I've just had 'the phone call'!!!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Aug 27, 2008
Looks like QVC have gone all technological and are now giving people 'the phone call' instead of 'the letter'!!!

The bloke has just this minute phoned me (at lunch time on a Sunday of all times) and asked if he could speak to me about the amount of returns I have had. I asked if they were now doing a phone call instead of the letter but he kind of breezed over that.

He told me that QVC's accepted return rate is 50% but mine is 57% so what was the reason for this. I told him that if QVC advertised items properly then I would not be disappointed with my purchases and feel the need to return them!

I also told him that I hadn't bought anything from QVC for around 2 months now and wouldn't be buying anything from them in the future so he could basically do whatever he liked with my account! He told me he would send a letter detailing what we had spoken about and giving his contact details in case I need to speak to him in future!!!

To be honest I just laughed at him, I couldn't really give a flying fig at the moment. It'll save me a fortune in postage and return costs!!!

I've just phoned customer services and asked them to cancel my account but I need to send it in writing so I'm off to do that now.

So much for the no quibble money back guarantee, obviously it's only no quibble if you only send back 50% of the items you are disappointed with!

Good for you run-forest-run. What a cheek though to phone Sunday lunchtime !!!
unbelievable! how can they keep getting away with calling it "no quibbble" when they're on air???!!!???.....

I too am expecting "the letter" or "the 'phone call" as I must be bordeline....although haven't ordered anything for ages....

Good for you run-forest-run. What a cheek though to phone Sunday lunchtime !!!

That's exactly what I thought Tabatha, although don't get me wrong, I'm about to go to work on back shift but how were they to know I wasn't up to my eyeballs in a family sunday lunch?!

I haven't bought anything for ages and hardly ever watch now either. On occasion I have flicked over or logged onto the website and have been tempted but have stuck to my guns and not bought it.

In the current economic climate the amount of money I was spending on p&p and then postage to return items was getting to the point of ridiculous.

It's quite liberating tbh, even if I really, really wanted something now I wouldn't buy it out of principle so my bank balance will stay healthy!

Their loss, my gain!!:rock:
unbelievable! how can they keep getting away with calling it "no quibbble" when they're on air???!!!???.....

I too am expecting "the letter" or "the 'phone call" as I must be bordeline....although haven't ordered anything for ages....

Same as me, haven't ordered anything or returned anything for about 2 or 3 months so I can't work out what has triggered the call :call: today.

Obviously they are 'watching us'!!!!!:thinking2:
Bloody disgusting that! No quibble, should mean exactly that...No quibble! and if somebody sends back 100% of what they've ordered, then so be it. I feel only under very exceptional circumstances should they contact a customer re their returns, and even then I can't think why they should as they blatantly tell us...try it for 30 days, whether it be skincare, bedlinen, perfume and if you're not entirely happy send it back...Ok, perhaps an item that's completely used up might be taking the pi$$ a bit (a lot, actually!), but if they don't want to end up with loads of stock that cannot be re-sold at all, or has to be put in their outlet store, then they should alter their policy!

If you wrote a general letter back to them explaining your displeasure about being contacted by phone, or receiving "The letter", you'll sure as hell know they won't even deign to reply, it always makes me titter when the odd negative t-caller slips through onto the air, they must HATE that, but boy those occassions are priceless!

Anyway, good on you for saying your piece,and at the end of the day, it's their loss, not yours!
That's shocking! no quibble should mean no quibble!

They also rave about their wonderful customer service when in reality it's wubbish!

Angela x
Exactly Merry, I have been a customer with them since the very first days! To be honest I wouldn't like to think about how much I have spent with them over the years, it will be thousands (OMG).

I may have returned over their set return rate but everything has always been sent back in exactly the same condition it was sent out in. I do not use things and then return them (with the exception of new skin care items and I only return those if they aren't suitable for my sensitive skin).

Anyway, off to work now to compose my letter to them!!!!
Flippin' 'eck. The letter is bad enough, but to start bothering people on the phone is an outrageous affront, embarrassment and disturbance to customers! Other than that I don't really care - lol xxxx
Well, I expect it's only a matter of time before they get round to me as I seem to have sent a few things back recently, usually through disappointment. I could understand it if they were getting lots of returns on a particular range but they've got the returns slips in the parcels. If they read them, they know why we're sending things back. So much for "the customer is always right". If they stopped selling some carp stuff masquerading as quality must-haves, they might get fewer returns.
I've taken my phone number off my Account details so if they want to contact me it'll have to be by letter or email.

The last thing I need is someone from QVC contacting me on a Sunday!!
Maybe we should all invest in a product I saw them selling late last night. it is a machine you plug into your telephone that allows you to block all unwelcome, unsolicited calls, that would serve them right LOL!!! Play them at thier own game!!!!!!
Maybe we should all invest in a product I saw them selling late last night. it is a machine you plug into your telephone that allows you to block all unwelcome, unsolicited calls, that would serve them right LOL!!! Play them at thier own game!!!!!!

hahahahaha.....great idea Slave to Fashion !!:giggle:
Exactly Merry, I have been a customer with them since the very first days! To be honest I wouldn't like to think about how much I have spent with them over the years, it will be thousands (OMG).

I may have returned over their set return rate but everything has always been sent back in exactly the same condition it was sent out in. I do not use things and then return them (with the exception of new skin care items and I only return those if they aren't suitable for my sensitive skin).

Anyway, off to work now to compose my letter to them!!!!

I send way more than 50% back and usually cos they either mislead people with their descriptions or the products faulty. I think they have a damn cheek.

An idea for you might be to Twitter your disgust on the QVC twitter page. Some of the presenters like Claudia, Pippa, Catherine and Anthony seem to be addicted to it they will easily spot your unhappiness. Gluck!
how on earth can qvc justify this ridiculous ridiculous policy?!! even if they did not bang on about the 30 day money back guarantee at least once every 60 seconds, they:

1. make a fortune in postage costs - just sending the item out in the first place AND this does not include a free return (unless it is faulty) so they are never losing out that way

2. most of the special offers are not as exclusive as they try to suggest...whether it be one-time-onlys that are repeated the following week or reduced on the internet or introductory prices that come in marginally under the tsv and let's not even get onto summer surprises and all the other daft gimmicks

3. they exaggerate and over sell so all too often you have NO IDEA what you are getting until you receive it in real life....naturally, the chasm between their sales pitch and the the buyer's idea is all too often impossible to bridge and so it is only fair that the product is returned for a refund

4. they resell the products sent back as fast as they can get them out of the door, rarely (perhaps never?) even spending a cost of time and labour to check the product so it is hardly a loss to them

5. how are you supposed to tell whether you like a fragrance or a colour until you have tried it on your own skin?!! sure, you may not be able to return a lipstick to your local boots...but they don't tend to sell it without you trying the colour on with a tester or something either!!!

6. despite their wonderful claims...there are not that many retailers now that won't let you return something within a reasonable amount of time...and most online retailers offer this service with either free returns and/or free replacement....qvc do neither.
Each purchase is individual. Any programme aired at any time of day or night BRAGS over and over again that you should try the item - get it home - use it in your own surroundings etc etc etc etc etc and if not satisfied return within 30 days. If you do not mean this, QVC, do not harp on about it.

...and please describe your items truthfully and fully. That might avoid a good percentage of returns for you.
I got The Phone Call over a year ago. It hasn't changed my habits at all, except to shop elsewhere than QVC. It's nuts - they get goods back pretty much by return if don't like them; they are always in prefect, resellable condition; I have never returned anything used unless it broke. I can't see I abuse their MBG at all.
I've only recently discovered the existance of the "letter" so I'm quite shocked that they telephone customers at home re-returns. Not so customer friendly!:devil:
Might be worth sending a copy of the letter to Advertising Standards & Trading Standards.

I think there needs to be a clamp down on their ' On Air Statements' or they need to honour what they say without 'harassesing people'.

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