L'Occitane TSV - 28/09/13


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What exactly do the bonne mere soaps smell like? The name "good mother" suggests that it is a mild baby type soap maybe a bit like the shea. I think my mother used "mauvaise mere," a type of carbolic! Actually we didn't! We used a soap called Lemon Zest in the 80s Lithuania and then Pears soap when we came to England.
What exactly do the bonne mere soaps smell like? The name "good mother" suggests that it is a mild baby type soap maybe a bit like the shea. I think my mother used "mauvaise mere," a type of carbolic! Actually we didn't! We used a soap called Lemon Zest in the 80s Lithuania and then Pears soap when we came to England.

bonne mere soaps don't have shea butter and are a softer soap than shea. still triple milled but shea would crack and bonne mere will dent if dropped. lovely everyday soaps
Interesting! I might get one next time I'm in Debenhams and give it a try. I love soap! I could collect all different soaps. I used to buy loads of soaps from TK Maxx untl I realised I had too many and gave them away as gifts and used them up. At one point I had about 100 bars! Then Dove launched a shea soap so I had to get that, then Sainsburys launched their imitation of it, so I got that to compare them!
Interesting! I might get one next time I'm in Debenhams and give it a try. I love soap! I could collect all different soaps. I used to buy loads of soaps from TK Maxx untl I realised I had too many and gave them away as gifts and used them up. At one point I had about 100 bars! Then Dove launched a shea soap so I had to get that, then Sainsburys launched their imitation of it, so I got that to compare them!

roger and gallet have gorgeous soaps Julius. they last longer than l'occitane and they last a good while. for me a good soap is made from vegetable oils and a good scent. shower gels don't leave me feeling that clean oddly. prefer a quality bar of soap
Thanks Boffy I might try those when I see them. So long as they don't contain animal fats or any nasties. I've justs realised I seem to have a bit of a soap obsessions. When I go back to Lithuania and I go to the market (Kalvariju Turgus) I always see lots of amazing soaps! I remember lemon Zest soap from the 80s! Loved it. Then there was another called Shield which was vile! It had green streaks running through. Hate Imperial Leather. I like Dove but was a bit angry with them as I recorded some voice-overs for their TV and radio campaigns and then they decided not to use them :( They said I wasn't warm enough. I mean, there was only so much I could enthuse about their soap!
roger and gallet have gorgeous soaps Julius. they last longer than l'occitane and they last a good while. for me a good soap is made from vegetable oils and a good scent. shower gels don't leave me feeling that clean oddly. prefer a quality bar of soap
l'occitane used to have many variants. fig, vanilla bourbon, verbena, rose, clementine, lavender, milk, almond all in the shea butter range. bonne mere is now honey,milk,lavender,verbena,rose and cant think of the last one. I really loved their olive/lavender soap very very nice
l'occitane used to have many variants. fig, vanilla bourbon, verbena, rose, clementine, lavender, milk, almond all in the shea butter range. bonne mere is now honey,milk,lavender,verbena,rose and cant think of the last one. I really loved their olive/lavender soap very very nice


i was in M&S today & noticed they sell R&G & other presteejus brands! :giggle:
Julius, don't forget you can always put soaps in your undies/sock drawer, loosely wrapped so the perfume can escape.
Yes, I think that's a great idea. I have shoved a load of shea soaps in already and noticed that they have perfumed my socks very subtly. I am impressed!
I like to sort out my soap collection whilst listening to soul choons. At the moment I really like this classic song from Terence Trent D'Arby from the 80s! It's really great. Give it a listen!


Julius, don't forget you can always put soaps in your undies/sock drawer, loosely wrapped so the perfume can escape.

i was in M&S today & noticed they sell R&G & other presteejus brands! :giggle:

linden blossom beautiful. the soap is not that pretty but it is beautifully fragranced. I wonder if the roger and gallet fig is as good as jo Malone. fig is nice if done well
I can't imagine what fig smells like. Oooh I used to love those fig roll things that my nan used to buy. Thhey were like a sausage roll looking slight flat king of pastry thing with a fig paste in the middle. They were delicious with a cup of tea! Mmmmm I might make a trip down to Asda as I've just developed a nostalgic craving for them. Linden is nice. We used to have those Linden trees outside my university and we could smell the fragrance when playing frisbee in the field.
linden blossom beautiful. the soap is not that pretty but it is beautifully fragranced. I wonder if the roger and gallet fig is as good as jo Malone. fig is nice if done well
I was disappointed with my Loccitaine soaps, they dried up and cracked so the one left ( I had got a box set) are shoved in with my undies.
I was in Marseille last week, there were lots of soap shops and they were wonderful, it was like being in a sweetie shop. I ended up buying 7 gorgeous natural soaps without any nasties in them for under €4 euros each . I saw all the boats going off to the Calanques which was one of the scents locci did but in all our wandering around we didn't spot one locci shop.i have checked the store locator and they are there just not easy to find if you are just wandering around. There are far more noticeable ones there. To be honest I am glad I didn't find them, I enjoyed the experience of the other soap shops.
Shame you didn't bring back any soaps for me :( I must keep an eye out from some nice olive / lavender soaps. I'm going to Hammersmith tomorrow so will take a look in TK Mxx there. Upstairs they usually have lots of soaps! One soap I do like is Holland and Barrett's own brand Herbal Authority tea tree soap. It's very subtle and creamy!


I was disappointed with my Loccitaine soaps, they dried up and cracked so the one left ( I had got a box set) are shoved in with my undies.
I was in Marseille last week, there were lots of soap shops and they were wonderful, it was like being in a sweetie shop. I ended up buying 7 gorgeous natural soaps without any nasties in them for under €4 euros each . I saw all the boats going off to the Calanques which was one of the scents locci did but in all our wandering around we didn't spot one locci shop.i have checked the store locator and they are there just not easy to find if you are just wandering around. There are far more noticeable ones there. To be honest I am glad I didn't find them, I enjoyed the experience of the other soap shops.
Jacobs Fig Rolls, very famous Irish brand. The ad used ask how they put the fig in the fig roll. They make other sponge like cakes/biscuits. Mikado or Mac a dos as a friends mum used to call them, can't remember the names of the other ones.

Janey M&S had 20% off all brands they sold in beauty the other week. Including Philip Kingsley, Leighton and R&G.
I can't imagine what fig smells like. Oooh I used to love those fig roll things that my nan used to buy. Thhey were like a sausage roll looking slight flat king of pastry thing with a fig paste in the middle. They were delicious with a cup of tea! Mmmmm I might make a trip down to Asda as I've just developed a nostalgic craving for them. Linden is nice. We used to have those Linden trees outside my university and we could smell the fragrance when playing frisbee in the field.

Jacobs Fig Rolls, very famous Irish brand. The ad used ask how they put the fig in the fig roll. They make other sponge like cakes/biscuits. Mikado or Mac a dos as a friends mum used to call them, can't remember the names of the other ones.

fig rolls and undies :giggle: (sorry its friday)

I remember when L'Occitane used to do a Fig shower cream, it was in a TSV & someone on here asked what it smelt like and the reply was......wet nappy!

It did though! lol

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