Who's a big Softy then?


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Sense of humour intact
Sep 26, 2009
Planet Earth, mostly...
Prompted by the Charlie Bears thread, I thought it would be fun to share pictures/stories about your favourite soft toys as a child and if you still have them?

So meet "Trunky"! :blush::giggle:


He is 65 this year, becoming very fragile and harder to repair (not unlike myself lol!). He was always on my bed as a child and much loved. He is obviously handmade and is stuffed with wool and cloth oddments. I had lots of soft toys throughout my childhood but Trunky was my favourite, I could never part with him - I need to see if I can knit him a new coat before he falls apart.

He has to live safely in a cupboard these days and soft toys on the bed have been replaced with cats! :mysmilie_515:
No picture but I had a lion pyjama case called Leo Lionel Leonard Lenny Rajah a little teddy called Toffee Teddy and two poodles called Blackie and Whitey ( I'll leave you to guess the colours!)
I don't believe it, just googled wartime toy knitting patterns and found this, I'm amazed!

Allowing for inflation, it's not going cost a great deal more than 3d lol!

I had a 'sooky cardigan', we were so hard up I can't ever remember having a soft toy. Times were hard. Eventually when the cardigan was in bits my Mum put it in the bin. I think I was getting on for 10 years old when it finally disappeared.
Oh Huggles, that makes me feel really sad!

I loved my soft toys very much. I didn't have many and nothing posh, I remember my gran telling me they use to unpick old jumpers etc to knit toys, as Trunky was.
My little knitted bear was my only claim to fame. He was knitted for me as a baby by one of our neighbours, the mother of the author Wolf Mankowitz.

He was about 9" high, mustardy yellow in colour with black sewn on eyes, nose etc, and I loved him to bits - literally.
I had a couple of teddies but my absolute favourite couldn't live without, was my brother's old dressing gown! I just loved the feel of the fabric and used to fall asleep whilst stroking it. For some crazy reason it became known as Dolly Dwps. :blush:
I have a koala called Blue who I got the day I was born, she is still on my bed but I noticed she has lost her ribbon in our last move :-( she was white with a blue chest, but now she is varying shades of grey apart from under one leg where she is still blue. I also have a lamb called Lamby but he's not quite as old.
I want a panda and a bunny but whose "clothes" are just the faux fur in different colours. I suspect I inherited these from my brother or one of my cousins. My mum and grab made me a randomly from navy fabric, she had wrinkly orange hair. Sounds grotesque, but I loved her! Then, some years later I mentioned her to my mother and, I think, the next Christmas I got a little rag doll from mum. I still have her!
My mother was pretty ruthless when it came to throwing out toys, so I have nothing, though our attic is bursting with toys I thought the girls may want one day.
I'm acting as caretaker.

I remember I had a lamb called Larry & I assume it was named after Larry the Lamb.
I also remember a Golliwog, which you never see these days. Mine was called Golly - original huh!?
My mother was pretty ruthless when it came to throwing out toys, so I have nothing, though our attic is bursting with toys I thought the girls may want one day.
I'm acting as caretaker.

I remember I had a lamb called Larry & I assume it was named after Larry the Lamb.
I also remember a Golliwog, which you never see these days. Mine was called Golly - original huh!?

I had a golliwog too and a teddy, according to my Mum she said that after my being sick on them so many times they fell apart from so many washes so she had to chuck them out! Lol. I have kept all my daughters Barbie dolls, clothes etc and my sons Power ranger stuff and put it in the loft for any future grandchildren (if I'm lucky).
I had a golliwog which my mum knitted for me, although with today's PC they have be be called golly's!
I had a little brown bear who wore a red, knitted waistcoat with braid around the edge. Not sure where he went.

I also had a large golden teddy that I think my mum sent away for from Sugar Puffs. He's called Jeremy and now lives on my dad's bed! He's nearly 50 (Jeremy, not my dad!)

I was never really one for stuffed toys or dolls, when I was little much preferred Leggo or boys toys like cars or trains which I didn't get my hands on much not having a brother.
I've just remembered my teddy bear, can't remember his name though, he was about 18" tall with a long plush coat and velvet pads, he growled i you tipped him forwards and backwards well he did until one of my elder sisters 'operated' on him and removed it!
I've just remembered my teddy bear, can't remember his name though, he was about 18" tall with a long plush coat and velvet pads, he growled i you tipped him forwards and backwards well he did until one of my elder sisters 'operated' on him and removed it!

That brings back memories DD. I always fancied myself as a surgeon and my poor dolls and teddies were constantly going under the knife. :giggle: The teddies were minus growls and some of my dolls even had eye surgery. I must have fancied being a hairdresser at one point too as my dolls invariably ended up bald. :sad: Gawd, what a delightful child I was:(

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