Has my lightbulb moment arrived?


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I am off to Spain on the 11th & wish you all a peaceful relaxing Christmas (or whatever you enjoy!) and looking forward to 2016 we will continue to watch Q & comment! maybe buy, maybe not.Thanks for the laughs of 2015! SFXXXX
Yes my cousin has had breast cancer, ovarian cancer and she had a hysterectomy then contracted cancer were her womb had been and last week her hubby rang me as she now has tumours on her brain. She once told me that they had always saved and not spent unnecessarily and now wonders wether it was any use.

So sad to hear this my thoughts are with your cousin bless her lady Madonna x
May, so sorry for your neighbours, and for you, too, it must have been a terrible shock. You are so right in what you say - life really is too short to beat yourself up. Yes, we all have things we regret - wouldn't be human otherwise - but it's a lesson that we should be kind to ourselves, we are fallible. not perfect, and should enjoy life while we can. When you hear something like this, it makes you think how cruel life can seem, especially to the nice people. Seems nothing ever happens to life's rotten bu$$ers, does it?

Ladies and gents ...I am not going to justify things or make life difficult for everybody who realises there Light bulb moment ....but something really pulled me up yesterday .....a neighbours (who is a lovely fella) wife has been diagnosed with incurable advanced cancer ....she might not live this weekend Bless her ...I've shed a few tears ( so upset for them and brings up memories ) ...this neighbour is feeling suicidle bless him ( just gotten over cancer himself ) ( that made me cry too when I heard) ...he has 200,000 in the bank ...at the the age of 70 something ..his wife is really suffering , they haven't really travelled etc .....yes we all have moments when we think crikey what I have done? ....please don't chastise yourself for too long ....life is fragile ..you enjoyed the moment ..you haven't committed a terrible crime ...it really made me think of my priorities and try to stop thinking of things that drag me down ...live and love and enjoy ...try not to regret for too long.....:mysmilie_848::mysmilie_852::mysmilie_492:.
Thinking of you and your neighbours, May, and sending positive thoughts and hugs. Keep hoping.
Hi lovelies ......just to let you know I have not had any news as yet ....you've all been so kind ...just wanted you to know x
Lovely post, and so, so true. Thanks, shopper.

You're right May life is extremely short and fragile, when we hear of someone with the big "C" it smacks us in the face that we're not going to live forever. I think we all know someone that's had the "C" (I don't like saying it) or suffered ourselves and question what have we done with our lives, we've probably all done at least one act of kindness, so in my opinion that's what we've done, and that changes the world a tiny bit each time. My legacy is my beautiful children and grandchild (hopefully there are more to come) they're good people so that's what I've contributed to the world.......... so when we beat ourselves up that we haven't done much with our lives, remember that act of kindness and know that that's not true.
May, so sorry for your neighbours, and for you, too, it must have been a terrible shock. You are so right in what you say - life really is too short to beat yourself up. Yes, we all have things we regret - wouldn't be human otherwise - but it's a lesson that we should be kind to ourselves, we are fallible. not perfect, and should enjoy life while we can. When you hear something like this, it makes you think how cruel life can seem, especially to the nice people. Seems nothing ever happens to life's rotten bu$$ers, does it?

That's so true H, I always say that about the rotten bu$$ers.
Yes my cousin has had breast cancer, ovarian cancer and she had a hysterectomy then contracted cancer were her womb had been and last week her hubby rang me as she now has tumours on her brain. She once told me that they had always saved and not spent unnecessarily and now wonders wether it was any use.
Blimey, Lady M, your cousin has been through the mill and back and through again! What a terrible situation. In the face of awful, life-disrupting situations, some of the "sensible" decisions we take as our lives go on suddenly seem silly. It doesn't mean they are, as they are taken for the right reasons at the time. I hope your cousin has the time and chance to spend some of that carefully saved money and enjoy some precious time with her husband and her friends and family. My heart goes out to her and her husband, and you too.
Blimey, Lady M, your cousin has been through the mill and back and through again! What a terrible situation. In the face of awful, life-disrupting situations, some of the "sensible" decisions we take as our lives go on suddenly seem silly. It doesn't mean they are, as they are taken for the right reasons at the time. I hope your cousin has the time and chance to spend some of that carefully saved money and enjoy some precious time with her husband and her friends and family. My heart goes out to her and her husband, and you too.

Thank you MML, not sure how she keeps going there is nothing on her. She has just had her Chemo and the next is due on 23rd December if they think it is doing her any good otherwise don't know what will happen. She lost both her parents to cancer 35 years ago. Thank you for your kind thoughts,xxx
I am not very good with finding the right words to say when I read the sad news that many of you are facing. What can I say that will make it better? Nothing. But my heart sinks with sadness and I am choked when I read the posts. My thoughts are with each one of you x
I too am rubbish at saying the right thing when people are swamped with illness and bad things in their lives. Please don't take my silence as uncaring if I don't post.

I am in fact just editing this post to say that my mum lost her husband very suddenly when he was just in his 50's. They had just moved to their "retirement" home, new hobbies, new beginnings, world trips to plan and then there she was, left with all their money and no husband. Maybe we just shouldn't wait. Make "one day" today.

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You are not rubbish ...just find the words difficult that is all xx ....it's not easy and I feel so sad at the stories .. ..life is precious and this thread has been very moving to say the least xxxxi want to live for the moment as much as I can ...I realised this 14 years ago and my neighbours heartache has reminded me again. ( as it has many of us unfortunately )
Live for today.......... spend it or don't spend it. Pointless spending on stuff that's not needed but it could be used to splash out something like afternoon tea at the Ritz. As long as you don't get into debt you can do what you want and don't need to feel guilty.
At the end of the day maybe it's better to look back and regret some of the things you've done as opposed to regretting the things you never got around to.
My thoughts and prayers are with all those who are experiencing tough times and having health issues.
Strato, how right you are. Maybe we should all make a "I'm going to do xxxx next year" and see if we do it. It can be anything, however small. Making up with someone you haven't spoken to for years, tidy the shed, go on a cruise, move house, find love or anything. I'll probably have quite a long list!


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