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Sep 12, 2011
According to Gill Gauntlet Qvc viewers have requested that Poo -Pourri be put into boxes so they can be given as gifts,how charming to receive this.:mysmilie_51:
Imo Jill Gauntlet spouts the biggest load of rubbish to sell her crap wares, her house must look like the pound shop.I expect her guests will know what to expect as table gifts christmas day lol. She is yet another one that I use my mute button on.
It would be OK to give a a secret Santa gift to get a laugh at work but as a serious present no way.
I wonder if the Poo-Pourri has replaced the ever quirky named "It happens" were the "it" is obviously sh(it)....oh how hilarious, almost hilarious as giving someone this as a "gift" as you all laugh around the dining table as the receivers of said "gift" can use it when the sprouts have kicked in.

I would never give this as a Christmas present, I mean, how would you ever explain the reason why?
I wouldn't give it as a present, but it's brilliant stuff. I got mine very cheaply from Groupon thanks to Boffy.
Imo Jill Gauntlet spouts the biggest load of rubbish to sell her crap wares, her house must look like the pound shop.I expect her guests will know what to expect as table gifts christmas day lol. She is yet another one that I use my mute button on.
When it's given as a table gift lets just hope people don't think it's the salt and pepper.....
I wouldn't give it as a present, but it's brilliant stuff. I got mine very cheaply from Groupon thanks to Boffy.

oh well done you x i love it. want the larger ones for the house and maybe a couple of gifts to daughters for thier homes. e bay are good too
everyone has smelly poo i think its a great idea.

I do think you need to know the person well enough to give it as a gift though. No point mortally offending people - there are still plenty out there who would be mortified at the reference to bodily functions taking place...
It's not the product that I find offending it's the idea of putting it in a pretty box and giving it as a present. What a lovely table gift (not)
You`d have to know the recipient very well if you wanted to give this as a gift. Some folks might think you`re implying that their house smells. A bit like giving someone a tin of Glade air freshener.
As a secret Santa you might get away with it and it would probably be seen as a joke. BUT if the best present someone could think of for me was a set of Poo Pourri then I think I`d need to find friends with a bit more imagination. Not everybody watches QVC and there`d be some people out there who wouldn`t have a clue what its for, why it`s been bought for them and was it from a job lot in the pound shop.
What next will they think of as a gift? Wrap up a pack of toilet rolls? I'm tempted to say cut the c$ap, but in the interests of decorum, I will refrain!

I wonder if the Poo-Pourri has replaced the ever quirky named "It happens" were the "it" is obviously sh(it)....oh how hilarious, almost hilarious as giving someone this as a "gift" as you all laugh around the dining table as the receivers of said "gift" can use it when the sprouts have kicked in.

I would never give this as a Christmas present, I mean, how would you ever explain the reason why?
I would never buy this.If a member of my family bought some and had spare and asked if I'd like to try it as a good product then fine maybe.If it was bought as a present I would tell them to keep it.Have no problem at all with bodily functions,but it's nothing to do with anyone else.
What next will they think of as a gift? Wrap up a pack of toilet rolls? I'm tempted to say cut the c$ap, but in the interests of decorum, I will refrain!

I think the next big thing will be Gill "giz a job QVC" Gauntlet telling you to wrap a box of Tena lady, just incase the other bodily function slips out, or even better, slot them in one of those Giftmate bags and put them under the tree, they'll also make great "secret Santa" prezzies.
Just a wee tip that doesn't cost a fortune - pour a couple of drops of Zoflora (59p a bottle) down the loo and be transported to a beautiful English country garden. :flower: There's lots of different fragrances and it really does work.
I wouldn't be surprised. Anything seems to be fair game to get that last bit of b****y gifting cash opportunity. Some things are just not appropriate in my opinion.

Quote from shopperholic
"I think the next big thing will be Gill "giz a job QVC" Gauntlet telling you to wrap a box of Tena lady, just incase the other bodily function slips out, or even better, slot them in one of those Giftmate bags and put them under the tree, they'll also make great "secret Santa" prezzies."
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