Peter Simon


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Peter Simon said tonight when selling their heated massage swivel recliner chair: "You'll sink into this bonded warm leather". No doubt you'll stick to it as well. And the furniture is "bespoke".

Plus when talking about the old springs in his old seat he used the expression "spring up the derrierre" :mysmilie_59:
I'm sure Peter is pushing the boundaries to the absolute limit tonight to see how far he can stretch this act, sleazy doesnt come close to the noise, groans and growls plus every innuendo under the sun! He is making tonight while sell a plastic chair.

He has just said someone asked him to take his clothes off, he asked where to put them? the person replied on top of my clothes Peter..............................

This guys supposed to be selling a chair!! I'm lost for words.....................................
Peter Simon said tonight when selling their heated massage swivel recliner chair: "You'll sink into this bonded warm leather". No doubt you'll stick to it as well. And the furniture is "bespoke".

Plus when talking about the old springs in his old seat he used the expression "spring up the derrierre" :mysmilie_59:
I think he maybe getting the word bespoke mixed up with mass produced tat. Someone needs to by the lad a dictionary.
I'm sure Peter is pushing the boundaries to the absolute limit tonight to see how far he can stretch this act, sleazy doesnt come close to the noise, groans and growls plus every innuendo under the sun! He is making tonight while sell a plastic chair.

He has just said someone asked him to take his clothes off, he asked where to put them? the person replied on top of my clothes Peter..............................

This guys supposed to be selling a chair!! I'm lost for words.....................................

He was certainly milking the 'I'm in ecstasy' routine on tonight's show.... simon.jpgsimon2.jpgsimon3.jpg
He's quite revolting and I found myself a bit sorry for Creepy Crawley having to co host with him. He goes along with him and laughs but you can tell it is very forced. Pervy Pete makes himself laugh, he's in his element doing this sleazy stuff. It's really gobsmacking to think he's actually on a shopping channel selling a chair, acting like that!

Sometime later, he's on with Ms. Garrard and he's completely different.

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Something interesting about Peter Simon.... I have seen him pop up occasionally as a talking head on those shows about the 80s and tv nostalgia etc. He comes across very clear and concise (and foul mouthed... but that's not a shock to be fair) ... to the point where it makes his performance on IW look even more false and an act.
His innuendoes on the cooking show with chubby joe were really pushing the boundaries of decency and i noticed him saying his two tenners nonsense without mentioning flexipay again it seems he can get away with anything in the name of sales.
I thought when I saw this t*** on the Back Rola doing this kind of thing it was bad enough.These pictures are b*****revolting.I reckon the old b******knows exactly what he's doing all the time even though some people think he's harmless.

Maybe he is harmless, but that's not the point - He's supposed to be presenting a product to potential buyers - NOT rolling around the floor making ridiculous noises, or pawing his female co-workers with his filthy hands, or to be making crude comments and innuendos. Could you imagine going into a furniture shop, and the sales assistant saying "let me give you a demo" then proceeding to act in the manner that PS does?! As a customer what would you do? Walk out immediately? Complain to the manager? who might say "but he's harmless?" - "Well he's harming you mate, 'cause I'm gonna take my custom elsewhere!" Obviously this sort of behaviour would not be tolerated in a shop, so why IW ('cause as i've said umpteen times before - you're utterly to blame) do you think it any way appropriate to allow a washed up wannabee comedian, who's has the all the charm and finesse as a soiled cat litter tray to behave in this manner on your channel?
I just turned on to a repeat of the Vax carpet cleaner and caught him mid 'act' tap dancing and then he flung himself full length in a 'comedy fall' on the carpet.

I think he tries to get his 'act' in as much as possible and the things he's flogging are mere props at times.

He's a weirdo!
Is this the same bloke who repeatedly tells us he has aches and pains, and all sorts of "problems", yet who can fling himself to the floor in his "hilarious" (what?) acting routine? I use the word "acting" loosely, of course. I can only imagine he's trying to get himself lined up for "Strictly Come Dancing", but they'll have to rename it "Not only" first, or perhaps "Pratfall" would be better. Or just skip the "fall" bit....

I just turned on to a repeat of the Vax carpet cleaner and caught him mid 'act' tap dancing and then he flung himself full length in a 'comedy fall' on the carpet.

I think he tries to get his 'act' in as much as possible and the things he's flogging are mere props at times.

He's a weirdo!
Is this the same bloke who repeatedly tells us he has aches and pains, and all sorts of "problems", yet who can fling himself to the floor in his "hilarious" (what?) acting routine? I use the word "acting" loosely, of course. I can only imagine he's trying to get himself lined up for "Strictly Come Dancing", but they'll have to rename it "Not only" first, or perhaps "Pratfall" would be better. Or just skip the "fall" bit....

Yep, what a conman eh?
Maybe he has aches and pains BECAUSE he is an old man who flings himself around like he is a 12 year old gymnast.

In many ways it fits his act together like pieces of a puzzle.
Maybe he has aches and pains BECAUSE he is an old man who flings himself around like he is a 12 year old gymnast.

In many ways it fits his act together like pieces of a puzzle.

Well he doesn't say he has aches and pains because he's been in a BBC production where he's had to do a lot of comedy falls

He alludes to his aches and pains being due to getting on a bit and having a host of problems like brittle bones etc. If he had brittle bones, comedy falls aren't really the thing to be doing.......
If he's making up these 'conditions' for the sympathy vote, then he's sick. It's bad enough for people who genuinely have to cope with problems such as this, without some prat using them as a selling aid. Still, perhaps karma will get him, if so.

Well he doesn't say he has aches and pains because he's been in a BBC production where he's had to do a lot of comedy falls

He alludes to his aches and pains being due to getting on a bit and having a host of problems like brittle bones etc. If he had brittle bones, comedy falls aren't really the thing to be doing.......
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Well he doesn't say he has aches and pains because he's been in a BBC production where he's had to do a lot of comedy falls

He alludes to his aches and pains being due to getting on a bit and having a host of problems like brittle bones etc. If he had brittle bones, comedy falls aren't really the thing to be doing.......

I'm not saying he isn't a ******** lol.

Just he probably does have legitimate aches and pains.. all of his own making/enhancing.

In truth he has put himself in a situation where he feels there is an expectation on him to behave a certain way and he is going to deliver on that if it kills him. Like a boxer that has had one too many fights etc.
If he's making up these 'conditions' for the sympathy vote, then he's sick. It's bad enough for people who genuinely have to cope with problems such as this, without some prat using them as a selling aid. Still, perhaps karma will get him, if so.

I think it's more that he picks and chooses when to bring up these symptoms..... and definitely exaggerates them.
On the principle of knowing when he's lying, because his lips are moving, I think we can safely use the same criteria here....

I think it's more that he picks and chooses when to bring up these symptoms..... and definitely exaggerates them.

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