Anyone gone for the Urban rebounder?


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Has anyone gone for the Urban rebounder item 432225. I thought it look great on the demo earlier and this evening , so I have ordered it to go with my many pieces of exercise equipment. cant wait for it!!! It looks good as it comes with 6 workouts.:D I love my fitness.
Obviously not LOl. Anyway I have and I am looking forward to it arriving.
Hi Dazzler, I have had a look at the video and it does indeed look like a great fun workout. But I would have no room for it at home (not all of us are lucky enough to have our own gym room! LOL) but I could see myself enjoying that. Let us know how you find it!
Hi Dazzler, I have had a look at the video and it does indeed look like a great fun workout. But I would have no room for it at home (not all of us are lucky enough to have our own gym room! LOL) but I could see myself enjoying that. Let us know how you find it!

Thanks Sillysausage will do- it does look fun!:D I think they said it will fold up .
well well dazzler , good for you i know you love your fittness like i do so much , and why not thats what we do aint it , so good on yu for getting that , fittnes is our life and thats what we enjoy and its that alright that keeps us looking blimin good , yu cant beat it can yu , karina xxxxxx

Exactly MUQ!!! you certainly cant beat it its addictive!:D
Hi Dazzler - I tried to get on to thank you last night, but I was not recognised by the forum, I think this looks great, and on the urban rebounder website it is £120.....I am in the process of convincing my DH that the ijoy ride, orbitrek, 2 pilates machines and a nordic ski are all a bit lonely and need an urban rebounder to keep them company:D
I do use them all, obviously not all together.
Let us know how you get on please.
Hi Jan

I certainly will. It looked fun, cant wait for it to arrive. I will let you know if it is good xxx
I forgot to say that on the urban rebounder website it looks like the £120 is for the rebounder only and you have to buy the DVDs separately as Forbes said yesterday which makes it even better value.:)
Thanks Jan the QVC price is good then because you get 6 45 minute workouts. It makes so much differance when you get DVDs with it xxxx
ohhh jan well done. Let me know when your's comes too. What i like is that there is no impact. My knees are a bit sore today as I ran on the treadmill for a hour.
Will do. I like the low impact too - I have tried running so many times, but I always injure my knees and have to stop. I also like the fact that it is small (trying to store a nordic ski is no easy task!) and when I was researching, NASA have done a study which says that rebounding burns 68% more calories than jogging....whhoooohhhhoooo (incidentely we need a smiley for that, maybe a pumping arm a la Raphael Nadal!)
That's what I thought! I'm a bit worried that the surface area is a bit small and I may get carried away and bounce off, but apparently the DVDs teach you to put the emphasis on the down bit rather than the jumping up bit (if that makes sense...not!) I think it means that you try hard to minimise the bouncing. We'll know soon enough - I hope it comes soon. This is the downside of ordering - the waiting!
I think if you dont bounce up and down to much like Kathy Taylor did on the demo we will be ok. It had some good exercises for the abs as well using the bar.
Let me know how you get on with it if yours comes before mine.
Thanks D. It's the tummy stuff that I am hoping will work. I definately have a pooch, and my children are too old now for me to blame it on post pregnancy - I think it's too many pies:)
well The personal trainer lady said it was definately for the lower tummy area, and it will shift it, so good luck with that xxxx Love Dazzler! xxx

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