Judith Williams The Private WebChat On BTY


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Would never join anything or buy anything DF related, she's so far up her own inflated backside, she could read her Fat Lady Slims book 35.0 or whatever edition/reprint she's up to and for the record Debbie Flint, words fail us too so you can ppppppppppp**s off.
I'm amazed that someone who writes with such a poor command of punctuation can manage to pen a work of fiction. I doubt the Booker Prize nomination will be forthcoming.

Her stuff is drivel but it's probably still ghostwritten... I can barely make sense of anything she says.
I bet she's lovin all the publicity she gets on here. It must give her a real sense of worth that so many people are interested in her every move. Can't see the point of it all really if you don't like her why keep going on about her.
I bet she feels better now... she has got that little sermon off her chest lol. Bless her, we can all rest easy now we know how DF feel about her estranged qvc customers. :mysmilie_17:
I bet she's lovin all the publicity she gets on here. It must give her a real sense of worth that so many people are interested in her every move. Can't see the point of it all really if you don't like her why keep going on about her.

How can people who aren't part of her social media circus possibly be interested in her every move? People don't like what she does or says as a shopping tv presenter and are only commenting, because that's all they are comments, on a shopping tv forum. People do have the ability to comment on things or people they don't like without having any feelings attached, and to be honest, if these comments do give her delusions of grandeur then she's got a serious problem, she'd be better off turning them into something positive unless of course she is just a horrible person, which I suspect she is.
I don't watch anything Debbie is selling as I think she has a bit of an ego problem (to put it mildly) and I don't like the way she has treated some forumites. I don't particularly hate the woman, but then I don't particularly hate anyone. I have never thought about joining her group and probably wouldn't read her blogs.
I have just read the comments she made regarding her wonderful February as shared above, and what she thinks of QVC customers who are not privvy to glorified web chats on her extra special BTY group, aka SME (Stroke My Ego). My personal feeling are utter disdain for QVC's marketing people who have allowed THEIR paid guests and brands to promote THEIR paid employee rather than the QVC brand as a whole - unbelievable that an organisation in this day and age of social media would allow their customers to be alienated in this way.
My feeling is that I won't be buying from any brands that decide to bypass the paying QVC customer to cosy up with a chosen few. QVC has made a choice to allow this disgraceful state of affairs and I can choose how to spend my hard earned cash.
Oh, and I can choose to discuss it on this forum too.
Firstly I do hope someone screen shots this and sends it although part of me feels that she actually comes on here herself to read it.

Good grief the ego of the woman knows no bounds. She is obviously very, very unintelligent as she completely missed the point of the original post! I do feel she needs to get a life and if she was a truly happy and secure person she would not attack others and particularly the QVC customers that keep her in business so to speak.

The only reason I am up at this time of the morning is that I am facing homelessness - not my fault - dodgy landlord and lack of suitable housing etc etc so actually (if truth be told) I am glad that woman posted her comment on facebook as it has given me such a laugh at her ego!

I do hope things are better for you WS.
Like back to the 50s boarding house windows, No Dogs, No Blacks and No Irish. Only the right sycophants are allowed in

How true. Debbie Flint is an awful woman. I buy nothing from QVC when she's on - even if it's something I want. She's so up her own a**e it's hard to believe.

I also hope you get your home situation sorted WS. Having been there myself more than once I know the desolation it causes. Sending only good things your way x.

Some misguided DF lover has now posted DF`s speech on QVC`s main facebook page. Either to stir the pot again and rake up the webchat issues once more or because she loves her leader SO much that she wants the rest of QVC`s followers to read the mantra. What DF has to say for herself is sod all to do with the rest of us who simply don`t care and if something had been cut and paste from anywhere else, it would be deleted by now.
To be honest these groupies from DF`s groups, QUncovered, QVC brand groups and any other related group, are sicker than their supposed leaders and God knows they`re bad enough.
Here we go again (yawn).............(1) people can write what they wish, whether you see the point of it or not - it's called a forum. (2) how do you know it gives her "a real sense of worth" or that she's "lovin all the publicity", for that matter? (3) You may be "interested in her every move", but on what grounds do you assume "so many people" on here are? Sorry to disappoint, but making a comment does not qualify as being "interested in her every move", so don't make assumptions (4) if you like her, stick up for her by all means - it's called being entitled to an opinion, and the same applies to everyone else on here. :mysmilie_845::mysmilie_845:
I bet she's lovin all the publicity she gets on here. It must give her a real sense of worth that so many people are interested in her every move. Can't see the point of it all really if you don't like her why keep going on about her.
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Here we go again (yawn).............(1) people can write what they wish, whether you see the point of it or not - it's called a forum. (2) how do you know it gives her "a real sense of worth" or that she's "lovin all the publicity", for that matter? (3) You may be "interested in her every move", but on what grounds do you assume "so many people" on here are? Sorry to disappoint, but making a comment does not qualify as being "interested in her every move", so don't make assumptions (4) if you like her, stick up for her by all means - it's called being entitled to an opinion, and the same applies to everyone else on here. :mysmilie_845::mysmilie_845:

Well said H. It's funny you can tell the people who are part of her social media circus it stands out a mile and you're absolutely right, the people who wish to defend DF should allow others the same curtesy to dislike her. DF has done and said some horrible things, and if QVC won't hold her accountable doesn't mean people on a shopping tv forum can't.
Ps note to self - and remember, 'so what, if you dont have a valentine on valentine's day. Some don't have a mother on mothers day or a father on fathers day. Get over yourself! LOL '

How crass a comment is that considering that Q are in full gifting for Mother's Day mode. I don't think the many many Q viewers who have lost their mother would take it kindly being told to get over yourself.

Apart from that I didn't understand a blinking word of the post, can she not write in proper English, for goodness sake she is a 50+ very high IQ "author" not a spotty teenager who sees the world in text/twatter speak.

The only thing I can say Del Boy is Get Over Yourself - you are a jumped up barrow boy on selly telly.
thanks, shopperholic. Yes, isn't it hilarious that people who so often boast of being free to speak their minds don't accord the same courtesy to others? But of course it's a case of "you're entitled to your opinion - so long as it coincides with mine!". Ah well, another recruit (just noticed - make that 'recruits'!!) for the DF Sycophants Club, perhaps?
Well said H. It's funny you can tell the people who are part of her social media circus it stands out a mile and you're absolutely right, the people who wish to defend DF should allow others the same curtesy to dislike her. DF has done and said some horrible things, and if QVC won't hold her accountable doesn't mean people on a shopping tv forum can't.
No feeling about DF at all as I don't know her. I can't find any mention in my post saying forum members
are not entitled to their opinion so please don't twist my words to suit you. Just can't s e the point in all this twaddle about a sales woman.
Er, I quote:- "I bet she's lovin all the publicity she gets on here. It must give her a real sense of worth that so many people are interested in her every move. Can't see the point of it all really if you don't like her why keep going on about her". And I might turn the same comment about "twisting my words to suit you" right back at you, with more justification, methinks, considering the content of your post. I rest my case, Your Honour..:giggle:.

QUOTE=Bettyboo;840335]No feeling about DF at all as I don't know her. I can't find any mention in my post saying forum members
are not entitled to their opinion
so please don't twist my words to suit you. Just can't s e the point in all this twaddle about a sales woman.[/QUOTE]
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Ps note to self - and remember, 'so what, if you dont have a valentine on valentine's day. Some don't have a mother on mothers day or a father on fathers day. Get over yourself! LOL '

How crass a comment is that considering that Q are in full gifting for Mother's Day mode. I don't think the many many Q viewers who have lost their mother would take it kindly being told to get over yourself.

Without in any way wishing to support a word that comes out of the woman's mouth, in the interest of fairness I have to say that I don't think she's talking to people who've lost their mothers. She says "note to self", so I believe she's telling herself to "Get over yourself" for feeling sorry for herself for being single on Valentine's day when others don't have parents on parents' days.
Without in any way wishing to support a word that comes out of the woman's mouth, in the interest of fairness I have to say that I don't think she's talking to people who've lost their mothers. She says "note to self", so I believe she's telling herself to "Get over yourself" for feeling sorry for herself for being single on Valentine's day when others don't have parents on parents' days.

It wasn't the way I read it but then I didn't understand most of the post eg who or what is a chnandler bong'
Would never join anything or buy anything DF related, she's so far up her own inflated backside, she could read her Fat Lady Slims book 35.0 or whatever edition/reprint she's up to and for the record Debbie Flint, words fail us too so you can ppppppppppp**s off.

Actually, "words fail me" was my comment about her rude monologue.
It wasn't the way I read it but then I didn't understand most of the post eg who or what is a chnandler bong'

The lead actor in The End of Longing is Matthew Perry, who played the character Chandler Bing in the tv series "Friends". Was never a "Friends" fan myself (I love "Frasier" from that era), but have heard of Chandler Bing. The play has been savaged by the critics.

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