Does My Bum Look Big In This?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Thank you to those who wished me good luck. I got a place on the course! 41 applicants and only 20 places, so I must have done something right. Start next week.

Carol, I have only just seen the lovely photo of Jess, she looks lovely and relaxed.

My course (If I get a place) is a FETAC Level 5 in childcare. I have worked in the industry for a few years, but without the qualification. I lost my job last year and because regulations have changed, I will not get another one working with children without the qualification - I think it is the equivalent of a City and Guilds one over there. If I don't get working soon, we will end up on the streets, so it has to be done. They are letting me know in the next day or so. Fingers crossed.

PS, I have had police and social services clearance for 12 years, just not the childcare certification
Well done Itchy!


Shall we have some treats to celebrate ... praps .... ?
Awww, thanks everyone. I feel like I have landed a job, instead of a course which MIGHT help get me a job! Its a sorry state of affairs when an old bird like me has to have an interview for a course. A few of the other applicants I saw were more than half my age. Obviously there are on-line courses and private colleges where I could have easily done it, but they cost and we just don't have any funds, hence me being so desperate to get this one. Its free! I can't get the dole over here (which I would happily accept), because OH has a job. I have paid taxes etc all my life. The country is in a terrible state.

Yes Meg. A treat is in order i think. Tot of Baileys coming up, and whatever you are having yourself! I just showed you to OH again and he said you are sooooo cute.
Well done Itchy, so pleased for you! Unfortunately can't toast your success while I'm on the wagon because of the ABs, but I shall have a large one after Friday!! Will be in touch soon...
What is happening to our Meg. Have you not paid the electric minim and she's in candlelight. (or are you grilling her how many dreamies she's eaten ) lol

Oh and Hopey says to thank you all for suggesting dreamies to me, cause now she loves

them. Diet ....... what diet for Hopey
When dreamies are mentioned, Meg hears angels singing & harps playing.
Then, there is a crash of thunder and a bright light engulfs her & shows her the way to the packet.

I was just lucky enough to capture the visuals on camera ... shame about the lack of sound mind
From: CEO, Dreamies Inc, Roswell, New Mexico

To: Mrs Minim, Agent 4 Miss Meg and Mr Fish

It has been brought to our attention by A. Snitch that a recent batch of Dreamies does not match our exacting Elf and Safety standards and may contain visitations from the Celestial Choir and alien life forces.

Please return all unopened packs to us at the address above for a full refund. Your statutory rights are not affected.

The truth is out there.
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It looks as if Meg is blowing raspberry's !

One of my cats often sat with her tongue out and didn't react if I touched it, I wonder why they do it ?
Hopey says too late, packet is gone. SB does't count them, just throws in the dish.

New measures to count each dreamie will now be put in force, to save dreamies

going out of business. Pass the message on to all cat lovers

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