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I would not have said anything at all if Alexis was in her 20 s, after all Julia has a son and daughter in their twenties(her son might even be thirty, I don't know)Of course you are right, Julia can be her mother if she had her when she was 19 yrs old.
I think that people feel good when positive and encouraging comments are made about them and it is nice always to make others feel is an ability that we humans have and it does not cost anything.
I think in that one tweet, you might have made Julia feel old and her self moral might have been dampened. I try to think how I would feel if I happened to be that person.
I don't mind people pointing out things to me if that is said to improve my behaviour, mannerism or looks. Julia can change her weight, her hair style, her make-up and her mannerisms , but not her age.
I admit that the dress she wore was not suitable around her middle, but she has good legs.
Kathy wears very short dresses and Alison Keenan wears very short dresses...........short dresses don't suit Kathy who is 52 yrs old but no one has said anything about that. Alison is in her 50s.
When Julia said the dress was French connection and then 'I'm honest', it did make me realise how much they are not the 'department store' with great fashion they make themselves out to be. How many times have they repeated how some dress they stock (like the recent Tiana B tsv) is perfect for evening or dressing up, but they can't even get their own presenters to stay in QVC ranges.
If you went around saying Teet in or teet out, you would arrested in London
No hon it wasn't bad at all it's quite complimentary actually, so ignore all the pathetic angst from JR's adoring fanclub. How-ever, it's quite clear Piggy doesn't give a toss what's said about her anyway because in her own eyes she's perfect and obviously thinks she can wear whatever she likes and look good in everything however awful she may look.Gees what a hornets nests...ok to clarify the tweet I sent was as follows : wow great TSV,you both look stunning,like mum and daughter even I dont think that is that bad!!!!
Round here it would be 'isth'eatin in cock?'
Here in Wigan or Wiggin as the locals say, it would be gie us a buttered barm luv and chuck a meat and tatie pastie on it, oh and i`ll have a brew too.
.....and again, in London you'd be explaining yourself to the boys in blue for that....
That has to be an acquired taste :thinking:My sides are still aching from yesterday!
Don’t know if this still applies but when camping in Canada years ago, if the weather was bad we used to get taken to McDonalds for breakfast (sooner have had the pie butty!). The Egg McMuffins were served with a small pot of strawberry jam supposed to be added to the delicacy - I'm guessing it probably improved it!
I stuck to the pancakes with maple syrup - caused too much controversy if you asked for lemon and sugar! I bet Yorko has them with Philly and crisps lol!
When our hosts cooked breakfast there was always fried eggs served on toast that had been spread with strawberry jam. I have to say this wasn't as bad as it sounds but it's not a recipe I bought home with me. I like sweet things with savoury, but there are limits!
I've a friend that eats Egg, Mayo and Marmite (mashed together) sandwiches - I like all the ingredients but it is a truly awful combination! (IMO?)
That has to be an acquired taste :thinking:
I think I can stand a egg mayo and marmite sarnie:happy: