Judith Williams The Private WebChat On BTY


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Jun 24, 2008
Not sure how many saw this on the official QVC FB page earlier in the week?

But Judith popped on and announced she was doing a webchat on BTY(the Debbie Flint private group), this upset loads of people many saying they will never buy from her range again. Well if the thousands of QVC customers not allowed on the group and were not good enough to talk to her, why should they buy her products? Some of it is still rumbling on.

Then to add insult to injury, DF then went on BTY and the Queens groups and made a statement that Judith had especially asked to have the webchat on her group. I mean what was DF suppose to do?? Perhaps tell Judith to shift her arse over to the official QVC page and talk to all her customers.:mysmilie_51:
It's beyond a joke now. QVC as usual abdicating all responsibility for how their customers are treated. They only see the TV as their communication medium, obviously.

I'm finding it easy not to be tempted at the moment. No new purchasing in January is a good start for me and my finances... behaviour like this will help.
All of these facebook groups, not just DF`s groups have a lot to answer for and appear to be run by power mad, attention seeking founders and admin. They seem to have lots of sycophantic members who even ask permission " is it ok if I post this or I`m sorry if this isn`t allowed so please just remove it and slap me down if it isn`t blah blah " or something equally pathetic when all they`re doing is posting a tsv, a heads up or commenting on something.
Then lo and behold, the group leader taps the poor sycophant on the shoulder and as if he is Royalty says " oh well I wouldn`t normally give permission but go on I`ll let you this time but I like to keep the page tidy and want all the attention for myself and get peeved if someone else takes it away from me blah blah ".
Healthy debate isn`t welcomed, they say it is but if 99 people on a thread all enjoying lively debate for and against certain presenters, or other groups or QVC and just one single person says oh well I thought this group didn`t talk about presenters. other QVC groups or anything negatively, suddenly 99 people have said something wrong on the strength of one complaint from a DF/QVC backside kisser and the threads are pulled. Then whenever people question that and rightly so, group leader always pulls his ace card of ssssh it`s upsetting me, I can`t cope and manipulates the members into actually apologising for being disgruntled at threads being pulled and poorly run admin who can`t recognise healthy debate when they see it and who kow tow to a minority.
Then of course there is the facebook fairy. Did you know it magically deletes threads, usually overnight ? Well the facebook fairy doesn`t fool all of the people, all of the time and many know or suspect, that posts are being removed by group leader but porkie pies are being told when it is denied.
So you see, DF has brought about a new breed of facebook groups, she`s started a fashion for self obsessed people, power mad with huge chips on their shoulders and it`s like watching chimpanzee playtime with Johnny Morris, frequently messy, often amusing, regularly pathetic and often ends in bedlam. A psychologist would have a field day !
At times people on here have complained about threads being moved or blocked but believe you me, this forum is run properly, debate is welcomed, honestly is allowed and very very little is ever censored. The admin do a great job and the members have the ability to agree to disagree ( most of the time ) and involvement is actively encouraged. Stay here folks, step away from the idiot run facebook groups, observe them if you must but if you value your blood pressure, then avoid like the plague !
Seems to me that people like Judith Williams or anyone selling on Q are not really privy to the politics of it all.When DF is sucking up to them like she does with Antthony and others ,they lap it up believing her sincere.To me her flattery comes across as fake.

Surely they should be looking to reach as wide an audience as possible ,not restricted to a few censored groups .It doesn't make sense for JW to ask to do a web chat on a restricted group unless she is worried about criticism .

I think they are pawns in DFs power games and probably don't even realise how they are being played. Q Needs to grow a spine and sort the situation out once and for all.
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What's all this about again? Constantly reading negativity about these, maybe too many and it causes confusion. It's only beauty chats, don't understand how some people are so precious and sensitive, nope, don't get it :mysmilie_51: :mysmilie_11:
What's all this about again? Constantly reading negativity about these, maybe too many and it causes confusion. It's only beauty chats, don't understand how some people are so precious and sensitive, nope, don't get it :mysmilie_51: :mysmilie_11:

Yep most of these groups are just glorified shopping lists.
My personal preference is for unmoderated groups, where people can say anything they like, and I belong to quite a few. I don't have or need a moderator sitting on my shoulder in real life, slapping down people who say something rude, and I don't need one online to decide what is or is not offensive to me. It always reminds me of kindergarten when I see threads being closed by moderators, like teacher telling us we're being naughty (no offence meant Sazza!). So what if people are getting wound up, or are swearing or yelling insults? Who cares? It's just sticks and stones. If I don't like it nobody is forcing me to be there. As an adult I can decide for myself whether to leave a thread or whether to continue taking part, and unmoderated groups give me that adult choice. I wouldn't last 5 minutes on one of DF's Stepford groups!
All this talk about DF seems a bit ridiculous to me. She's a Saleswoman on a shopping channel for goodness sake who cares what forum/Facebook or other social media site she is on. It seems to me some people follow her every move just to find fuel for their fire. For me there's more to life than watching every move made by a nobody.
I don't watch her every move far from it. I don't care about her face book groups .Im not even on face book let alone bother about web chats .Ive more important things to do with my time.I just chip into the discussion when I have an opinion about what Q is doing and she seems to have a lot of power there .Power to exclude people on a whim .
Not sure how many saw this on the official QVC FB page earlier in the week?

But Judith popped on and announced she was doing a webchat on BTY(the Debbie Flint private group), this upset loads of people many saying they will never buy from her range again. Well if the thousands of QVC customers not allowed on the group and were not good enough to talk to her, why should they buy her products? Some of it is still rumbling on.

Then to add insult to injury, DF then went on BTY and the Queens groups and made a statement that Judith had especially asked to have the webchat on her group. I mean what was DF suppose to do?? Perhaps tell Judith to shift her arse over to the official QVC page and talk to all her customers.:mysmilie_51:

Seriously? Folks get 'upset' over a selly telly person not 'talking' to them in cyperspace or whatever a facebook webchat is?
I don't do FB or Twitter, just aswell really because I don't think Debbie Flint would be interested in anything I've got to say, or the truth as I like to call it. I do see why the QVC customer would get annoyed over QVCs blatant favouritism towards her groups, the people who if they buy her books and leave good reviews then they'll be rewarded with web chats and sneaky TSVs. Me personally, I don't understand why anyone would want to stoke her ego, or be involved with any QVC groups, it's a shopping channel and they want your money, that's all they want.......nothing more, nothing less.
You`re missing nothing Shopper. Not just DF`s groups but others too. They`re like knitting circles, same old people spouting the same old stuff and paranoid if anybody starts a meaty conversation, then it`s panic stations, oh you can`t say this or don`t say that , let`s keep things " nice ". Gradually people stop posting, just have a look for tsv info and go off elsewhere and leave the knitting circle to their safe and bland chats.
Some of the fawning that goes on within the groups on FB is unreal, so extreme!

Catherine did a webchat on the Q FB page yesterday, DF thanked her for taking up the mantle, they fail to see that is not what people want, people want the brand ambassadors and the guest presenters on the chats, they want them coming on Q FB page to chat and give "heads up" on the page that belongs to the channel that they appear on, not a group that is not open to all and is not affiliated by QVC.
Some of the fawning that goes on within the groups on FB is unreal, so extreme!

Catherine did a webchat on the Q FB page yesterday, DF thanked her for taking up the mantle, they fail to see that is not what people want, people want the brand ambassadors and the guest presenters on the chats, they want them coming on Q FB page to chat and give "heads up" on the page that belongs to the channel that they appear on, not a group that is not open to all and is not affiliated by QVC.

Totally agree with you Sazza... plus I can't help seeing DF being both arrogant and patronising in thanking Catherine. The presenters job is to keep things flowing and make sure that the "calls to action" are made at the right time to keep the sales coming in. We want to know what to look forward to and be able to ask questions of the brands (and not the fawning baloney they read out from tweets on air - who cares if someone has a gazillion of a product... what does the product actually do? How do we use the product?).
The point is, a number of people who buy Judith's products would have loved to ask questions about use etc. But because the webchat was in a private group they are not allowed to join couldn't. Personally I have no interest in her products or webchats but do find it grossly unfair that all her customers are not given equal opportunity to ask questions.
In a nutshell some of these facebook group leaders and their admin seriously need to get over themselves. It`s all about egos, self importance and the price of bloody facecream, makeup, clothes or candles. Hardly important stuff eh ?
Plus some of the women who post on those groups are pathetic too. It took hundreds of years and many women fighting tooth and nail for us to be taken seriously and seen as individuals in our own right and then I see grown women acting all pathetic, apologising for asking questions or posting things and kow towing and it makes my blood boil.
Yesterday one group leader told a woman not to moan cos she`d asked about something, the next thing she actually apologised for asking !
Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn. They say social media is the way forward, well from what I`ve seen, its taking us backwards.
All those backside kissers on DF`s groups and other groups need to get a grip fgs.
All of these facebook groups, not just DF`s groups have a lot to answer for and appear to be run by power mad, attention seeking founders and admin. They seem to have lots of sycophantic members who even ask permission " is it ok if I post this or I`m sorry if this isn`t allowed so please just remove it and slap me down if it isn`t blah blah " or something equally pathetic when all they`re doing is posting a tsv, a heads up or commenting on something.
Then lo and behold, the group leader taps the poor sycophant on the shoulder and as if he is Royalty says " oh well I wouldn`t normally give permission but go on I`ll let you this time but I like to keep the page tidy and want all the attention for myself and get peeved if someone else takes it away from me blah blah ".
Healthy debate isn`t welcomed, they say it is but if 99 people on a thread all enjoying lively debate for and against certain presenters, or other groups or QVC and just one single person says oh well I thought this group didn`t talk about presenters. other QVC groups or anything negatively, suddenly 99 people have said something wrong on the strength of one complaint from a DF/QVC backside kisser and the threads are pulled. Then whenever people question that and rightly so, group leader always pulls his ace card of ssssh it`s upsetting me, I can`t cope and manipulates the members into actually apologising for being disgruntled at threads being pulled and poorly run admin who can`t recognise healthy debate when they see it and who kow tow to a minority.
Then of course there is the facebook fairy. Did you know it magically deletes threads, usually overnight ? Well the facebook fairy doesn`t fool all of the people, all of the time and many know or suspect, that posts are being removed by group leader but porkie pies are being told when it is denied.
So you see, DF has brought about a new breed of facebook groups, she`s started a fashion for self obsessed people, power mad with huge chips on their shoulders and it`s like watching chimpanzee playtime with Johnny Morris, frequently messy, often amusing, regularly pathetic and often ends in bedlam. A psychologist would have a field day !
At times people on here have complained about threads being moved or blocked but believe you me, this forum is run properly, debate is welcomed, honestly is allowed and very very little is ever censored. The admin do a great job and the members have the ability to agree to disagree ( most of the time ) and involvement is actively encouraged. Stay here folks, step away from the idiot run facebook groups, observe them if you must but if you value your blood pressure, then avoid like the plague !

I recall, as a BTY group member, commenting that posts on the page, were fawning, and was banned. I did nothing, imo, to warrant this, which is what annoyed me. I did not set out to upset admin, or any other members. I have mentioned this incident on here, so won't regurgitate it.
I honestly don't believe Debs banned me, or others. I feel admin (inc. the lady whose name rhymes with Karen) was behind it, feeling a misguided loyalty to the group. I agree, there are those who worship anything to do with QVC, and God forbid anyone should make a negative remark.
I watch very little QVC now, due to work, and my disinclination to purchase, when the prices are not even competitive. Quite honestly, I have enough going on in my life, plenty of issues of more severity, to worry about, than a shopping channel, and the way it conducts it's business, on social media.
I recall, as a BTY group member, commenting that posts on the page, were fawning, and was banned. I did nothing, imo, to warrant this, which is what annoyed me. I did not set out to upset admin, or any other members. I have mentioned this incident on here, so won't regurgitate it.
I honestly don't believe Debs banned me, or others. I feel admin (inc. the lady whose name rhymes with Karen) was behind it, feeling a misguided loyalty to the group. I agree, there are those who worship anything to do with QVC, and God forbid anyone should make a negative remark.
I watch very little QVC now, due to work, and my disinclination to purchase, when the prices are not even competitive. Quite honestly, I have enough going on in my life, plenty of issues of more severity, to worry about, than a shopping channel, and the way it conducts it's business, on social media.

But DF is admin on that group Louise...........................
But DF is admin on that group Louise...........................

And I've seen a lot of posts from ex-members of BTY who are in no doubt at all that it was DF who banned them because they had a mind of their own. Sharon doesn't make a move that isn't sanctioned by DF apparently. The ones who are graciously allowed to remain in the group are all nasty little Stepfords unquestioningly following their nasty leader. What I find extraordinary is that Q's customers are being treated appallingly and Q doesn't do anything about it.
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