have been fitted I'll need to do some decorating including the lounge (perhaps I can enlist Busymum's help) so I may get new one's! Paparazzi in the greenhouse, booming cheek I'll have to have stern words with my tenants if they're sub letting!
  13. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    I take no credit for it, it's all down to my friend's tuition and Frazzled instructions
  14. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    By jove it looks as if my fine tuning lesson has worked !
  15. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    The latest photos of my little darlings!
  16. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Thanks SB they would have been good except I've already had an Ellie. Over the last thirty five years I've had 11 cats, plus I have three siblings who are also animal lovers (cats and dogs) so between us we've used quiet a few names already and repetions could get confusing! I'm just about to...
  17. Diamond Diva

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    Yeah you've got heating???
  18. Diamond Diva

    Suggestions for my kitten's names !

    Several times Harry's balanced on the top of the scratching post but as soon as I pick up the camera he's gone!
  19. Diamond Diva

    Does My Bum Look Big In This?

    £850 !!! :mysmilie_13: I've posted this before but my sister lives in a small village without gas so rely's on oil for heating etc. A couple of years ago they joined a cooperative set up by one of the villagers who two or three times a year checks which members needs oil and how much, tots it...
  20. Diamond Diva

    When you send parcels back....

    A signed for item has a tracking number but it's not insured which is why it's cheaper than recorded