Peter Simon


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Oct 8, 2011
I know he doesn't like us talking about it but does anyone know what was wrong with Peter last year?

Its been great to see him back to his old self this weekend having lots of fun, Its like the old days, now they just need to keep it up (Looks to other camera)

Also Peter's living arrangements have intrigued me for years but tonight he said I would be difficult to live with and then said about our Bet who is his soulmate and thanks for putting up with me or words to that effect, He also said about taking out a loan for new windows and now his house being compulse purchased for HS2 which Charlie thought was hilarious so Peter said can you just take your glasses off for a minute so I can poke you in the eye

Then at the end of the sell he got serious and said he had lived there for 30 odd years and wants to die there so he will be putting up a fight
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I have to say I have absolutley no Idea with him M, he confuses me totally when I'm flicking thru & see him on. Sometimes he says he lives alone but then must forget what he's said prior as when doing a home item he continually refers to his personal life as "we". "We really love this matress topper..." So who knows??
Sad to hear about his house stuff tho. I know he does dreadful sales pitches on numerous occasions but wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Save your sympathy guys, this man is a pro who knows exactly what he's doing. As someone rather perceptively pointed out he dosen't get tongue tied during his monologues does he?

I wouldn't believe much of what he says. It would be easy to consider that he uses his 'illness' to sell worry angels to the vulnerable which if true is as insidious as it gets.

I know of people who often used to see him in the gay village in Manchester, nothing wrong with that of course but I would be surprised if he was straight. I don't care eitherway, it's his sales tactics that bother me, nothing more.
Very ture, fair point Wirral :nod: We've all met scary people who can put on a mask instantly, praps this is his "bid perfoamance" one.
I think he is harmless though, he might be a bit of an exagerator, but we all now that and to take what he says with a pinch of salt. I heard him say when he was doing the halogen over that I think it was, Wayne who cooked the dinner, so maybe thats the first clue, maybe he lives with a guy or one of the many women he talks about, although I thought all the owmn he mentions were fictitous and there just for him to make stories about. Either way, like I say he is pretty harmless, unless your someone who takes all his sales pitch at face value and spend all your pension, otherwise he is harmless and quite entertaining. He makes a change from some of the drab, goody two shoes on the others chopping channels.

Id tend to think its more likely he lives with this wayne he mentioned who cooked the gammon for their dinner although he often says ladies names too. Maybe they are all fictitious and he lives alone with maybe a cleaner. Anyway, whatever his home situation, I quite like him.
I think he is harmless though, he might be a bit of an exagerator, but we all now that and to take what he says with a pinch of salt. I heard him say when he was doing the halogen over that I think it was, Wayne who cooked the dinner, so maybe thats the first clue, maybe he lives with a guy or one of the many women he talks about, although I thought all the owmn he mentions were fictitous and there just for him to make stories about. Either way, like I say he is pretty harmless, unless your someone who takes all his sales pitch at face value and spend all your pension, otherwise he is harmless and quite entertaining. He makes a change from some of the drab, goody two shoes on the others chopping channels.

Id tend to think its more likely he lives with this wayne he mentioned who cooked the gammon for their dinner although he often says ladies names too. Maybe they are all fictitious and he lives alone with maybe a cleaner. Anyway, whatever his home situation, I quite like him.

The trouble is Tristar is when you exaggerate the value of crap, gold plated tanzanite rings and rip off people to the cost of hundreds of pounds over the true value it ends being harmless.

It's anything but harmless, it's bloody horrible, The valuations people got on Facebook confirm that although Bid deleted all the posts, I wonder why?

with respect please wake up and smell the coffee (or the halogen oven if you prefer)

Peter Simon is well aware of what he is doing. It was amazing how he managed to keep mentioning the free p + p on saturday night when all other times he slurs the severunnnn ninetyyyyy nienene out as quick as possible.

He is almost certainly the channels best seller and that is not by chance.
I know he doesn't like us talking about it but does anyone know what was wrong with Peter last year?

Its been great to see him back to his old self this weekend having lots of fun, Its like the old days, now they just need to keep it up (Looks to other camera)

Also Peter's living arrangements have intrigued me for years but tonight he said I would be difficult to live with and then said about our Bet who is his soulmate and thanks for putting up with me or words to that effect, He also said about taking out a loan for new windows and now his house being compulse purchased for HS2 which Charlie thought was hilarious so Peter said can you just take your glasses off for a minute so I can poke you in the eye

Then at the end of the sell he got serious and said he had lived there for 30 odd years and wants to die there so he will be putting up a fight

I've heard him say that he had Septicemia and Pneumonia. He looks so much better now and I'm glad about that.

His living arrangements are confusing but then he is confusing in a lot of ways. He can't seem to say anything that is complete and make a whole story so you can fathom it out. That goes for his sales pitches too :rolleyes: Although, saying that, I seem to have a clear impression of our Bet who is apparently a big lass and he delights in telling us her cup size at every opportunity :dull:
Peter Simon - harmelss... dont make me laugh.... i dont believe a word he says, he will say absolutely anything for a sale, and thats what makes him
so bloody watchable in my opinion. Just when you thought you've heard it all he comes out with something else quite unbelieveable like a couple of
weekends ago he said about the Thomas Kinkade crappy print ' I WANT TO SEE THIS IMAGE IN THE LAST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE'. i nearly fell of my
chair ha ha. what a thing to say. Dont be fooled by his waffle, he knows exactly what he's doing..
and if our Bet really does exist she must be so proud of Peter telling everyone every week about her corns, bunions, wind problems, cup size etc etc.
for me he's gotta be the most watchable presenter on there.
I think he uses a lot of artistic license during his presentations, it then again, this is TV and its supposed to be watchable which means entertaining by its very nature.
I think he uses a lot of artistic license during his presentations, it then again, this is TV and its supposed to be watchable which means entertaining by its very nature.

Bid is a business that sells products, not an entertainment channel.

If I'm going to part with my cash, I want an accurate product description and know exactly what my total spend will be before I decide to buy.

I don't want some "hilarious" pack of lies and omissions. And as a business Bid has a duty to the consumer to be open and honest with them.

Again ILB, I'm intrigued by your persistence that Bid can do no wrong. Your egg cooker must be astounding :smirk:
Irritating, false little nonentity that Peter Simon is, I wouldn't wish ill health on anyone. He and I are of a similar age and these days, I sit on the side of the bed in the morning and wait to see which part of me is creaking the most:grin: Back in your 20's and 30's you take good health for granted not realizing that as you get older it takes that little bit longer to bounce back as you get older.
In a nut shell;

Peter was taken ill
Transferred to Holby City where he only had hours to live
Worry Angel from his home was transported on the back of a ambulance carrying a heart
It is said that Thomas Kinkade visited him in 'spirit' on Peter's deathbed
Thomas kinkade portrait was hanging in the hospital room (sheer coincidence or bermuda triangle?)
Gayford visited with a tiger from the African plains which devoured Peter's sandwiches
It is mentioned that Sally Jaxx visited on several occasions and she was so loud this limited the usual 5 visitors to a bed to 1 (for the whole hospital)
The baby unit at the hospital now uses a Yonanas machine for baby food (because that's what it looks and tastes like).
Nicola George visited with a Gener8 steam cleaner and sanitised the whole hospital (which subsequently saved Peter's life).
Because the hospital saved Peter's life..... Sit-up management donated 20,000 Dr. Cringles slippers to all patients + £7.99 x postage 20,000 times

The End.
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OK so Peter Simon has the angel garden ornament things for sale tonight
What's the betting it'll be totally cringeworthy, sentimental, nauseating claptrap :giggle:
It's the beginning of his shift and I'm already feeling queasy and he's only selling roses!
He's waffling on about St Valentine healing a dying child and being put to death.................oh dear Peter, St Valentine's day is now nothing more than a commercial venture to make as much money as possible......................gotta go coz I'm gonna throw up now :puke:
god knows what he's on about tonight, he said something like 'christianity did not exsist during roman times'
Oh no, it's getting worse, he's selling socks now and giving completely wrong information.
He mentioned athletes foot and said it causes gout.......wrong!
he then talked about putting vaseline on athletes foot..........noooooo very wrong!

He's got a massager thing again later too.........anyone catch his last massager performance?!!
I think I have to go to bed now, it's all too much for me!
god knows what he's on about tonight, he said something like 'christianity did not exsist during roman times'

I have no idea what all that tosh was about earwig, it was excruciating, it was only a rose!
and yes, he did mention something about Christianity not existing then!!
I saw the last massager sale he was very funny, He's making me laugh again with this 1

I also find it funny how the assistant doesn't get what Peter is saying most of the time so just smiles madly at the camera
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Did anyone see the bit where he was selling the hand gel dispenser and he said it'll help with the recent food scares? Erm, how does that get rid of all the horse meat exactly?

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