What in God's name ....?


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At the end of the day you can wear what you want. It's up to customers what they buy. If you're too busy looking at the presenter's outfit and thinking "oh that looks awful" you're not going to be convinced that you're going to look good in anything that's on offer. Presenters are only on a show for an hour, maybe two. It's not too much to ask that they can wear something that looks good, even if the presenter finds it a bit uncomfortable (especially shoes). It's about sales after all - or it should be.

she may have been a dancer( at least i havent't seen her do the one routine that Ellis Ward on Gems does when she is called on as a cabaret dancer)..but that was many many moons ago...and im guessing not for very long...i just wonder if the donkey sanctuary would benefit from her cast offs..those shoo boots in particular look well suited to donkeys.
"...the one routine that Ellis Ward on Gems does when she is called on as a cabaret dancer"

Mercifully, I've been spared seeing that.

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