Fashion Sale TSV 23/06/20


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Wait till the plus size gals strutt their stuff in it - it will be sitting on the bum shelf loud and proud when they sashay back to the starting gate.
Bum shelf! LOL

Fair point, Merry, it's always good to have balnce. I think Brissles was joking though. I have a bambi arse (no shelf I hope) & still giggled.

Jackie Kabler is wearing this dress on air at the moment (15:54 Monday bedding hour)
She looks good in most things....
Fair point, Merry, it's always good to have balnce. I think Brissles was joking though. I have a bambi arse (no shelf I hope) & still giggled.

Do you have a little butterfly perched on it then?! A bum shelf is a funny analogy I'll give it that but we are talking about people here - and it's not just the plus size models that maybe have a less than peachy pert posterior..we're all different shapes and sizes on here I guess. Hope I've not upset Brissels it wasn't my intention..just felt it was a touch insensitive...We're all different! I prefer my arse to my face lol!
As someone who has a bum shelf you could park a bus on I’m not in the least offended. In fact BS models allow me to get a real look at what it will look like on me and it serves like a cold shower of reality.

Lovely Ali (B&W] could wear a bin bag so looking at things on her bears no resemblance to my shape.
No, I'm not offended - I'm long past the age of offence. I'm a plus size myself, so will call it out when a garment looks rubbish, and most areas on 'big' girls don't need to be highlighted, so when a dress/top, snug fitting trousers are chosen by the equally rubbish stylists to put on a plus size model, then it usually shows me how I dont want to look. I dont want thigh hugging trousers on my 48" hips, I dont want large gaping armholes that almost show my waist and make my flabby arms look bigger, and I certainly dont want a top where the fabric sits on my bum shelf when I turn around. All of these things get highlighted on a plus size model, and I sit watching open mouthed when the presenter says "doesn't ???? look stunning", um NOOOOO.
Naaah I don`t get offended either and as a woman well into her 60`s who`se worn lots of different fashions over the years (some good some bad) I say it as it is. I`m no skinny Minnie either and there are bits of my body I like to disguise rather than emphasize and bits I don`t mind being on show. I`m tall and I have slim legs so I don`t mind slim fit trousers but I have really broad shoulders which make me resemble an American footballer in the wrong top.
I dislike the tops of my arms so I prefer sleeves or a sleeveless top with something over it and my arse is as flat as a pancake which makes me look like an ironing board from the side. I always wanted a peachy curvy bum but nope I got the ironing board look instead. I was what you`d call a lanky kid but I`m still tall and lanky but now have a tummy which has given birth to 3 kids so is far from firm or flat and I`ve never had a decent pair of ****s either. I`m all broad back and little up front.
I`m sure QVC models along with many other models simply view it as a job, have heard every positive and negative comment before and will wear whatever atrocious stuff they`re given, then just grab their pay cheque and move onto the next booking. It`s a career well known for its dog eat dog attitude and all models need to have a thick skin or they won`t last 5 minutes.
I would love to be a fly on the wall behind the scenes. In the studio in front of the camera its gush gush gush, but I'd love to hear their real views in the dressing room when they have to put on some gawd awful poly/elastene Nina Leonard top, or a sofa print Kimmy frock. And I cannot believe that Franks holds back with her views, as in "if you think I'm wearing that on air, its not gonna happen "
Fly on the wall? More like fly on screen when Michael Perry is on with Kathy Tayler (I note I haven't seen them on together lately). He clearly doesn't rate her and just takes the pee, at which point she gets a tad out of her pram :D

I also wonder what model Sophia says before she goes out in some of the monstrosities they put her in. "Does my bum look big in this?" "Yes it does and your ankles and legs as well. We have to cater for all shapes of customers even if you do look like the side of a house". Sophia of course does not look like the side of a house and looks lovely in the right outfit but the evil stylists are determined to make her look horrible. Jilly must also think "FFS, not again" when she's asked to do some completely unsuitable fashion TSV.
Yes the stylists need to act more forgiving when dressing the various body shapes of the models. Its not rocket science that the size 10 gals will look great in everything, but their larger colleagues clearly wont look the same in the identical garment, so caution needs to be used and a bit of thought applied, like not putting an above the knee dress on Sophia which exacerbates the size of her legs, but put her in a mid to maxi dress and its a different story. But then, the stylists aren't known for their brains.
Yes the stylists need to act more forgiving when dressing the various body shapes of the models. Its not rocket science that the size 10 gals will look great in everything, but their larger colleagues clearly wont look the same in the identical garment, so caution needs to be used and a bit of thought applied, like not putting an above the knee dress on Sophia which exacerbates the size of her legs, but put her in a mid to maxi dress and its a different story. But then, the stylists aren't known for their brains.
That probably explains why a lot of stuff that’s seemingly popular is still available in the larger sizes at the end of the day. The potential customers for those sizes are running for the hills! Spose if they sell the sizes they have to show how it looks on all. Ok they can’t do much with a short dress but they can stop making glaring mistakes like putting pointy stilettos on with it when the model’s a larger lady . .. gives a really unbalanced look.. also choose colours more carefully.. skintight pink leggings look dodgy enough on the skinnies!!
But why do they make/sell some things in the larger sizes (short dresses) when they are clearly going to look awful and no one in a larger size would buy them anyway? I know they try to be open to everyone but ask a larger model if she'd be seen dead in some of QVCs clothes and they'd laugh you out the studio. If the model looks awful we all know we'll look awful and that goes for the thinner girls as well.

But why do they make/sell some things in the larger sizes (short dresses) when they are clearly going to look awful and no one in a larger size would buy them anyway? I know they try to be open to everyone but ask a larger model if she'd be seen dead in some of QVCs clothes and they'd laugh you out the studio. If the model looks awful we all know we'll look awful and that goes for the thinner girls as well.


I guess it's only fair to make the offer...Yes I know there are companies that specialise in fashion for the fuller figure, and a lot of mainstream places now have a "curvy section". I guess the channels believe by going in with one style suits/fits all attitude they've covered all bases and maybe they think that if they have dedicated hours aimed at particular sizes both on the large and small spectrum..they'll be alienating a lot of customers and don't consider it worthwhile. I don't think it would be a bad idea. Personally I thought sophia looked pretty ok in the denim and co dress if you didn't look at the poor choice of footwear...but then she's young, very pretty and probably wouldn't be seen dead in it under normal circumstances. As it's ok to say "bum shelf"...I do know what brissles means but I didn't think that particular dress gave her one. In all if they're gonna continue in the way they do at present, their stylists need to understand the best way to dress certain figures to get the best look that they can with what they've got to work with....They don't sadly!
Another no no are the big block heeled sandals - they flatter no-one, and certainly not when there is an ankle strap involved as well, they make big ankles even chunkier, and on slender ankles the chunky heel looks like a diving boot, so again the designers haven't a clue.
Plus size models would look better if they actually wore their correct size. Trying to cram a size 22 body into a size 18 dress is a recipe for disaster.

Then the guest or presenter grabs a garment off the hanger and pulls it to show the amount of stretch. Stretch doesn’t equate to a good fit, it doesn’t make it a bigger size, just converts it to a strait-jacket.
Plus size models would look better if they actually wore their correct size. Trying to cram a size 22 body into a size 18 dress is a recipe for disaster.

Then the guest or presenter grabs a garment off the hanger and pulls it to show the amount of stretch. Stretch doesn’t equate to a good fit, it doesn’t make it a bigger size, just converts it to a strait-jacket.
I so agree with this. IMO the only thing I want to wear stretched is a pair of tights. It only makes looking like a sausage more noticeable.

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